Current Control for Synchronous Motor Drives: Direct Discrete-Time Pole-Placement Design
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IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications
This paper deals with discrete-time models and current control methods for synchronous motors with a magnetically salient rotor structure, such as interior permanent-magnet synchronous motors and synchronous reluctance motors (SyRMs). The dynamic performance of current controllers based on the continuous-time motor model is limited, particularly if the ratio of the sampling frequency to the fundamental frequency is low. An exact closed-form hold-equivalent discrete motor model is derived. The zero-order hold of the stator-voltage input is modeled in stationary coordinates, where it physically is. An analytical discretetime pole-placement design method for two-degrees-of-freedom proportional–integral current control is proposed. The proposed method is easy to apply: only the desired closed-loop bandwidth and the three motor parameters (R_s,L_d,L_q) are required. The robustness of the proposed current control design against parameter errors is analyzed. Thecontroller is experimentally verified usinga 6.7-kW SyRM drive.Description
Current control, delay, discrete-time model, interior permanent-magnet synchronous motor, saliency, synchronous reluctance motor, zero-order hold
Other note
Hinkkanen, Marko & Awan, Hafiz & Qu, Zengcai & Tuovinen, Toni & Briz, Fernando. 2015. Current Control for Synchronous Motor Drives: Direct Discrete-Time Pole-Placement Design. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications. 12. ISSN 0093-9994 (printed). DOI: 10.1109/tia.2015.2495288.