[report] Sähkötekniikan korkeakoulu / ELEC
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- Autonomous Sensing using Satellites, Multicopters, Sensors and Actuators (MULTICO) - Final Report
School of Electrical Engineering | D4 Julkaistu kehittämis- tai tutkimusraportti tai -selvitys(2023) Virrankoski, Reino (ed.)This is a consortium level public final report of the project Autonomous Sensing using Satellites, Multicopters, Sensors and Actuators (MULTICO). The project duration was 1.4.2020-31.10.2022. It was funded by Business Finland New Space Economy program and by the participating companies and research organizations. Project consortium consisted of seven companies, one subcontractor, two research organizations and two advisory organizations. Participating companies were Nokia Oyj having Insta ILS Oy as a subcontractor, Saab Finland Oy, DA-Group, Huld Oy, Iceye Oy, Nsion Oy and Small Data Garden Oy. Participating research organizations were Aalto University and VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland. Finnish National Defence University and Finnish Air Force Academy participated in advisory role. Aalto University was coordinating the whole project entity. MULTICO project included research, algorithm development and software implementation of the developed algorithms for satellite free (GNSS free / GNSS denied) navigation, pattern recognition, radio tomographic sensing and speaker identification. Temporal networks using multicopter-mounted flying base station were also developed. Everything was integrated so that it can operate as one situational awareness system. Alternatively, one or several subsystems can also operate independently. The trunk part of the integrated system was tested at winter experiments in December 2021 and finally the whole system at the final experiments in September 2022. - Calibration of CALLISTO data
School of Electrical Engineering | D4 Julkaistu kehittämis- tai tutkimusraportti tai -selvitys(2022) Kallunki, Juha; Monstein, Christian; Kirves, Petri; Tammi, Joni; Mujunen, AriThe CALLISTO spectrometer is a programmable low-cost heterodyne receiver that can be used, for example, for radio-frequency solar monitoring. Together, various CALLISTO instruments around the world form the e-Callisto network, with each station having the same CALLISTO spectrometer installed in various antenna configurations. Only a few of the stations in the e-Callisto network currently provided calibrated CALLISTO observations, however, limiting the usability of the measurements in, for ex-ample, exact solar flux density estimations. This document describes the essence of how CALLISTO data can be calibrated by using measured power of the cold sky level and an external noise source, using the technical implementation of the calibration sys-tem at Aalto University Metsähovi Radio Observatory, Finland. - Analyysi suosituista Suomessa käytetyistä verkkosivuista
School of Electrical Engineering | D4 Julkaistu kehittämis- tai tutkimusraportti tai -selvitys(2022) Saarinen, Aleksi; Manner, JukkaDigitaaliset palvelut ovat osa meidän jokapäiväistä elämäämme. Teknologian kehittyminen on mahdollistanut uusien ja aina vaan hienompien ja monipuolisempien palvelujen kehittämisen. Samalla kun ICT-ratkaisujen käyttö kasvaa, näiden vaatima energia ja laitteiden valmistus jatkaa kasvuaan. Keskeinen alusta tieto- ja viihdepalveluille on ns. World Wide Web (WWW) eli tuttavallisemmin verkkosivut. Koko WWW-alusta on kehittynyt valtavasti 90-luvulta lähtien. Kun aikanaan verkkosivut koostuivat HTML-tiedostosta ja muutamista kuvista, niiden rakenne on nykyisin paljon monimutkaisempi. Sivun ytimen muodostava HTML-tiedosto on n. 1-2% koko sivun koosta ja valtaosa datasta koostuu grafiikasta, videoista, Javascript-kirjastosta ja kolmannen osapuolen lataamasta sisällöstä. HTTP Archive on tilastoinut verkkosivujen muutoksia vuosien saatossa. Viimeisen kymmenen vuoden aikana työpöytäkoneille tarkoitetut verkkosivut ovat datan määrässä kasvaneet yli kolminkertaisiksi ja mobiililaitteiden sivut yli kymmenkertaisesti. Aikanaan mobiililaitteille tehdyt verkkosivut olivat selvästi kevyempiä, mutta tänä päivänä eroa ei juuri ole. Tässä raportissa on analysoitu suosittuja ja keskeisiä verkkosivuja Suomessa. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää, kuinka paljon dataa eri palvelut käyttävät ja mihin tämä data kuluu sekä miten verkkosivujen käyttämän datan määrää voisi pienentää vaikuttamatta käyttökokemukseen. Mitä vähemmän digitaalinen palvelu käyttää dataa, sitä vähemmän sitä tarvitsee tallentaa, siirtää tietoverkoissa ja prosessoida päätelaitteissa. Datan kulutuksen pienentäminen on yksi tapa vaikuttaa ICT-alan kestävään kehitykseen. - Robots and the Future of Welfare Services – A Finnish Roadmap
School of Electrical Engineering | D4 Julkaistu kehittämis- tai tutkimusraportti tai -selvitys(2021) Niemelä, M., Heikkinen, S., Koistinen, P., Laakso, K., Melkas, H., & Kyrki, V. (eds.)This roadmap summarises a six-year multidisciplinary research project called Robots and the Future of Welfare Services (ROSE), funded by the Strategic Research Council (SRC) established within the Academy of Finland. The objective of the project was to study the current and expected technical opportunities and applications of robotics in welfare services, particularly in care services for older people. The research was carried out at three levels: individual, organisational and societal. The roadmap provides highlights of the various research activities of ROSE. We have studied the perspectives of older adults and care professionals as users of robots, how care organisations are able to adopt and utilise robots in their services, how technology companies find robots as business opportunity, and how the care robotics innovation ecosystem is evolving. Based on these and other studies, we evaluate the development and use of robots in care for older adults in terms of social, ethical-philosophical and political impacts as well as the public discussion on care robots. It appears that there are many single- or limited-purpose robot applications already commercially available in care services for older adults. To be widely adopted, robots should still increase maturity to be able to meet the requirements of care environments, such as in terms of their ability to move in smaller crowded spaces, easy and natural user interaction, and task flexibility. The roadmap provides visions of what could be technically expected in five and ten years. However, at the same time, organisations’ capabilities of adopting new technology and integrating it into services should be supported for them to be able to realise the potential of robots for the benefits of care workers and older persons, as well as the whole society. This roadmap also provides insight into the wider impacts and risks of robotization in society and how to steer it in a responsible way, presented as eight policy recommendations. We also discuss the ROSE project research as a multidisciplinary activity and present lessons learnt. - SAFIR-COSI WP2 report: D2.2: Baseline simulation results
School of Electrical Engineering | D4 Julkaistu kehittämis- tai tutkimusraportti tai -selvitys(2021) Millar, John; Astero, Poria; Laakso, Pasi - Three-Dimensional Rotordynamic Finite-Element Formulations
School of Electrical Engineering | D4 Julkaistu kehittämis- tai tutkimusraportti tai -selvitys(2020) Lantto, ErkkiWork presents detailed derivations of various three-dimensional rotordynamic formulations. The equation of motion is derived by two approaches; using Lagrange's equation and using Galerkin's method. It is shown that these approaches give the same equation of motion. Thorough treatment of the relevant kinematics is presented. Nonlinear strain and stress measures are adopted to create formulation, which is valid for large displacements and material rotations, but for small strain levels. Therefore, the resulting equation of motion is nonlinear. This nonlinear equation of motion is linearized yielding a model, which is valid for large equilibrium displacements and small deviations around the equilibrium. In addition, a linearized model, which assumes constant equilibrium displacements, is presented. After the form of the energy expressions and equation of motion are obtained in a generic case, the work presents the implementation details associated with solid element model, cyclic symmetric model and axisymmetric model and how different types of submodels can be combined. In addition, publication presents modal reduction utilizing the symmetry properties present in the axisymmetric model, cyclic model and combined model consisting of axisymmetric and cyclic sub-models. Work contains four simple example cases, which present comparisons to literature and explorethe model validity ranges of different approaches. - Modelling and Simulation of Tractor-Implement Automation using OPC Unified Architecture for Next Generation ISOBUS
School of Electrical Engineering | D4 Julkaistu kehittämis- tai tutkimusraportti tai -selvitys(2020) Siponen, Matti; Seilonen, Ilkka; Oksanen, Timo - LEDit ja aurinkosähkö : energiatehokas ja kestävä valaistus
School of Electrical Engineering | D4 Julkaistu kehittämis- tai tutkimusraportti tai -selvitys(2012) Puolakka, Marjukka; Rantakallio, Antti; Tähkämö, Leena; Viitanen, Janne; Ylinen, Anne; Halonen, Liisa - Program book : 14th Specialist Meeting on Microwave Radiometry and Remote Sensing of the Environment MicroRad 2016, April 11-14, 2016, Espoo, Finland
School of Electrical Engineering | D4 Julkaistu kehittämis- tai tutkimusraportti tai -selvitys(2016) Hallikainen, Martti; Praks, Jaan; Seppänen, Jaakko (editors) - XXIX Fonetiikan Päivät Espoo 20.-21.3.2015 : Julkaisut - Papers
School of Electrical Engineering | D4 Julkaistu kehittämis- tai tutkimusraportti tai -selvitys(2015) Lehtinen, Mona; Laine, Unto K. (toimittajat) - Biennial report 2013–2014 : Metrology Research Institute
School of Electrical Engineering | D4 Julkaistu kehittämis- tai tutkimusraportti tai -selvitys(2015) Poikonen, Tuomas (editor) - KAPRI final report : The Finnish Work Environment Fund project no. 111244
School of Electrical Engineering | D4 Julkaistu kehittämis- tai tutkimusraportti tai -selvitys(2014) Oksanen, SamiThis report summarizes the results of the KAPRI project, noise generation mechanisms of the percussive rock drilling and breaking hammer operations. At first, a literature study was conducted to find out existing knowledge on the topic. The literature study was mainly focused on the stress wave analysis and modeling of drilling equipment. Based on the findings of the literature study a brief theoretical introduction was written. The theory was tested in practice by conducting a series of strain wave, acoustic, and surface vibrations measurements under laboratory conditions. To gain more understanding on the vibration phenomena in drill steels computational models were developed to provide tools for the sound production modeling of the drill steels. The modeling approach was to utilize modeling techniques that have previously been used in musical instrument modeling, such as digital waveguides and dispersion filters. The modeling process was divided to two main approaches namely a longitudinal stress wave model and a transversal stress wave model that is used in modeling of the majority of the sound output generated in drilling. The research work in the project had also a separate minor research topic namely acoustical analysis of excavated tunnels in rock. Main results of the KAPRI include a literature study that covers the most essential content on the topic. A set of laboratory measurement data was collected and analyzed during the project. Digital waveguides were found out useful in the longitudinal stress wave modeling. The transversal stress waves can be modeled to some extent by using the FIR based approach. Preliminary steps in the acoustical analysis of the excavated tunnels were conducted. - Akustinen kenttäteoria
School of Electrical Engineering | D4 Julkaistu kehittämis- tai tutkimusraportti tai -selvitys(2013) Uosukainen, SeppoJulkaisussa esitetään akustiikan kenttäteorian perusteet kineettiseen fluiditeoriaan pohjautuen, akustisen aaltoliikkeen perusteoria, äänen säteilyyn, etenemiseen ja sirontaan liittyvät perusteet, värähtelyteorian perusteita sekä eräitä akustiikkaan soveltuvia analyyttisiä ja numeerisia laskentamenetelmiä. - Biennial report 2011–2012
School of Electrical Engineering | D4 Julkaistu kehittämis- tai tutkimusraportti tai -selvitys(2013) Metrology research institute; Sikander, Ulla; Poikonen, Tuomas - XXXIII Finnish URSI Convention on Radio Science and SMARAD Seminar 2013 : 24-25 April 2013, Dipoli, Espoo, Finland
School of Electrical Engineering | D4 Julkaistu kehittämis- tai tutkimusraportti tai -selvitys(2013) Sihvola, Ari H.; Wallén, Henrik - Kommunikaatioakustiikka
School of Electrical Engineering | D4 Julkaistu kehittämis- tai tutkimusraportti tai -selvitys(2011) Karjalainen, Matti - Studies on directional hearing
School of Electrical Engineering | D4 Julkaistu kehittämis- tai tutkimusraportti tai -selvitys(2011) Wilska, Alvar - Proceedings of international workshop on ubiquitous healthcare and supporting services (UBI-HEALTH 2010)
School of Electrical Engineering | D4 Julkaistu kehittämis- tai tutkimusraportti tai -selvitys(2011) CHIN-FIN-UBI-SERV, Project - Validation of an Accelerometer Based BCG Method for Sleep Analysis
School of Electrical Engineering | D4 Julkaistu kehittämis- tai tutkimusraportti tai -selvitys(2016) Nurmi, Sami; Saaresranta, Tarja; Koivisto, Tero; Meriheinä, Ulf; Palva, LauriSleep problems are one of the most common medical complaints today. Polysomnography (PSG) as the current standard for sleep analysis is expensive, intrusive and complex. Thus, finding a reliable and unobtrusive method for longer-term home use is important. Ballistocardiography (BCG) based methods have shown potential in sleep analysis recently. The usability and performance of a BCG based method in qualitative and quantitative analysis of sleep was evaluated. The method was validated in a clinical test on 20 subjects using PSG as a reference. Heart rate (HR), heart rate variability (HRV), respiratory rate (RR), respiratory rate variability (RRV), respiratory depth (Rdepth) and movement were utilized for sleep stage detection. The BCG parameter accuracy was presented as the mean error from PSG with 95% confidence interval. The errors were -0.1 ± 4.4 beats per minute for HR, -0.9 ± 14.7 ms for high frequency (HF) HRV, -3.0 ± 29.9 ms for low frequency (LF) HRV, 0.3 ± 4.5 breaths per minute for RR and -40 ± 424 ms for RRV respectively. Correlation coefficient was 0.97 for HR, 0.67 for HF HRV, 0.71 for LF HRV, 0.54 for RR and 0.49 for RRV. HR, RRV and Rdepth were typically at an increased level in REM sleep and wakefulness and decreased in deep sleep. RRV was at its highest during wakefulness. HRV was at a decreased level in REM and wakefulness and increased in deep sleep. Movement was higher during wakefulness than in sleep. - Developing a Proportionate Response to a Cyber Attack
School of Electrical Engineering | D4 Julkaistu kehittämis- tai tutkimusraportti tai -selvitys(2016) Limnéll, JarnoThe debate on both the impacts of cyber attacks and how to response to attacks is active but precedents are only a few. Strategies and political speeches are always (at least partially) declaratory and vague by nature, and beyond these declarations the practical reality of cyber security as a matter of national security issue is challenging. At the same time cyber issues have catapulted into the highest of the high politics, cyberpolitics, and the line of digital and physical is blurring in many ways. Primary intention of this paper is to encourage the national policies concerning on the issue of how cyber attacks should be treated and lead to policies for response. The paper determinates five variables which policymakers need to consider when evaluating appropriate response to a state-sponsored cyber attack. As offensive cyber activity becomes more prevalent, policymakers will be challenged to develop proportionate responses to disruptive or destructive attacks. Already, there has been significant pressure to “do something” in light of the allegedly state-sponsored attacks. Proportionate response is a complicated political question and also situational dependent. This paper analyses in a comprehensive way how cyber attacks will be treated especially as a political question, and this paper represents a rough example of the framework that policymakers should build on.