[report] Taiteiden ja suunnittelun korkeakoulu / ARTS

Permanent URI for this collectionhttps://aaltodoc.aalto.fi/handle/123456789/72


Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 20 of 115
  • Visualising Our Future - Designing the Public Realm Together
    (2024) Ahlava, Antti
    School of Arts, Design and Architecture | D4 Julkaistu kehittämis- tai tutkimusraportti tai -selvitys
    This book is a contribution to the research, design and development of the green transition through community retrofit, targeted especially for Finnish architecture offices, but can be useful for anybody involved with sustainable urbanism and architecture. The challenge in the green transition for architecture companies is that they have difficulties in operating in the new realm of objectives, where it is not enough to design aesthetic or purely functional artefacts, but also to support significantly higher environmental and societal goals through creative work and to facilitate evolutionary projects, where local networks develop designs that support sustainable, long-term life-cycle development. Many Finnish architecture companies have pre-conditional skills for this transition, but they need help in formulating, tuning and optimising their services in order to manoeuvre and grow their capacity in this future-facing role. This publication aims to help the architecture offices develop new sustainable business skills in a way where they should not jeopardise the widely recognised quality of Finnish architecture. The book aims to recognise and strengthen knowledge and skills especially in the Finnish architectural culture. Based on the Finnish context, the book discusses social innovation as business and hidden architectural information. We also introduce new methods and devices that can be used in any building or urban scale projects which advance sustainability: the method of qualitative evolutionary design, a digital tool for visualising future scenarios together, relationship-, activation- and value oriented service architecture approaches, as well as a scrutiny on digital media and video as tools for architecture offices which intend to advance and disseminate sustainable practices. The end of the book includes the reports of the project's stages.
  • Notations: Saari Residence Landscape Workbook
    (2024) Prokkola, Ella; Kunnaton, Eveliina; Lähde, Elisa
    School of Arts, Design and Architecture | D4 Julkaistu kehittämis- tai tutkimusraportti tai -selvitys
    The workbook is an experiment of practicing new vocabulary on landscape with the help of post-anthropocentric thinking. Drawing from the work of scholars working in the field of multispecies thinking, the workbook experiments discussing landscape with the language of living arts. The workbook is written in the framework of the research project Beyond Sustainability 2.0. run by the Landscape Laboratory of Aalto University in 2023-2026. The project aims to enhance understanding about the deep mutual connection that we humans have with the living world with the tools of landscape architecture. The workbook is a heterogeneous collection of experiments on cartography, illustration and landscape architectural graphics. The illustrations of the workbook answer the call of creating new cosmograms and representations of landscape. They are glimpses to the more-than-human processes of the landscape, encouraging residents to live with heightened attention to the more-than-human worlds present in Saari during their time of their residency. The drawings are experiments of repurposing landscape architects’ representational tools for revealing the multispecies entanglements of the landscape. The workbook invites the residents to be both an audience and participants in the more-than-human play, to observe, to play along, to perform with. The workbook unravels some of the entanglements present in the landscape, leaving further exploration for the users of the workbook.
  • Pass Over the Hills – Interplay of Cultures 2024
    (2024) Auer, Claudia; Fang, Zhengyi; Hollmén, Saija; Valkamo, Noora; Wang, Xiaoyuan; Wong, Wai In; Xia,Yang
    School of Arts, Design and Architecture | D4 Julkaistu kehittämis- tai tutkimusraportti tai -selvitys
    The Interplay of Cultures Studio is a master-level architectural course organised by the World in Transition Research Lab (WiTLAB) at Aalto University Department of Architecture, focusing on the thematic areas of global sustainability and cultural locality. Encompassing all scales of architectural design, the course aims to learn about the features of a foreign culture and to enhance understanding of the living environment and conditions of local communities. In 2024, Interplay of Cultures Studio travelled to Rwanda, to study local hospital facilities and develop an improvement plan for Nyamata Hospital, in collaboration with students and staff from the University of Rwanda. Supported by the Elsa Miller Foundation, the case of Nyamata Hospital facilitated mutual and shared knowledge creation between the institutions, intending to strengthen both practice-based and academic development, research capacity and research-based knowledge, for sustained societal impact.
    (2023) Hollmen, Saija; Koskinen, Anna; Lehtovuori, Panu; Niskanen, Taru; Sandman, Helena
    School of Arts, Design and Architecture | D4 Julkaistu kehittämis- tai tutkimusraportti tai -selvitys
    Since 1993, the Interplay of Cultures Studio course at the Aalto University’s Department of Architecture, has exposed architectural students to cultural contexts outside Europe, with the intention to learn about our cultural differences and similarities and enhance our understanding of indigenous cultures’ living environments and conditions. For most years, except for the pandemic years, while we did research on the Sámi cultures, this has meant travelling to countries such as Senegal, Benin, Cambodia, Philippines, Tanzania and Rwanda. The course focuses on sustainable design solutions and culturally sensitive architecture. A field trip has always been an integral part of the course setting. No distance or online teaching experience compares to the sensory exposure of reality, of “participating in the world”, influencing and being under the influence of other humans, of places with distinct identities, of smells, sounds and visual fireworks of life formerly unknown to us. Getting a cultural shock is part of the deal. In 2023, the course travelled to the Ashanti city of Kumasi in Ghana, to collaborate with the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), and the Ghanaian Building and Road Research Institute (BRRI) for three weeks. As always, the course included studies on local building traditions and materials and the local culture’s social, economic and climatic characteristics. Apart from developing the students’ value system and sense of responsibility, the aim is to provide the students with a wider perspective and understanding of the processes of architectural practice. The studio setting was composed to merge the 12 Aalto students with over 100 KNUST students, who were processing an urban survey in a designated central area of Kumasi City. Organising the collaboration during our field trip proved to be challenging to start with, due to the unequal size of the groups and different alignments in their assignments. Also, the background of the students played a role: Ghanaian students were operating on familiar ground, whereas the Aalto students did not have the same understanding of cultural concepts, and quickly started to fall behind the pace of collecting quantitative data with the larger group. Instead, the Aalto students directed their attention to understanding the city environment with all their senses in a qualitative manner. After the inspiring field trip, the studio work has given fruits in diverse projects crafted by the students in small groups, pairs, and individually. The students were granted the freedom to envision and design their projects, resulting in a collection that offers a captivating glimpse into life in Kumasi. Each project, in its own unique way, proposes sustainable architectural solutions that honour the city’s rich cultural heritage with utmost sensitivity.
  • Monitoiminnallinnen, vehreä Matinkylä: Alueellisen viherkerroinlaskennan tulokset
    (2023) Piirainen, Paula; Lähde, Elisa; Hautamäki, Ranja
    School of Arts, Design and Architecture | D4 Julkaistu kehittämis- tai tutkimusraportti tai -selvitys
  • How data can enhance circular economy of textiles. From knowledge and system understanding to actions
    (2023) Niinimäki, K.; Cura, K.; Heikkilä, P.; Järvinen, S.; Mäkelä, S.-M.; Orko, I.; Tuovila, H.
    School of Arts, Design and Architecture | D4 Julkaistu kehittämis- tai tutkimusraportti tai -selvitys
  • Circular Ecosystem's Blueprint: launch white paper (pocket version)
    (2022) Moreira, Natalia; Niinimäki, Kirsi
    School of Arts, Design and Architecture | D4 Julkaistu kehittämis- tai tutkimusraportti tai -selvitys
    Part of the third white paper of the series, this short booklet is part of the NEW COTTON PROJECT knowledge exchange series which aims to expose the reader to the project, its milestones, and the overall experience of implementing a circular ecosystem within the reality of the European textile industry. Brief in nature, this is a gateway into the project for those interested in learning more about the process behind our collections. For more information you can read the first two publications:Circular Economy and Fashion: a NEW COTTON PROJECT white paperCircular business models in the textile industry: the second NEW COTTON PROJECT white paper
    (2023) Moreira, Natalia; Niinimäki, Kirsi
    School of Arts, Design and Architecture | D4 Julkaistu kehittämis- tai tutkimusraportti tai -selvitys
    Focused on the industrial aspects of the New Cotton Project, this white paper is also the syllabus for the ‘Interactive ecosystem for circular textiles’ course1. Here we present the results and discoveries of the first 24 months of the project, using the examples as platforms for transforming the industry and enabling an easier transition towards circularity.Through a series of diagrams, we introduce the reader to the experience of expanding to a commercial scale the development of a new technique to create cotton-like fibres from used and discarded garments and textiles (post-consumer textile waste).This fourth white paper also presents the industrial collaboration and partnership embraced by the consortium partners in the project as well as in the development of the Interactive map course, which is composed of three flows:1. Material: illustrates the material journey within the New Cotton Project.2. Knowledge: visually assists the student with visual cues to the steps within the ecosystem.3. Ecosystemic: provides conclusive explanations of the interactions between the consortium members.
  • Repeämän kuvat: Dokumentaarinen elokuva ja hyvinvointivaltion murtumia
    (2023) Helke, Susanna; Viitanen, Essi; (eds.)
    School of Arts, Design and Architecture | D4 Julkaistu kehittämis- tai tutkimusraportti tai -selvitys
  • Tuntematon lähiömaisema: Leena Iisakkilan Matinmetsä
    (2022) Taipale, Aada; Hautamäki, Ranja
    School of Arts, Design and Architecture | D4 Julkaistu kehittämis- tai tutkimusraportti tai -selvitys
  • Transparency and traceability in the textile value chain
    (2022) Cura, Kirsti; Sheenam, Jain; Niinimäki, Kirsi
    School of Arts, Design and Architecture | D4 Julkaistu kehittämis- tai tutkimusraportti tai -selvitys
    A textile and apparel value chain is one of the most important customer commodity industries with long linear supply chains. They are considered to be among the most polluting industries globally (Niinimäki et al., 2020; Virta and Räisänen, 2021). The textiles sector contributes to 8–10% of global climate change (Quantis, 2018; UNFCCC, 2018). For example, garment manufacturing requires large amounts of water and energy in fibres and textile production. Pollution and vast land use are additional problems. Without proper treatment before discharge, wet processing wastewater contains harmful chemicals that can contaminate exhaust air, wastewater, and the fabric itself, causing severe ecological damage. Moreover, the overproduction and overconsumption of apparel products haveled to a massive load on landfills. All these reasons and more make it critical to understand,evaluate, and reform the functioning of this value chain with the help of new technologies and digitalisation.
  • Circular Business Models in the Textile Industry: the second New Cotton Project white paper
    (2022) Moreira, Natalia; Niinimäki, Kirsi
    School of Arts, Design and Architecture | D4 Julkaistu kehittämis- tai tutkimusraportti tai -selvitys
    Whilst researching the main circular business models available in the literature, the authors came across several approaches and categorisations of businesses, canvases, etc. This white paper was written with the intent of concisely explaining the main business models and canvases in a direct, thorough manner, providing our interpretations and, of course, practical examples for further understanding of their particularities. This white paper then divides the main business models into four categories: product and use-oriented, service and data-oriented, production-oriented, and result-oriented. It also presents three canvases: flourishing, circulab, and the circular business model tool. By doing so, we are assisting readers who might be interested in embracing circularity but are missing the know-how. The textile industry is at the core of our work and the examples presented here also include a re-collection of the first white paper in the series (Circular Economy in the Textile Industry). The examples can be found in more detail in the first publication, but they are contextualised here according to the corresponding business model. Finally, with the intention of promoting growth and the means to innovate, this white paper concludes by discussing the process of transitioning to circularity and analysing business from a value creation perspective. This is then followed by business models innovations: a review of the literature and guideline for measuring success.
  • Circular Economy and Fashion: a New Cotton Project white paper
    (2022) Moreira, Natalia; Niinimäki, Kirsi
    School of Arts, Design and Architecture | D4 Julkaistu kehittämis- tai tutkimusraportti tai -selvitys
    Circular Economy as a concept is a recent addition to the production-consumption system currently at place. This white paper was written as the first of a series of working publications focused on the proposal, implementation and acquired knowledge gathered during the development of the New Cotton Project: an European Union funded project which is part of the Horizon 2020 programme to incentivise circular solutions throughout the industry. This first publication highlights the main strategies, stakeholders, and difficulties in the creation of a circular ecosystem proposed around an innovative technology which produces new cellulosic fibres from textile waste, disrupting the textile industry’s unsustainable linear economy. This white paper will introduce the reader to the theory on circular economy, provide examples and peculiarities of circular textile practices and finally present the New Cotton Project and its collaboration to the body of knowledge within this field.
  • Monimuotoista integroitua asumista muistisairaille - Loppuraportti
    (2022) Verma, Ira (toim.); Arpiainen, Laura; Vladykina, Natalia
    School of Arts, Design and Architecture | D4 Julkaistu kehittämis- tai tutkimusraportti tai -selvitys
    Monimuotoista integroitua asumista muistisairaille -projekti, MonIA, on tutkimus- ja kehityshanke, jonka tavoitteena on ollut etsiä integroivia, monimuotoisia ja yhteisöllisiä asumisratkaisuja muistisairaille.  Aalto-yliopiston vetämän hankekonsortion yhteisenä tavoitteena on ollut monipuolistaa asumispalveluiden tarjontaa ja tukea muistisairaiden osallisuutta yhteiskunnassa. Keskeisiä ovat ratkaisut, jotka lisäävät omaehtoisen asumisen mahdollisuuksia, vähentävät tarvetta laitosasumiseen ja asukkaan muuttamista pois tutusta asuinympäristöstä toimintakyvyn heiketessä. Raportti esittelee hankeen tuloksena syntyneitä suunnittelu- ja ratkaisuehdotuksia kuntien, palvelutarjoajien, yritysten ja yksityisten ihmisten tarpeeseen.
  • Resurssiviisaaksi ihmislähtöisin keinoin -hankkeen sisällöllinen loppuraportti
    (2022) Lotta Harjula, Pekka Heikkinen, Johanna Hyrkäs, Tanja Pöyhönen
    D4 Julkaistu kehittämis- tai tutkimusraportti tai -selvitys
  • Arvioinnin äärellä - Lukion kuvataiteen arviointia ja lukiodiplomia kehittämässä KAARO-hankkeessa
    (2022) Henrika Ylirisku, Elina Härkönen & Jani Vepsä (toim.)
    School of Arts, Design and Architecture | D4 Julkaistu kehittämis- tai tutkimusraportti tai -selvitys
  • Nomadic Science Fiction: Experiencing Diversity and Alterity Through Urbanising Mongolia
    (2022) Wilenius, Annu
    School of Arts, Design and Architecture | D4 Julkaistu kehittämis- tai tutkimusraportti tai -selvitys
    Nomadic Science Fiction: Experiencing Diversity and Alterity through Urbanising Mongolia is my dissertation submitted as partial fulfilment of a doctoral degree for Aalto University, the doctoral work also including a production part. The dissertation has been conducted at Aalto University, Department of Art (Visual Culture) with the starting point in mind to experiment art and curating as research practices and travelling and narrative writing as ways of collecting and conveying ‘experience’. Nomadic Science Fiction is a project I have based on exhibition exchanges, travels, residencies and publications realised by visual artists, architects and curators between Western countries and Mongolia from 2005 to 2014. The main exhibitions were Mongolia: Perception and Utopia, 2008 (curated by Saara Hacklin, Pirkko Siitari and Annu Wilenius), Bare house. Pori-Rotterdam-Ulaanbaatar, 2010 (curated by Annu Wilenius) and Bare house. Ulaanbaatar, 2011 (curated by Annu Wilenius). In context with the exhibitions there were publications: Mongolia: Perception and Utopia, (edited by Saara Hacklin and Annu Wilenius), 2008, Bare house. Pori-Rotterdam Ulaanbaatar, (edited by Annu Wilenius), 2011, Bare house. Ulaanbaatar – At the Building Site (edited by Annu Wilenius), 2014. The exhibitions and publications are the production part of this doctoral work.There have been a number of articles – both within and about – this project. Some of the texts in this dissertation have been published before. The essays in the exhibition publications are separately indicated. Also the essay Nomadic Urbanism and Other Oxymorons to Learn from was published in a Viennese Libertine Magazine, 2010, and the article Neighbours and Gardens: Social and Environmental Change in the Ulaanbaatar Ger District of Bayanzurkh, written in collaboration with Melitta Kuglitsch was published in the conference publication The Great Wall – Architecture and Identity in China and Mongolia (Vienna Technical University, 2010). I call this research project nomadic science fiction because it has been travelling in space, time and intensity. I see it as science fiction because I believe science fiction to be trying to reach out to what seems impossible and then acting as if it were possible. The impossible may be the utmost adventure. This dissertation and the productions are my proposal for Aalto University for the Degree of Doctor of Art.
  • Interplay of Cultures Studio: Sámi. Contemplating Northern Indigenous Cultures in Present Global Challenges
    (2021) Larsson, Nathanael (ed.); Dalheimer, Franziska; del Marmol, Gaspard; Diémé, Kathleen; Excell, Astria; Hollmén, Saija; Hwang, Jinook; Jänkälä, Matti; Kaarlamo, Valtteri; Krohn, Akileia; Grayston, Maria Luice; Lecerf, Louise; Li, Xinyan; Lähdesmäki, Ida; Minkkinen, Petra; Mäkinen, Raisa; Nieminen, Sirena; Niskanen, Taru; Olaortua, Patricia; Pitkänen, Meeri; Romero, Katherine; Savela, Emma; Suomi, Maiju; Schineis, Moritz; Uusi-Kilponen, Iiris
    School of Arts, Design and Architecture | D4 Julkaistu kehittämis- tai tutkimusraportti tai -selvitys
    The land of the Sámi, called the Sápmi, spreads over the northern areas of Norway, Sweden, Finland and Russia. As the only indigenous people in Europe, the Sámi have lived a nomadic life pursuing their traditional livelihoods. These continuous traditions have allowed them to develop a balance with nature unlike any other contemporary people in Europe. When the Aalto WiTLAB Interplay of Cultures Studio embarked on an exploration of the Sámi culture in spring 2021, we were humbled to realize how little we knew of the people that had inhabited the northern areas of Finnish Lapland for over 3000 years, and how much there was to learn. The studio instructions allowed multiple approaches, scales and perspectives, which is manifested in the variety of the completed projects. They grew into a rich and complex multitude, reflecting the challenging condition of being a designer, an architect and a human being in face of a new cultural setting. This publication presents the projects of 22 students, reflecting questions such as “How would I even start designing something from my privileged position, or use cultural inspirations without being guilty of cultural appropriation? How much have I thought of knowing something, that I don’t actually know? Or that I’m not even aware of not knowing? And how do I deal with the painful notion that knowing is not understanding?”
  • Workplace Dynamics
    (2020) Kokkonen, Ville (editor); Holste, Markus (editor)
    School of Arts, Design and Architecture | D4 Julkaistu kehittämis- tai tutkimusraportti tai -selvitys
  • Action! -hanke Kyselyraportti täydennyskoulutustarpeista ja tasa-arvon toteutumisesta av-alalla
    (2020) Maskulin, Nina; Reinola, Kirsi
    School of Arts, Design and Architecture | D4 Julkaistu kehittämis- tai tutkimusraportti tai -selvitys
    The report summarises experiences of equality in the work-life in the Finnish audiovisual sector and maps the professionals' needs for further training. The objectives of the report firstly ascertain the experiences of equality and discrimination at work and map the ways to promote equality in employment and in public funding. Secondly, it takes alook at the need for further training among professionals in the audiovisual sector in Finland. The background to the study is in the EU-funded project Action! (2019-2022). It aims to promote female professionals' employment, to develop measures to remove obstacles, and to support employment in the audiovisual sector. The data was collected with an electric inquiry on Dec 2019-Jan 2020. Among the 80 respondents,four out of five were women. The data consists of background information and of open-ended,written answers to which the content was analyzed. The results show persistent experiences of discrimination in pay, gender, and age. The dominantwork culture in the audiovisual sector was described as segregating, which was accounted for poorskills in management and opacity in public funding. Together with the inequalities in pay, age, and gender, the patronizing network was mentionedas a determining factor in finding employment or funding. The respondents would solve theproblem by commitments to the openness in the recruitment and funding processes which promoteequality. They were affirmative in their profession, and improving skills. However, short periods of workcumulated in the answers when they evaluated their job satisfaction or career change as a resultof the attitudes against women professionals, overwork without pay, and discrimination in general.The gender pay gap has a societal, cultural, and economic impact. Moreover, inequality slows downthe development and international competitiveness in the national audiovisual sector. The lack ofconsistent data on the wages among men and women is a concern when assessing public fundingand its impacts on the matter. The commitments to equality policies and programs with follow-upand assessment of the outcomes are dependent on the decision-makers in the audiovisual sector. In return, it is reasonable to assume that the commitment to national legislation and internationalconventions on gender equality may improve the diversity of the professionals which strengthensthe Finnish audiovisual sector at large to meet the national and international challenges in the nearfuture.