Characterization, genome analysis and genetic tractability studies of a new nanocellulose producing Komagataeibacter intermedius isolate

dc.contributorAalto Universityen
dc.contributor.authorCannazza, Pietroen_US
dc.contributor.authorRissanen, Antti J.en_US
dc.contributor.authorSarlin, Essien_US
dc.contributor.authorGuizelini, Dievalen_US
dc.contributor.authorMinardi, Carlottaen_US
dc.contributor.authorLosoi, Paulien_US
dc.contributor.authorMolinari, Francescoen_US
dc.contributor.authorRomano, Diegoen_US
dc.contributor.authorMangayil, Rahulen_US
dc.contributor.departmentDepartment of Bioproducts and Biosystemsen
dc.contributor.groupauthorBiomolecular Materialsen
dc.contributor.organizationUniversity of Milanen_US
dc.contributor.organizationTampere Universityen_US
dc.contributor.organizationUniversidade Federal do Paranáen_US
dc.descriptionFunding Information: R.M., A.J.R., and D.R. thanks Academy of Finland (Project No’s. 323214 and 346983), Kone Foundation (Project No. 201803224) and Fondazione Cariplo (2020–1070), respectively, for supporting this study. R.M. would like to thank Mr. Rohith Krishnan for providing the Kombucha SCOBY. Open access funding provided by Tampere University, Finland.
dc.description.abstractBacterial nanocellulose (BC) is a highly versatile biopolymer currently pursued as a material of choice in varied themes of biomedical and material science research fields. With the aim to extend the biotechnological applications, the genetic tractability of the BC producers within the Komagataeibacter genus and its potential as an alternative host chassis in synthetic biology have been extensively studied. However, such studies have been largely focused on the model Komagataeibacter spp. Here, we present a novel K. intermedius strain capable of utilizing glucose, and glycerol sources for biomass and BC synthesis. Genome assembly identified one bacterial cellulose synthetase (bcs) operon containing the complete gene set encoding the BC biogenesis machinery (bcsI) and three additional copies (bcsII–IV). Investigations on the genetic tractability confirmed plasmid transformation, propagation of vectors with pBBR1 and p15A origin of replications and constitutive and inducible induction of recombinant protein in K. intermedius ENS15. This study provides the first report on the genetic tractability of K. intermedius, serving as starting point towards future genetic engineering of this strain.en
dc.description.versionPeer revieweden
dc.identifier.citationCannazza, P, Rissanen, A J, Sarlin, E, Guizelini, D, Minardi, C, Losoi, P, Molinari, F, Romano, D & Mangayil, R 2022, ' Characterization, genome analysis and genetic tractability studies of a new nanocellulose producing Komagataeibacter intermedius isolate ', Scientific Reports, vol. 12, no. 1, 20520 .
dc.identifier.otherPURE UUID: 8fa4868e-1489-4c14-b0b7-6dcd74564753en_US
dc.identifier.otherPURE ITEMURL:
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dc.publisherNature Publishing Group
dc.relation.ispartofseriesScientific Reportsen
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVolume 12, issue 1en
dc.titleCharacterization, genome analysis and genetic tractability studies of a new nanocellulose producing Komagataeibacter intermedius isolateen
dc.typeA1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessäfi
