The role of social identity in green consumer behavior

dc.contributorAalto Universityen
dc.contributor.advisorCharles, Mirjaliisa
dc.contributor.authorTaavitsainen, Senni
dc.contributor.departmentMikkelin kampusfi
dc.contributor.schoolSchool of Businessen
dc.description.abstractObjectives The main objectives of this study were to contribute to limited literature regarding factors that contribute to green consumer behavior in younger-aged consumers from a social identity perspective. This study also aimed to contribute to methods to help bridge an existing attitude-behavior gap that exists within green consumer behavior. The results of this study add to the knowledge and understanding of the influence of social identity in consumer behavior and how to more effectively encourage green consumer behavior. Summary One-on-one interviews were conducted to divulge a deeper understanding of consumer perspectives about the influence of peers on green consumption. The sample for the interviews was divided among two location groups: young consumers in California, USA and young consumers in Finland. The focus of this study was on three elements that result from social identity: social group norms, social learning, and susceptibility to peer comparison. These elements were all considered within the context of green consumer behavior and their individual and combined role in promoting it. Conclusions The findings of the study convey that social identity is a strong influencer of green consumer behavior. Overwhelmingly, the participants of the interviews indicated some level of pressure from their social group to perform green consumption. The basis for this influence appeared to stem from the establishment of social group norms surrounding green consumer behavior, which exerted either extrinsic or intrinsic motivations. As such, the existence of green group norms gave way to opportunities for social learning and peer comparison influence within green consumer behavior. These findings are particularly valuable in understanding what contributes to green consumer behavior and how to more effectively promote consumption in green business.en
dc.format.extent72 + 4
dc.programme(Mikkeli) Bachelor’s Program in International Businessen
dc.subject.keywordGreen consumer behavioren
dc.subject.keywordsocial identityen
dc.subject.keywordsocial normsen
dc.subject.keywordsocial learningen
dc.subject.keywordpeer comparisonen
dc.subject.keywordattitude-behavior gapen
dc.titleThe role of social identity in green consumer behavioren
dc.typeG1 Kandidaatintyöfi
dc.type.ontasotBachelor's thesisen


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