Calorimetric measurements of hyperfine interactions in some metals

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School of Science | Doctoral thesis (article-based) | Defence date: 1971-10-00
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Degree programme







Supervising professor

Picket, G. R.

Thesis advisor

Collan, H. K.


calorimetric investigation, nuclear heat capacity, calorimetric determination

Other note


  • [Publication 1]: "Calorimetric investigation of hyperfine interactions in metallic Ho and Tb", M. Krusius, A. C. Anderson, and B. Holmström, Phys. Rev. 177, 910 (1969)
  • [Publication 2]: "Calorimetric investigation of the hyperfine interactions in metallic Nd, Sm, and Dy", A. C. Anderson, B. Holmström, M. Krusius, and G. R. Pickett, Phys. Rev. 183, 546 (1969)
  • [Publication 3]: "Calorimetric investigation of hyperfine interactions in metallic Pr and Tm", B. Holmström, A. C. Anderson and M. Krusius, Phys. Rev. 188, 888 (1969)
  • [Publication 4]: " Nuclear heat capacity and nuclear cooling of metallic Pr", P. E. Gregers-Hansen, M. Krusius, G. R. Pickett, Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics, ed. E. Kanda (Keigaku Publishing Co., Tokyo 1971), p. 715
  • [Publication 5]: "Suppression of the nuclear heat capacity in bismuth metal by very slow spin-lattice relaxation and a new value for the electronic specific heat", H. K. Collan, M. Krusius, and G. R. Pickett, Phys. Rev. Letters 23, 11 (1969)
  • [Publication 6]: "Specific heat of antimony and bismuth between 0.03 and 0.8 K", H. K. Collan, M. Krusius and G. R. Pickett, Phys. Rev. B1, 2888 (1970)
  • [Publication 7]: "Calorimetric determination of the nuclear quadrupole interaction in arsenic", M. Krusius and G. R. Pickett, Solid State be published
  • [Publication 8]: "Quadrupole interactions in the semimetals, As, Sb, and Bi", H. K. Collan, P. E. Gregers-Hansen, M. Krusius, and G. R. Pickett, Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics, ed. E. Kanda, (Keigaku Publishing Co., Tokyo 1971), p. 537
  • [Publication 9]: "Sign of the nuclear quadrupole interaction in rhenium metal", P. E. Gregers-Hansen, M. Krusius, and G. R. Pickett, Phys. Rev. Letters 27, 38 (1971)
  • [Publication 10]: "A pulsed nuclear resonance thermometer with digital readout", M. I. Aalto, T. A. Heikkilä, M. Krusius, and G. R. Pickett, Supplement to the Bulletin of the International Institute of Refrigeration, Commission I Meeting, Tokyo 1970, p. 33.
