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Services | A4 Artikkeli konferenssijulkaisussa(2022) Derichs, David; Sevón, Sofia; Votkin, Taija; Kauppinen, TomiOnline learning is here to stay. The current pandemic boosted its development to new heights and increased demand for arranging remote teaching at all levels of education. There have been major efforts of creating online content such as textbooks, materials to learning management systems, educational videos, quizzes and certainly combinations of them to provide facilities for online learning. However, a persistent challenge to online learning remained - learner engagement and inclusion. Campuses with their workshop spaces, classrooms or cafeterias are examples of places that can engage learners when properly designed. Online learning is mostly lacking such relatable contexts. With the emergence of virtual and augmented reality one can create 360° environments simulating existing places but also bringing people to new places where the environment is augmented with useful information. The challenge is, however, how can an educator design and create 360° environments, from start to delivery? In this paper we present our approach - a 360° production pipeline - supporting educators in their journey to provide engaging 360° spaces. We report the different elements and phases of the pipeline, resources needed and elements to consider such as funding, equipment and platforms. We further present two cases that have been our pilots for understanding what such a 360° production pipeline should include. We also outline the research and development agenda for the years to come as part of the Online Hybrid Lab activities and Unite! Virtual Campus, a task force of the European University alliance of nine partners. - Hyvä yliopisto-opettajuus – kysymyksiä ja vastauksia yliopistopedagogisen koulutusvuoden varrelta
Services | C2 Toimitettu kirja, kokoomateos, konferenssijulkaisu tai lehden erikoisnumero(2015) Syrjäkari, Maire (toim.); Koponen, Jenni (toim.); Tuominen, Jasmiina (toim.); Kiesi, Timo; Kyösola, Satu; Nikoskinen, Keijo; Ojapelto, Antti; Riihiaho, Sirpa; Sistonen, Esko; Tuomisto, Filip; Ahonen-Rainio, Paula; Kähkönen, Elina; Mäki, Eerikki; Palomäki, Kalle; Partanen, Jukka; Parviainen, Jukka; Tammi, JoniHyvä yliopisto-opettajuus – kysymyksiä ja vastauksia yliopistopedagogisen koulutusvuoden varrelta on julkaisu, joka kuvaa Aalto-yliopiston yliopistopedagogiselle kurssille vuonna 2014 osallistuneiden pedagogisen osaamisen kehittymistä. Oppimisprosessi oli vuoden mittainen ja perustui yhteisölliseen ja tutkivaan oppimiseen. Näin heterogeenisestä osallistujaryhmästä kehittyi yhdessä toimiva oppimis- ja tutkimusryhmä. He kiinnostuivat oman ja työyhteisönsä reflektiivisestä opetuksen kehittämisestä. Julkaisussa Opettaja kehittäjänä –kurssin osallistujat kuvaavat ja avaavat ilmiötä hyvä yliopisto-opettajuus monelta eri näkökulmalta. Kurssin ohjaajat jäsentävät kurssin toteutusta ja arvioivat sen onnistumista pohtien miten tämän tyyppinen kurssi, jonka sisältöjä ei ole ennalta suunniteltu pystyy vastaamaan osallistujien erilaisiin odotuksiin ja osaamistarpeisiin. Julkaisu tarjoaa näkökulmia opetusosaamisen ja opetuksen kehittämiseen. Teos sopii kaikille yliopisto-opetuksesta ja sen kehittämisestä kiinnostuneille. Part of the publication is in English (pages 76-175, title "Integrating transferable skills into teaching at Aalto University") - Reorganizing the relationship of digital library resources and physical learning environments
Services | D3 Artikkeli ammatillisessa konferenssijulkaisussa(2014) Rousi, Antti M.; Fosmire, Michael.; Maijala, Risto; Branch, Benjamin; Kong, Nicole.Introduction. This preliminary study examines the application of contemporary practice-based approaches to generate data for guiding the design of information literacy learning environments. Method. This study was conducted by interviewing three engineering students who were participating at the Tools for master’s thesis course arranged by Aalto University Library’s Otaniemi Campus Library. The interview’s structure was two-fold, as it first sketched out the participant’s master’s thesis practices through Schatzki’s site ontology and secondly examined the perceived value of different information literacy learning tasks on the latter. Results. The master’s thesis practices of the interviewees were networked in complex ways with e.g. economic life and the interviewees invested much in them. Two of the interviewees worked with their thesis full-time with surroundings and tools provided by their employer. The interviewees valued most the lecture, which comprised of narratives of completed master’s thesis projects and the lecture of scientific writing. From the asynchronous online learning tasks, the interviewees valued most the information retrieval task and the concept map exercise. Conclusion. Spatial library spaces could be provided with asynchronous content such as descriptions of the library services through the tasks of the central user groups and e.g. introductory videos to information retrieval techniques. These contents could be spatially located so that they would serve as facile entrance points to the mobile digital library. The practice-based approaches seem to provide a fertile way of examining student learning and insights gained through them may prove to be valuable in designing new information literacy learning environments. - Using contemporary practice-based approaches to generate data for guiding the design of information literacy learning environments - a preliminary study of engineering students
Services | D3 Artikkeli ammatillisessa konferenssijulkaisussa(2013) Rousi, Antti M.; Palmgren, Virpi; Heino, KirsiIntroduction. This preliminary study examines the application of contemporary practice-based approaches to generate data for guiding the design of information literacy learning environments. Method. This study was conducted by interviewing three engineering students who were participating at the Tools for master’s thesis course arranged by Aalto University Library’s Otaniemi Campus Library. The interview’s structure was two-fold, as it first sketched out the participant’s master’s thesis practices through Schatzki’s site ontology and secondly examined the perceived value of different information literacy learning tasks on the latter. Results. The master’s thesis practices of the interviewees were networked in complex ways with e.g. economic life and the interviewees invested much in them. Two of the interviewees worked with their thesis full-time with surroundings and tools provided by their employer. The interviewees valued most the lecture, which comprised of narratives of completed master’s thesis projects and the lecture of scientific writing. From the asynchronous online learning tasks, the interviewees valued most the information retrieval task and the concept map exercise. Conclusion. Spatial library spaces could be provided with asynchronous content such as descriptions of the library services through the tasks of the central user groups and e.g. introductory videos to information retrieval techniques. These contents could be spatially located so that they would serve as facile entrance points to the mobile digital library. The practice-based approaches seem to provide a fertile way of examining student learning and insights gained through them may prove to be valuable in designing new information literacy learning environments. - Engineering students’ information literacy instruction and blended learning course design – a case study
Services | D3 Artikkeli ammatillisessa konferenssijulkaisussa(2012) Rousi, Antti; Palmgren, Virpi; Heino, KirsiIntroduction. This study focuses on the benefits derived from a blended learning course design in an engineering students’ information literacy course. The results of this study are also discussed within the context of professional development of the Aalto University Library’s information specialists working with information literacy instruction. Method. This study draws from the experiences of the graduate engineering students participating in the Aalto University Otaniemi Campus Library’s “Tools for master’s thesis”-course. The data of this study were gathered by an online survey. Results. The students connected a variety of different learning tasks with either the promotion of their personal inquiry, with sharing of experiences and practices or with the promotion of their overall learning. The engineering students also identified four positive ways in which the participation in the classroom enhanced the participation in the online environments. Respectively, the students identified four ways in which the participation in the online environments enhanced classroom participation. Conclusion. According to this study it seems possible to generate a single environment enhancing fusion of both classroom and online environment learning tasks in information literacy instruction. The blended learning approach seems to generate new ways of both thinking and realizing engineering students’ information literacy instruction. - Opettajan muuttuvat roolit – yhdessä yhteisölliseen opetuksen kehittämiseen
Services | C2 Toimitettu kirja, kokoomateos, konferenssijulkaisu tai lehden erikoisnumero(2013) Lampinen, Maija (toim.); Hakula, Harri; Hirsto, Laura; Huuki, Juha; Karinen, Reetta; Kauranne, Heikki; Kiviluoma, Panu; Liinaharja, Markku; Lähteenmäki, Anne; Mattila, Hanna; Miihkinen, Antti; Mälkki, Helena; Paatero, Jukka; Pollari-Malmi, Kerttu; Syrjäkari, Maire; Vahtikari, Katja; Virtanen, TuijaOpettajan muuttuvat roolit - yhdessä yhteisölliseen opetuksen kehittämiseen on julkaisu, joka kuvaa Aalto-yliopiston yliopistopedagogiselle kurssille osallistuneiden kehittymistä ja kehittämiskohteita vuoden 2012 aikana. Vuoden mittaisen prosessin aikana yksittäisistä opettajista ja tutkijoista tuli opetusta ja oppimista kehittävä ryhmä. Osallistujista kasvoi tutkijoita, jotka haluavat opettaa ja opettajia, jotka haluavat tutkivalla otteella kehittää opetusta. Julkaisussa Opettaja kehittäjänä -kurssin osallistujat kuvaavat kehittämishankkeitaan. Lisäksi kurssin suunnittelijat ja ohjaajat jäsentävät kurssin ensimmäistä toteutusta ja sen onnistumista. Mitä opittiin, kun kurssin sisällön tuottivat osallistujat ja ohjaajat yhdessä? Julkaisu tarjoaa näkökulmia opetuksen kehittämiseen ja tutustuttaa lukijan Aalto-yliopiston asiantuntijoiden opetustyön arkeen. Teos sopii kaikille yliopisto-opetuksesta kiinnostuneille. - Predominantly Electronic or Personal Service Delivery? A Case in the Wealth Management Context
A4 Artikkeli konferenssijulkaisussa(2009) Sunikka, AnneFinancial services have been a recurrent subject of a multichannel inquiry but investigation into the wealth management area is scarce. This paper intends to fill the gap and presents the results of a questionnaire directed at customers of a financial conglomerate. The objective of this research is to examine which variables influence consumers’ channel preferences in the wealth management context,and to find out possible differences between the customers who prefer predominantly electronic service or personal service delivery. Logistic regression and t-tests are used in the analysis. The perceived channel attributes of personalization, convenience and safety, relationship strength, and the internet and wealth management knowledge influence the channel preferences. Typical wealth management customers prefer multichannel service delivery; only 4 % of customers prefer pure electronic service, and 14 % of customers prefer pure personal service. There are several aspects that differentiate those customers who prefer predominantly electronic or personal service. The preference for the electronic channel indicated investments in shares, independent decision making style in wealth management tasks and reliance on electronic information channels. In addition, the customers who perceive relationship strength with the service provider as weaker prefer predominantly eservices, which should give impetus for action among the management in the financial service companies. - Peda-forum-päivät 2012 Aalto-yliopistossa 21.- 22.8.2012
Services | C2 Toimitettu kirja, kokoomateos, konferenssijulkaisu tai lehden erikoisnumero(2012) - Concept mapping and dialogue mapping in information seeking practices : a case study
A4 Artikkeli konferenssijulkaisussa(2008) Nevalainen, Jouni; Heino, Kirsi; Palmgren, VirpiThere are huge possibilities for using concept and dialogue mapping tools in information retrieval. With the help of the software the subjects can be analysed and divided into smaller conceptual parts. Then the actual task is easier to carry out. In the past two years the Helsinki University of Technology TKK library and the Department of Computer Science and Engineering have co-operated with an interesting project. New software for making mind maps, concept maps and dialogue maps are being used for structuring information retrieval. These methods have been studied together, taught on separate courses and presentations about the methods have been given. This project has got a warm reception because the idea can be adapted throughout the university and therefore several departments may benefit. The paper will discuss the experiences of the project and highlight the possibilities incorporating the concept and dialogue mapping techniques in information literacy activities. Visualization of information seeking increases creativity. Illustrations can also capture complex entities, as demonstrated in Figure 1. - Charting the landscape of an innovation university library within the national knowledge society strategy
A4 Artikkeli konferenssijulkaisussa(2008) Pasanen, Irma; Muhonen, AriThe digital age calls for strategies in issues regarding access, dissemination as well as preservation of information. The global digital environment offers new and exciting possibilities to share knowledge across boundaries. In terms of scientific information access to information is crucial for research and innovation. Indeed, universities and libraries have in recent years made considerable investments in providing access to online information. The European Union has invited the member states to reinforce national strategies and structures for access to and preservation and dissemination of scientific information. Furthermore, the member states of the European Union should ensure the long term preservation of scientific information - including publications and data - and pay attention to scientific information in national information preservation strategies. In this paper the recent strategic outlines regarding university libraries in Finland will be presented. The third national information society strategy, the strategy of the Council for Finnish University Libraries, and the forming of the innovation university are discussed. - Improving information retrieval with dialogue mapping and concept mapping tools : training university teachers to use a new method and integrate information searching exercises into their own instruction
B3 Vertaisarvioimaton artikkeli konferenssijulkaisussa(2007) Palmgren, Virpi; Heino, Kirsi; Nevalainen, JouniThe Library of Helsinki University of Technology (TKK) has almost 40 years' experience in teaching information retrieval, but has recently revised its training methods. During autumn 2006 the library and the Department of Computer Science and Engineering started an interesting co-operation. New software for making mind maps, concept maps and dialogue maps are being used for structuring information retrieval. This project got a warm reception because it can be adapted throughout the university and will benefit several departments. Teachers can also update their knowledge of information searching and retrieval skills. - Embedding library in study structure
B3 Vertaisarvioimaton artikkeli konferenssijulkaisussa(2006) Heino, Kirsi; Palmgren, VirpiIn Europe, the Bologna process aims at the harmonisation of the structure of higher education in order to facilitate mobility. In the context of engineering education, the trans-national recognition of engineering degrees, academically and professionally, is a primary goal. In Finland, the two-cycle degree structure to be adopted in the Bologna process will introduce the Bachelor's degree to supplement the Master's degree in university engineering education. At TKK, Helsinki University of Technology, the planning for the new two-cycle degree structure started in 2003 and the first students to study according to the new model were enrolled in autumn 2005. This paper will discuss the recent initiatives of the TKK library in conjunction with the degree structure reform at the university. The paper will highlight the experiences concerning the integration of an information literacy program into the seminar of the Bachelor's thesis. The paper will also describe in more detail the co-operation and collaboration of different actors participating in the realisation of the Bachelor's thesis and seminar. The scalability of the program has been important because some 1500 engineering students annually will be taking the degree. In this respect, pilot courses have been carried out and the scalability has been evaluated. Plans for further development of the program will be included in the presentation. - Mikä yliopisto, mikä formaatti? Julkaisemisen näköaloja Suomen yliopistoissa
B3 Vertaisarvioimaton artikkeli konferenssijulkaisussa(1999) Sonkkila, TuijaYliopistojen julkaisutoiminta on laajaa ja monimuotoista. Erityisen kiinnostuksen kohteeksi Suomessa ovat nousseet väitoskirjat. Niiden elektronisen julkaisemisen toteuttamiseksi on käynnistynyt useita hankkeita. Myös eräitä yksityiskohtaisia toimintasuunnitelmia on jo ilmestynyt vuoden 1999 aikana. Paineet kasautuvat lähinnä yliopistokirjastojen, yliopistopainojen ja laitostason julkaisusarjojen toimittajien harteille. Pitäisi päättää kuka tekee mitäkin, millä rahoilla, millä tekniikalla ja milloin uskalletaan aloittaa. Samaan aikaan tieteenalojen välillä tapahtuu erilaistumista. Perinteinen kirjan oloinen väitöskirja pitää pintansa uuden tutkimustiedon levittäjänä monissa tieteissä. Yhtä monissa taas väitöskirja on käytännössä kokoelma muualla ilmestyneitä artikkeleita niputettuna yksiin kansiin. Tämä artikkeli ruotii Opetusministeriön rahoittamassa RAJU-projektissa (RAkenteinen JUlkaiseminen yliopistoissa) kerättyjä kokemuksia eri yliopistoista. Se esittelee myös niitä ponnisteluja, joita tehdään kansallisten suositusten laatimiseksi yliopistojen elektroniselle julkaisemiselle. - HUTpubl : structured publishing at the Helsinki University of Technology
B3 Vertaisarvioimaton artikkeli konferenssijulkaisussa(1998) Sonkkila, Tuija; Westerling, JörgenThis paper describes HUTpubl, an SGML-based project conducted by the HUT [Helsinki University of Technology] Library. The goal of the project is to establish a working SGML/XML-based publishing model for HUT scientific publication series. In-house project partners include the Department of Automation and Systems Technology, and the Department of Computer Science and Engineering. HUTpubl is also a member of an umbrella project RAJU (Rakenteinen julkaiseminen yliopistoissa), a newly formed consortium of three Finnish universities. RAJU seeks to define guidelines and to give recommendations for the use of structured documents in higher education in Finland. The paper elaborates on lessons learned in HUTpubl, both technical and those more closely related to finance and workforce. Findings in other related projects and research activities are also included. Electronic publishing in general is confronted with a multitude of demands and hopes, expressed by users on one hand, and by institutions on the other. One of the key issues concerns long-term availability of digital information. In addition, research findings indicate that users would like to place more detailed full-text information retrieval requests. Due to differing interests, some users focus their attention to figures, others in tables or bibliographies, to name just a few examples. Furthermore, there is a wish to deliver publications on many platforms, which asks for suitable mechanisms of combining information with different sets of output specifications. In all these three cases, the capabilities of todays desktop editors fall short. Yet they are among the most frequently used tools to produce scientific publications. It is claimed that the answer would lie in the use of structure-oriented editors and descriptive, platform-independent markup. But the move is not a trivial one. One of the first big challenges is the author himself. To what extent is he willing to modify his working habits? Does he accept the possibility of letting someone else define the layout of his work? Another major issue is the publication process. The nature of changes in workflow are as much organizational as they are technical. There is no easy way to copy existing publishing models from one university to another, as lucrative as it might seem. - From generic to descriptive markup : implications for the academic author
A4 Artikkeli konferenssijulkaisussa(1998) Sonkkila, TuijaElectronic publishing is confronted with a multitude of demands and hopes, expressed by users on one hand, and by institutions on the other. One of the key issues concerns long-term availability of digital information. In addition, research findings indicate that users would like to place more detailed full-text information retrieval requests. Due to differing interests, some users focus their attention to figure captions, others in tables or bibliographies, to name just a few examples. Furthermore, there is a wish to deliver publications on many platforms, which asks for suitable mechanisms of combining information with different sets of output specifications. In all these three cases, the capabilities of todays desktop editors fall short. Yet they are among the most frequently used tools to produce scientific publications. It is claimed that the answer would lie in the use of structure-oriented editors and descriptive, platform-independent markup. But the move is not a trivial one. One of the first big challenges is the author himself. To what extent is he willing to modify his working habits? Does he accept the possibility of letting someone else define the layout of his work? Another major issue is the publication process. The nature of changes in workflow are as much organizational as they are technical. This paper describes some of the lessons learned in HUTpubl, a project conducted by the Helsinki University of Technology (HUT) Library. The goal of the project is to establish an SGML-based (Standard Generalized Markup Language) publishing model for HUT scientific publication series. The paper further elaborates on findings in other related projects and research activities. - SGML publishing as a joint effort
A4 Artikkeli konferenssijulkaisussa(1997) Sonkkila, Tuija