[comp] Aalto-yliopisto / Aalto University

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Recent Submissions

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  • Yrjö Neuvo Jubilee Seminar - Education, research and innovations -- Predicting the unpredictable
    (2021) Neuvo, Yrjö & al.
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    This special seminar covered various topics in digitalization, mobile phone development, multidisciplinary research programs, education, and national and international science policy.
  • Aaltovaikutus
    (2019) Allinson, Matthew (kirjoittaja/toimittaja); Flowers, Andrew (kirjoittaja/toimittaja); Haikarainen, Paula (kirjoittaja/toimittaja); Hopiavaara, Riikka (kirjoittaja/toimittaja); Hölttä, Minna (kirjoittaja/toimittaja); Jurva, Katrina (kirjoittaja/toimittaja); Norjamäki, Niina (kirjoittaja/toimittaja); Ollikainen, Terhi (kirjoittaja/toimittaja); Rosin, Susanna (kirjoittaja/toimittaja); Seppälä, Helena (kirjoittaja/toimittaja); Särkisilta-Lundberg, Riitta (kirjoittaja/toimittaja); Tolonen, Annamari (kirjoittaja/toimittaja)
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  • Bit Bang 9: Entrepreneurship
    (2017) Neuvo, Yrjö (ed.); Ormala, Erkki (ed.); Kuikka, Meri (ed.)
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    This book is the 9th in the Bit Bang series of books produced as multidisciplinary teamwork exercises by doctoral students participating in the course Bit Bang 9: Entrepreneurship at Aalto University during the academic year 2016–2017. Working in teams, the students set out to answer questions related to entrepreneurship and to brainstorm radical scenarios of what the future could hold. This joint publication contains articles produced as teamwork assignments for the course.
  • Conferment of degrees 2016 - The 15th Ceremonial Conferment of Degrees of Aalto University School of Business on 19-21 May 2016
    (2017) Haimi, Piia (editor); Olkkonen, Sonja (editor)
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  • Ecosystem Dynamics in Industry Transformation (EDIT) - Projektin loppuraportti
    (2016) Pulkka, Lauri (toim.); Rajakallio, Karoliina; Pässilä, Pia; Paavola, Lauri; Pulkka, Lauri
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    EDIT-projektin tavoitteina oli ymmärtää digitalisaation aiheuttaman murroksen vaikutuksia eri toimijoille ja liiketoimintamalleille sekä kehittää uusia avauksia innovaatiopolitiikkaan. Projektissa keskityttiin kahteen yhteiskunnan kannalta keskeiseen sektoriin, joilla digitalisaatio on vasta aluillaan: kiinteistö- ja rakennusalaan sekä kaupan alaan. Tutkimus toteutettiin Aalto-yliopiston Insinööritieteiden ja Kauppakorkeakoulun yhteistyönä ja Tekesin tuella 1/2014–12/2015. Tämä julkaisu on hankkeen tuloksia esittelevä loppuraportti.
  • Bit Bang 8: Digitalization
    (2016) Neuvo, Yrjö (ed.); Ormala, Erkki (ed.); Kuikka, Meri (ed.)
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    This book is the 8th in the Bit Bang series of books produced as multidisciplinary teamwork exercises by doctoral students participating in the course Bit Bang 8: Digitalization at Aalto University during the academic year 2015–2016. Digitalization has brought great opportunities for economic growth, productivity gain and job creation in our societies, and will change the way industry will operate. Bit Bang 8 addressed the topic of digitalization from the perspective of its economic, environmental and social sustainability. The course elaborated on the interconnectedness of these phenomena, and linked them to possible future scenarios, global megatrends and ethical considerations. How will digitalization shape our future? How can we prepare can prepare our societies to respond to these changes? Working in teams, the students set out to answer questions related to the digitalization and to brainstorm radical scenarios of what the future could hold. This joint publication contains articles produced as teamwork assignments for the course, in which the students were encouraged to take novel and radical views on digitalization. The Bit Bang series of courses is supported by the Multidisciplinary Institute of Digitalisation and Energy (MIDE). Previous Bit Bang publications are available from http:/mide.aalto.fi.
  • Bit Bang 7: Future of Energy
    (2015) Neuvo, Yrjö (ed.); Ormala, Erkki (ed.); Kuikka, Meri (ed.)
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    This book is the 7th in the Bit Bang series of books produced as multidisciplinary teamwork exercises by doctoral students participating in the course Bit Bang 7: Future of Energy at Aalto University during the academic year 2014–2015. The course aims at fostering teamwork and multidisciplinary collaboration, as well as providing participants with a global, futurecentric perspective on the energy sector. The growing global demand for energy and diminishing natural resources are driving the development of eco-efficient energy sources, new ways of doing business, and designing our living environment. Bit Bang 7 addresses the topic of energy sources and technologies from the perspective of their economic, environmental and social sustainability. The course elaborates on the interconnectedness of these phenomena, and links them to possible future scenarios, global megatrends and ethical considerations. Will we see disruptive changes in our energy future? Can we impact consumption patterns, ways of doing business, and our way of life? Are we creating a sustainable future for the generations to come? Working in teams, the students set out to answer questions related to the changing energy sector and to brainstorm radical scenarios of what the future could hold. This joint publication contains articles produced as teamwork assignments for the course, in which the students were encouraged to take novel and radical views on the future of energy. The Bit Bang series of courses is supported by the Multidisciplinary Institute of Digitalisation and Energy (MIDE). Previous Bit Bang publications are available from http:/mide.aalto.fi.
  • Promootio 2014
    (2014) Haimi, Piia (editor)
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    The Aalto University schools of technology celebrated their second joint Ceremonial Conferment of Doctoral Degrees on 10 October 2014 . At the ceremony organised by the School of Chemical Technology, a doctoral degree was conferred upon altogether ten honorary doctors and 346 new doctors graduated from the schools of technology between 2012 and 2014. The Ceremonial Conferment of Doctoral Degrees in Technology has a long tradition in Finland. The year 2014 marks the 80th anniversary of the first Ceremonial Conferment of Doctoral Degrees in Technology in Finland.
  • Bit Bang 6: Future of Media
    (2014) Neuvo, Yrjö (ed.); Ormala, Erkki (ed.); Kuikka, Meri (ed.)
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    This book is the 6th in the Bit Bang series of books produced as multidisciplinary teamwork exercises by doctoral students participating in the course Bit Bang 6: The Future of Media at Aalto University during the academic year 2013–2014. The course aimed at fostering teamwork and multidisciplinary collaboration, as well as providing the students with global perspectives and business foresight on the future of the media industry. The media industry is currently undergoing its biggest revolution since the invention of the printing press: digitalization is fundamentally changing the media landscape, and the distribution channels and revenue models of the print and broadcasting industries are being challenged. Digital convergence has changed the media value chain, and the Internet and social media have introduced new players to the game. Working in teams, the students set out to answer questions related to the changing media industry and to brainstorm radical scenarios of what the future could hold. This joint publication contains articles produced as teamwork assignments for the course, in which the students were encouraged to take novel and radical views on the future of the media industry. The Bit Bang series of courses is supported by the Multi­ disciplinary Institute of Digitalisation and Energy (MIDE). Previous Bit Bang publications are available from http:/mide.aalto.fi.
  • BIT BANG 5: Changing Global Landscapes - Role of Policy Making and Innovation Capability
    (2013) Neuvo, Yrjö (ed.); Ormala, Erkki (ed.); Karvonen, Elina (ed.)
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    Bit Bang – Changing Global Landscapes: Role of Policy Making and Innovation Capability was the fifth multidisciplinary postgraduate course for Aalto University doctoral students. A total of 24 students from five Aalto University Schools participated in this two-semester course. The course focused on global competition for leadership in innovation, policy-making, technology, and science and education. The fundamental objective of the Bit Bang courses is to teach the students teamwork, multidisciplinary collaboration and scenario building, as well as provide the students with global perspective, and industry and business foresight. In addition to normal class activities the students worked in six person teams to study local and global strategies to strive for success. This joint publication contains the final reports of the teamwork assignments. In the chapters the students seek answers to what makes the difference between the leaders and the followers. The topics include e.g. the potential of additive manufacturing for bringing manufacturing industries back to Western countries, the link between national higher education systems and innovation capability at the nation level, and changing governmental structures to better match contemporary challenges. The Bit Bang post graduate courses are organised by Aalto University’sMultidisciplinary Institute of Digitalisation and Energy (MIDE).
  • MIDE - Multidisciplinary Institute of Digitalisation and Energy 2008-2013
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    Aalto-yliopiston MIDEtutkimusohjelma keskittyi pitkäjänteiseen perustutkimukseen digitalisoitumisen ja energiakysymysten aloilla. Ohjelman tavoitteena oli huipputason osaamisen luominen, opetuksen vahvistaminen ja suomalaisen elinkeinoelämän kilpailukyvyn lisääminen. MIDEohjelma (Multidisciplinary Institute of Digitalisation and Energy) toteutettiin vuosina 2008-2013. MIDE-tutkimusohjelmassa oli kaikkiaan 11 eri projektia. Tutkimusprojektit olivat monitieteisiä ja yhteen projektiin osallistui tyypillisesti useita eri laitoksia. Projektit liittyivät niin ICT:n mahdollistamiin uusiin sovelluksiin kuin energiatehokkuutta parantaviin innovaatioihin. Tutkimusprojektien lisäksi MIDE-ohjelmaan kuului kolme opiskelijaprojektia sekä jatko-opintokurssi Bit Bang. MIDE-ohjelmassa oli myös useita vierailijaprofessoreja kansainvälisistä huippu huippuyliopistoista. MIDE-tutkimusohjelman rahoitus, 20 miljoonaa euroa, kerättiin useilta eri yrityksiltä ja yhteisöiltä. Yritysten edustajat olivat mukana tutkimusprojektien etenemistä käsitelleissä seurantaryhmissä. MIDE-tutkimusohjelmassa syntyi 34 väitöskirjaa, 78 muuta opinnäytetyötä sekä 438 julkaisua. Tutkimusprojektien tulosten perusteella on syntynyt useita jatkotutkimuksia sekä myös tuloksia hyödyntäviä start-up -yrityksiä.
  • Bit Bang 4: Future of internet - Societal, business, governance and technological aspects
    (2012) Neuvo, Yrjö (ed.); Karvonen, Elina (ed.)
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    Bit Bang – Future of the Internet: Societal, business, governance and technological aspects was the fourth multidisciplinary post-graduate course for doctoral students at Aalto University. Altogether 24 students were selected from five Aalto University Schools: School of Arts, Design and Architecture; School of Economics; School of Electrical Engineering; School of Engineering; and School of Science. Bit Bang is part of the MIDE (Multidisciplinary Institute of Digitalisation and Energy) research program, which the Helsinki University of Technology started as part of its centennial celebration of university education and research. Professor Yrjö Neuvo, MIDE program leader, Nokia’s former Chief Technology Officer, is the force behind this course. The essential learning aims of the course were teamwork, multidisciplinary collaboration, global perspective, industry and business foresight, and scenario building. The passing the Bit Bang course required active attendance at the lectures and seminars as well as writing this joint publication based on the autumn and spring group works. The texts were written by doctoral students presenting their views. During the academic year 2011–2012, the doctoral students discussed the societal, business, governance and technological phenomena that might affect the future development of the Internet. During the autumn semester, the students produced reports on the following four topics: Are We All Criminals?, Back to the Future – Prediction of incremental and disruptive innovations, From Democratizing Innovation to Innovating Democracy, and Proliferation of the Crowdsourcing Phenomenon. The textbooks for the autumn semester were the previous Bit Bang publications (I-III) and Wireless Foresight – Scenarios of the mobile world in 2015 by Bo Karlson et al.(2003). Distinguished guest lecturers from industry and academia complemented the textbook material. The spring teamwork topics were: Internet, Find Me a Job!, Gamification of Life: The rise of gaming and its effects on society, How to Control the Internet? – A complexity perspective, and Education Reloaded: From Socrates to Udacity. The textbook for the spring semester was Born Digital – Understanding the first generation of digital natives by John Palfrey and Urs Gasser (2008). In addition to the lectures and textbooks, the Bit Bang group made an intensive study tour to Tokyo, Japan. To complement the themes discussed in the reports, the groups also produced short scenarios of the future in the 2020s. As a result, the second part of this book introduces four scenarios – Internet, find me a cure; High Tech Nationalism; Internet Kindergarten; and Trader’s Network – with innovative and eye-opening approaches to the future.
  • Bit Bang : rays to the future
    (2010) Neuvo, Yrjö.; Ylönen, Sami.
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