Rotordynamic Investigation of Roll Bouncing Phenomenon in Two-Drum Winder
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Mechanisms and Machine Science ; Volume 147
In paper manufacturing, the vibration caused by roll bouncing is one of the factors limiting the productivity of a two-drum winder. As paper roll rotational speed intersects with natural frequencies of the winder system during the winding cycle, resonance occurs leading to roll bouncing and high vibration levels. To help understand the phenomenon, a simulation model of a two-drum winder is investigated. The model includes the unbalance, changing rotational speed and increasing paper roll diameter. The model is based on finite-element method, including the rotordynamic effects. An example winder geometry is used to demonstrate the simulation capabilities using modal and forced response analysis. The results indicate that the model is capable of capturing the roll bouncing problem and agrees qualitatively with previous research. The model can be used to improve winder designs and therefore increase their productivity.Description
Publisher Copyright: © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023.
Paper industry, Roll bouncing, Rotordynamics, Two-drum winder
Other note
Rytömaa, S, Laine, S & Viitala, R 2023, Rotordynamic Investigation of Roll Bouncing Phenomenon in Two-Drum Winder . in M Okada (ed.), Advances in Mechanism and Machine Science - Proceedings of the 16th IFToMM World Congress 2023—Volume 1 . Mechanisms and Machine Science, vol. 147, Springer, pp. 885-894, International Federation of Theory of Machines and Mechanisms World Congress, Tokyo, Japan, 05/11/2023 .