Part-time marketers serving internal customers full-time: do they matter? Case: the IT account managers of Aalto University Foundation

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School of Business | Master's thesis
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Degree programme

Corporate Communication







Objective of this study This study contributes to the topic of value co-creation in a higher education context from the relationship marketing perspective. By exploring the relationships, networks and interactions within one specific case and in a unique context, a tiny step towards a more general marketing theory based on the service-dominant logic of marketing is taken. The contribution of the thesis lies in achieving a more profound understanding of the nature of value co-creation and its practices as well as of customer relationship management. The thesis serves as a practical application of a theoretical thought. Methodology and Analytical framework The research was conducted as a qualitative single case study. Case study format was chosen because of its ability to tackle complex problems. The empirical data for the study consists of eight semi-structured interviews and some organizational documentation. A few of the data gathering methods were designed solely for the purpose of this case study. The theoretical framework draws on the theories of customer relationship management (CRM), relationship marketing and service-dominant logic. Analytical framework was compiled from the relationship marketing and S-D logic literature that resonated with the case best. Findings and Conclusions S-D logic of marketing framework has a potential to suit all markets and all actors alike. Customer relationship management and relationship marketing practices facilitate the value co-creation also in non-profit organizations. Relationships, interaction and networks are core variables in value creation.


Thesis advisor

Moisander, Johanna


service-dominant logic of marketing, relationship marketing, CRM, value co-creation, customer relationship management

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