06. Oppimateriaalit / Educational resources
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Avoimia oppimateriaaleja / Open educational resources
Browsing 06. Oppimateriaalit / Educational resources by Title
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- AALTO LAB Virtual Laboratories
School of Chemical Engineering |(?) - AALTO LAB Virtual Laboratories
School of Chemical Engineering |(?) - Akustinen kenttäteoria
School of Electrical Engineering | D5 Oppikirja, ammatillinen käsi- tai opaskirja tai sanakirja(2013) Uosukainen, SeppoJulkaisussa esitetään akustiikan kenttäteorian perusteet kineettiseen fluiditeoriaan pohjautuen, akustisen aaltoliikkeen perusteoria, äänen säätelyyn, etenemiseen ja sirontaan liittyvät perusteet, värähtelyteorian perusteita sekä eräitä akustiikkaan soveltuvia analyyttisiä ja numeerisia laskentamenetelmiä. - Design Bits
School of Arts, Design and Architecture |(2020) - Dynamics of a Rigid Ship
School of Engineering | D4 Julkaistu kehittämis- tai tutkimusraportti tai -selvitys(2017) Matusiak, JerzyThe approach to ship dynamics presented in the book makes it possible to deal with the seemingly different problems such as ship maneuvering, sea-keeping and dynamic stability using the same unified mathematical model. Motion dynamics of a ship regarded as a rigid body in a general motion with six-degree-of-freedom is considered. The relation of non-linearities of the applied sub-models to the physical phenomena associated with the ship behavior is discussed. Surface wave theory is presented. Non-linearities associated with surface waves are discussed. Realization of the unified mathematical model in a form of simulation tool, called LaiDyn, is discussed and examples of its applications are shown. Mathematical model for assessing internal hull girder loads is presented briefly. An un-symmetry of internal loads, visible as different maximum values of sagging and hogging, is presented and the origins of it are discussed. - Dynamics of a Rigid Ship - with applications
School of Engineering | D5 Oppikirja, ammatillinen käsi- tai opaskirja tai sanakirja(2021) Matusiak, JerzyThis textbook is a result of the work started in 1996 when I joined a very interesting, newly formed Specialist Committee working on Ship Stability within the International Towing Tank Conference (ITTC). Thanks to this group of international enthusiastic scholars in the field, it became clear for me that both the research and the rules’ development in the field of ship stability will proceed in the direction of including ship dynamics into account. Moreover, this development will require sophisticated mathematical models of ship dynamics based on the first principles and taking realistically into account the environmental, often very hostile, conditions. These models should be verified and thoroughly validated. I am very grateful to Professor Eero-Matti Salonen for his valuable comments and corrections he has made to the original manuscript. I want to thank my colleagues Messrs Teemu Manderbacka and Otto Puolakka, the assistants in the course on Ship Dynamics, for their valuable remarks concerning the lecture notes that were the bases of this book. I also want to thank Dr. Timo Kukkanen for reviewing the manuscript. - Elements of Ship Dynamics and Marine Hydromechanics - Lecture Notes
School of Engineering | D5 Oppikirja, ammatillinen käsi- tai opaskirja tai sanakirja(2022) Hirdaris, SpyrosThe concept of ship dynamics has a very wide meaning, embracing the fundamentals of both deterministic and performance-based methods. A Naval Architect is expected to have sound appreciation of theoretical concepts of relevance to the prediction and validation of ship seakeeping, dynamic stability, added resistance and manoeuvring in waves. This set of course notes attempts an introduction to the subject along the lines of a synonymous Marine Technology course delivered at Aalto University. The information is presented in ten chapters corresponding to ten lectures and should be considered auxiliary to class tutorials and ship design focused coursework. Special emphasis is attributed on ocean waves, seakeeping, maneuvering and associated principles of marine hydromechanics. The content assumes good knowedge of principles of Naval Architecture, Marine Engineering and is appropriate for last year undergraduate, MSc and DSc students as well as early career professionals. Additional useful information is included in the textbooks: [1] Hirdaris, S., Mikkola, T.K. (2021). Ship Dynamics for Performance Based Design and Risk Averse Operations, MDPI, Bassel, Switzerland, ISBN: 978-3-0365-0617-3 1. [2] Hirdaris, S. (2021). Lecture Notes on Basic Naval Architecture, Aalto University publication series SCIENCE + TECHNOLOGY, 6/2021, eISBN: 978-952-64-0486-8 [3] Matusiak, J. (2021). Dynamics of a Rigid Ship - with applications Aalto University publication series on Science and Technology, ISBN: 978-952-64-0399-1 I am grateful to my DSc students Ghalib Taimuri, Mingyang Zhang and Teaching Assistants Zeiad Abdelghafor, Hassan Yosri and Aaron Körkkö for their support during the preparation of this material. - Entrepreneurship Essentials
School of Engineering |(?) - Fysikaalinen geodesia
School of Engineering | D5 Oppikirja, ammatillinen käsi- tai opaskirja tai sanakirja(2020) Vermeer, MartinPhysical geodesy studies the large-scale figure and gravity field of the Earth, which are closely related. Our understanding of the gravity field is based on Newton’s theory of gravitation. We present field theory, with partial differential equations describing the behaviour of the field throughout space. Techniques for solving these equations using boundary conditions on the Earth’s surface are explained. A central concept is the geopotential. The figure of the Earth is approximated by an ellipsoid of revolution, after which the precise figure is described by small deviations from this ellipsoid. Vertical reference systems are discussed in this context. Extending the approach to the Earth’s gravity field yields small difference quantities, such as the disturbing potential and gravity anomalies. Approaches to modelling the gravity field explained are spectral development of the field using spherical harmonics, the Stokes equation, numerical techniques based on the Fast Fourier Transform, the remove-restore technique, and least-squares collocation. Gravity measurement techniques are discussed, as are the multiple links with geophysics, such as terrain effects, isostasy, mean sea level and the sea level equation, and the tides. - Geodesia: Kaiken perusta
School of Engineering | D5 Oppikirja, ammatillinen käsi- tai opaskirja tai sanakirja(2019) Vermeer, MartinGeodesia on tiede, joka mittaa ja kartoittaa tarkasti Maan pintaa ja sen päällä olevia kohteita, Maan muotoa ja painovoimakenttää, sekä niiden kaikkien ajallisia muutoksia. Geodesia on vanha tiede, joka oli olemassa jo muinoin kun maanviljely alkoi ja peltoja piti kartoittaa. Se on myös moderni tiede, joka palvelee modernin, kehittyvän globaalin teknologisen yhteiskuntamme olennaisia infrastruktuuritarpeita. Tämä kirja esittää sekä perinteisen että modernin geodesian perusteet. Perinteinen geodesia kartoittaa Maata ihmisen elintilan puitteissa ja sen ehdolla, kun moderni geodesia käyttää avaruusteknologiaa koko maaplaneetamme kartoittamiseksi ja seuraamiseksi yhtenäisellä kolmiulotteisella tavalla. Tavoitteena on auttaa Maan mittaamiseen ja kartoittamiseen liittyvien sekä tieteellis-matemaattisten että teknologisten käsitteiden ymmärtämistä. Geodesian historiaa ei unohdeta, ja kirjoitelman näkökulma on avoimesti suomalainen. - Geodesy: The science underneath
School of Engineering | D5 Oppikirja, ammatillinen käsi- tai opaskirja tai sanakirja(2019) Vermeer, MartinGeodesy is the science of precisely measuring and mapping the Earth’s surface and locations of objects on it, the figure of the Earth and her gravity field, and changes in all these over time. Geodesy is an old science, going back to the days when land was taken into agricultural use and needed to be mapped. It is also a modern science, serving vital infrastructure needs of our developing global technological society. This text aims to describe the foundations of both traditional geodesy, mapping the Earth within the constraints of the human living space, and modern geodesy, exploiting space technology for mapping and monitoring our planet as a whole, in a unified threedimensional fashion. The approach is throughout at conveying an understanding of the concepts, of both the science and mathematics of measuring and mapping the Earth and the technologies used for doing so. The history of the science is not neglected, and the perspective of the presentation is unapologetically Finnish. - Get inspired! A guide for successful teaching
Services | D5 Oppikirja, ammatillinen käsi- tai opaskirja tai sanakirja(2013) Hemminki, Marianne; Leppänen, Miia; Valovirta, Taru - Get inspired! A guide for successful teaching (arabic version)
D5 Oppikirja, ammatillinen käsi- tai opaskirja tai sanakirja(2020) Hemminki, Marianne; Leppänen, Miia; Valovirta, Taru - Halkominen ja yhteisen alueen jako
Insinööritieteiden korkeakoulu | D4 Julkaistu kehittämis- tai tutkimusraportti tai -selvitys(2011) Vitikainen, Arvo - Idea taiteessa ja tuotekehityksessä
School of Science | D5 Oppikirja, ammatillinen käsi- tai opaskirja tai sanakirja(2011) Reunanen, Jyrki - Innostu ja onnistu opetuksessa
Services | D5 Oppikirja, ammatillinen käsi- tai opaskirja tai sanakirja(2013) Hemminki, Marianne; Leppänen, Miia; Valovirta, Taru - Introduction to Speech Processing
School of Electrical Engineering |(?)
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