[report] Taiteiden ja suunnittelun korkeakoulu / ARTS
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- 100 vuotta suomalaista animaatiota
School of Arts, Design and Architecture | D4 Julkaistu kehittämis- tai tutkimusraportti tai -selvitys(2014) Leinonen, Tuula100 vuotta suomalaista animaatiota on kunnianosoitus animaattoreiden työlle. Eloton herää henkiin ja mestareiden kädenjälki lumoaa aina uusia katsojapolvia. Kirja esittelee tekijöitä ja animaatioelokuvia sadan vuoden ajalta (1914-2014) varhaisista pioneereista nykyajan taitureihin. Poikkeuksellisen runsas, lähes tuhat kuvaa sisältävä kuvamateriaali on kerätty sekä arkistoista että suoraan kymmeniltä tekijöiltä, joita Tuula Leinonen haastatteli kirjaa varten. Faktat ovat napakasti mukana ja niiden ympärillä eloa, detaljeja ja tunnetta. Tervetuloa animaation juhlaan! Kirjan kirjoittaja Tuula Leinonen tuntee animaatioalan perinpohjin. Hän on mm. toiminut opettajana ja tutkijana Aalto-yliopistossa sekä työskennellyt tuottajana, piirrosanimaatio-ohjaajana ja animaattorina. - 100 years in Tokyo
School of Arts, Design and Architecture | D4 Julkaistu kehittämis- tai tutkimusraportti tai -selvitys(2012) Asikainen, Petri Artturi; Kokkonen, Jüri; Takase, Ai - Aalto-yliopiston Energiatehokas townhouse -tutkimushankkeen vuosiraportti 2014
School of Arts, Design and Architecture | D4 Julkaistu kehittämis- tai tutkimusraportti tai -selvitys(2014) Kuittinen, Matti (toimittaja); Moinel, Caroline (graafikko) - Action! -hanke Kyselyraportti täydennyskoulutustarpeista ja tasa-arvon toteutumisesta av-alalla
School of Arts, Design and Architecture | D4 Julkaistu kehittämis- tai tutkimusraportti tai -selvitys(2020) Maskulin, Nina; Reinola, KirsiThe report summarises experiences of equality in the work-life in the Finnish audiovisual sector and maps the professionals' needs for further training. The objectives of the report firstly ascertain the experiences of equality and discrimination at work and map the ways to promote equality in employment and in public funding. Secondly, it takes alook at the need for further training among professionals in the audiovisual sector in Finland. The background to the study is in the EU-funded project Action! (2019-2022). It aims to promote female professionals' employment, to develop measures to remove obstacles, and to support employment in the audiovisual sector. The data was collected with an electric inquiry on Dec 2019-Jan 2020. Among the 80 respondents,four out of five were women. The data consists of background information and of open-ended,written answers to which the content was analyzed. The results show persistent experiences of discrimination in pay, gender, and age. The dominantwork culture in the audiovisual sector was described as segregating, which was accounted for poorskills in management and opacity in public funding. Together with the inequalities in pay, age, and gender, the patronizing network was mentionedas a determining factor in finding employment or funding. The respondents would solve theproblem by commitments to the openness in the recruitment and funding processes which promoteequality. They were affirmative in their profession, and improving skills. However, short periods of workcumulated in the answers when they evaluated their job satisfaction or career change as a resultof the attitudes against women professionals, overwork without pay, and discrimination in general.The gender pay gap has a societal, cultural, and economic impact. Moreover, inequality slows downthe development and international competitiveness in the national audiovisual sector. The lack ofconsistent data on the wages among men and women is a concern when assessing public fundingand its impacts on the matter. The commitments to equality policies and programs with follow-upand assessment of the outcomes are dependent on the decision-makers in the audiovisual sector. In return, it is reasonable to assume that the commitment to national legislation and internationalconventions on gender equality may improve the diversity of the professionals which strengthensthe Finnish audiovisual sector at large to meet the national and international challenges in the nearfuture. - Aesthetics in care environments : the Japanese experience
School of Arts, Design and Architecture | D4 Julkaistu kehittämis- tai tutkimusraportti tai -selvitys(2013) Ståhlberg-Aalto, Freja - Angels, ghosts & cannibals : essays on art education and visual culture
School of Arts, Design and Architecture | D4 Julkaistu kehittämis- tai tutkimusraportti tai -selvitys(2016) Tavin, Kevin; Kallio-Tavin, MiraThis book personifies a journey through art education at the beginning of the twentieth-first century. Starting with advancing critical pedagogy and visual studies, the book establishes a path for the movement of visual culture. It then attempts to wrestle with speculative angels and search for liminal apparitions within theory and practice of visual culture. This includes struggling to create a theoretical framework and position specific examples for art education. The essays begin to shift from a critical pedagogy perspective to one informed by Lacanian psychoanalytic theory. The second part of the book embodies an attempt to turn visual culture and art education on its head, so to speak. In total, the book may be read as an assemblage of ideas, provocations, and suggestions for cannibalizing theory and self-cannibalizing practice of art education, as we move toward a post-visual culture era, as well as a personal and professional challenge to know, and remain in doubt. - Arjen estetiikka
School of Arts, Design and Architecture | D4 Julkaistu kehittämis- tai tutkimusraportti tai -selvitys(2011) Naukkarinen, OssiElämää, jossa ihmiset eivät välittäisi omasta ja muiden ulkonäöstä, kotinsa sisustamisesta, esineiden muotoilusta ja luonnon kauneudesta, on mahdoton kuvitella. Ilman esteettisyyden tajua emme olisi ihmisiä. Arjen estetiikka ohjaa valintojamme ja vaikuttaa sekä omaan hyvinvointiimme että tekojemme kautta ympäristön tilaan. Makutottumuksemme saavat meidät haluamaan esineitä ja tapahtumia koruista ja kännyköistä ilotulituksiin ja luontoretkiin - ja välttämään toisia. Mutta mistä tässä on kyse? Arjen estetiikka käsittelee esteettisyyttä jokapäiväisessä elämässä. Mitä esteettisyys on? Miten se eroaa poliittisuudesta ja eettisyydestä? Miten se vaikuttaa käyttäytymiseemme? Miten esteettinen arviointi eroaa mittaamisesta? Miten aistit ja ajatteleminen nivoutuvat siinä toisiinsa? Mitä on jääkiekon, pukeutumisen, mainonnan ja matkustamisen estetiikka? Ja mitä tekemistä tällä kaikella on taiteen kanssa? Arjen estetiikkaa käsitellään kirjassa sekä teoreettisesti että konkreettisten esimerkkien avulla, ja esimerkit liitetään aihetta aikaisemmin käsitelleiden ajattelijoiden kuten John Deweyn, Michel Foucault'n, Yuriko Saiton, Richard Shustermanin ja Wolfgang Welschin näkemyksiin. - The art and craft of woodblock printmaking : woodblock printmaking with oil-based inks and the Japanese watercolour woodcut : Puupiirroksen taito
School of Arts, Design and Architecture | D4 Julkaistu kehittämis- tai tutkimusraportti tai -selvitys(2013) Laitinen, Kari; Moilanen, Tuula; Tanttu, Antti; Mänki, Laura - The art of research II : process, results and contribution
School of Arts, Design and Architecture | D4 Julkaistu kehittämis- tai tutkimusraportti tai -selvitys(2012) Mäkelä, Maarit; O'Riley, TimBuilding on the work published in The Art of Research: Research Practices in Art and Design (Maarit Mäkelä & Sara Routarinne 2006), this anthology aims to unpick some of the issues surrounding practice-led research in the areas of art and design. The lively debate concerning research in this context began more than two decades ago and is still very much alive. Amongst other issues, the themes discussed have included how art and design research can be formulated, communicated or expressed; the status of the artefact and its context; what relation such practice-led research can have both to other disciplines and to the academic world in general; and its connections and relevance to spheres of professional practice. The anthology is based on the Art of Research conference held at the University of Art and Design Helsinki in 2009, with the theme 'Process, Results and Contribution'. Featuring articles by both keynote speakers and doctoral candidates, The Art of Research II looks at the entanglement of thinking, writing, making and reflecting, and the inevitable, if at times unacknowledged, role of serendipity in the context of practice-led research. By presenting examples of case studies and practical and theoretical reflections, as well as laying out some of the relevant territory, the anthology provides a practical and philosophical contribution to the on-going debate surrounding the practice-led research. - ArtBeat
School of Arts, Design and Architecture | D4 Julkaistu kehittämis- tai tutkimusraportti tai -selvitys(2012) Sederholm, Helena (editor) - Artisaani-ilmiö : suomalaisen taidekäsityön vuosikymmenet
School of Arts, Design and Architecture | D4 Julkaistu kehittämis- tai tutkimusraportti tai -selvitys(2011) Lahti, Hanna (toimittaja); Priha, Päikki (kuvitukset)Kirja kertoo 1970- ja 1980-luvulla perustetuista taidekäsityöläisverstaista, joissa työskenteli keramiikan-, lasin-, korujen- ja tekstiilientekijöitä. Osa taidekäsityöläisistä muodosti muutaman hengen tai suurempia yhteisöjä. Keskeiseksi muodostui Osuuskunta Helsingin Käsityöläiset, jonka Artisaanimyymälässä oli lähes sadalla jäsenellä mahdollisuus myydä tuotteitaan kolmen vuosikymmenen ajan. Mistä kaikki sai alkunsa, millaisia yhteisöjä tuolloin syntyi, ketkä niissä toimivat ja minkälaisia tuotteita verstaissa valmistettiin? Mikä sai Taideteollisesta oppilaitoksesta tai korkeakoulusta valmistuneet ammattilaiset valitsemaan epävarman toimeentulon ja puutteellisen työympäristön tehdasateljeen sijasta? Mihin pienten pajojen työ loppui, mitä ilmiöstä jäi elämään? Teoksessa on useiden pienpajojen tekijöiden ja tuotteiden esittely, mukana ovat mm. Pot Viapori, Seenat, Kankaantekijät, Pilkku, Painopaja Puolukka ja Pohjan Akka. - Arvioinnin äärellä - Lukion kuvataiteen arviointia ja lukiodiplomia kehittämässä KAARO-hankkeessa
School of Arts, Design and Architecture | D4 Julkaistu kehittämis- tai tutkimusraportti tai -selvitys(2022) Henrika Ylirisku, Elina Härkönen & Jani Vepsä (toim.) - ASANTE ZANZIBAR: Interplay of Cultures Studio 2019, Master's level course in Architecture
School of Arts, Design and Architecture | C1 Kustannettu tieteellinen erillisteos(2020) Schütze, KorbinianThe Interplay of Cultures Studio has been part of the curriculum at Aalto University’s Department of Architecture since 1993. The focus of the course is on community empowerment through participation, sustainable design solutions and culturally knowledgeable architecture. The course includes studies on local building traditions and materials, as well as social, economic and climatic characteristics of the local culture. In 2019, the Interplay of Cultures Studio course returned with five Aalto students for three weeks to Zanzibar, to learn about the features of a foreign culture, and to work with disadvantaged local communities, NGO’s and city authorities, tackling real life cases in the context of the Unguja Island. The design tasks were outlined in close collaboration with the City Planning Office of Zanzibar, scales varying from areal planning to building design. The publication displays several methods of the empathic design approaches used by the students and their studio work resulting in four architectural design projects. The students of this course describe themselves as the "learners" in this intercultural study experience. The “learning from the Global South” was for them an unbelievably important part, complementing their usual ways of gaining knowledge and education. As becoming architects, they want to react to their environment in all aspects. There are possibilities of using architectural principles and typologies universally, but this publication promotes the idea of an essential adaptation to a context. The student’s work resulted in a need of adapting to, for instance, social, political, cultural, technical, or environmental demands of a certain local context, which eventually becomes promising and beneficial for the approval of the design proposals by the local partners and communities. - Asuntosuunnittelun eväät
School of Arts, Design and Architecture | D4 Julkaistu kehittämis- tai tutkimusraportti tai -selvitys(2012) Huttunen, Hannu; Sanaksenaho, Pirjo; Tervo, Anne; Mannerla-Magnusson, Meri; Aalto, Leena; Verma, Ira - Bare House Ulaanbaatar : at the building site
J Muu elektroninen julkaisu(2011) Wilenius, Annu (editor)At the heart of bare house, Ulaanbaatar is the thought that, as much as we design our environments, these environments design us – and as such, we and our houses stand naked in the world. This is not a nakedness we should – or could do – away with, but one which compels us to be more attentive to and subtle in connecting with our surroundings. And sometimes, it is precisely a dislocation that makes different understandings possible. Bare house is part of an international exhibition and publication project, which reflects on urbanism through the experience and ideas of Mongolia. This publication documents the art works in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia in 2011 and also presents the artists’ reflections upon the works and different display contexts. An essay, At the Building Site I and a photo essay, At the Building Site II, by Annu Wilenius, are included to further explore the themes of building cities, building exhibitions and building identities. - Campus is ours : a walk across the campus and observations on its surroundings : Aalto University art coordination report 2012/2015
School of Arts, Design and Architecture | D4 Julkaistu kehittämis- tai tutkimusraportti tai -selvitys(2015) Isohanni, Tuula (author); Kiuru, Päivi (graphic designer) - Campus is ours : kävelyllä kampuksella ja huomioita sen ympäristöstä : Aalto-yliopiston taidekoordinoinnin raportti vuosilta 2012-2015
School of Arts, Design and Architecture | D4 Julkaistu kehittämis- tai tutkimusraportti tai -selvitys(2015) Isohanni, Tuula - Castillo por la memoria
School of Arts, Design and Architecture | C1 Kustannettu tieteellinen erillisteos(2015) Irigoyen, Jon - Ceramics and its dimensions : shaping the future
School of Arts, Design and Architecture | D4 Julkaistu kehittämis- tai tutkimusraportti tai -selvitys(2016) Mäkelä, Maarit; Schmidt, Barbara; Falin, Priska; Juolahti, Minerva (editors); Siemen, Wilhelm; Yli-Viikari, Tapio; Latva-Somppi, Riikka; Zampollo, Francesca; Hoyer, Dirk; Tvede Hansen, Flemming; Moore, Michael; Petruschat, Jörg (authors); Blazy, Benjamin; Brell, Toni; König, Maximilian; Melchers, Simon; Sievers, Ann Christin (graphic designers)European ceramics traditions and cultures are facing challenges, many of them linked to the recent development of digital technology that is changing the rules of our everyday life as well as all aspects of trade. The publication shares, shows and discusses the ideas and processes that have evolved during the project Ceramics and its Dimensions and the related sub-project Shaping the Future. The sub-project began with a workshop on the premises of the KAHLA Porcelain factory in Germany gathering together international team of students, teachers and other stakeholders with the aim of exploring the material of ceramics and the associated new technologies. These experiments resulted in diverse new ceramic pieces yet even more important were the shared experiences and ideas that gave birth to new creative processes. The articles of the publication discuss the topics of design, education, 3D printing and food. The publication includes also a catalogue of the works that are on display in a touring exhibition Ceramics and its Dimensions: Shaping the Future. The aim of the publication is to challenge and reposition the role of ceramics and its future. - Cinematic diamonds : narrative storytelling strategies in short fiction film
School of Arts, Design and Architecture | D4 Julkaistu kehittämis- tai tutkimusraportti tai -selvitys(2012) Cantell, Saara (kirjoittaja); Jeremiah, Fleur (kääntäjä)Saara Cantell proposes and discusses alternative ways of approaching short film. This book emphasizes short film as an independent and challenging cinematic art form of its own right. The "mystery" of short film is approached by examining the aesthetics of other short forms, The structural parallels between e.g. jokes and short films, as well as narrative strategies found in poetry, offer meaningful references. The research consists of both the analysis of selected short films and the five short films directed during the research process. Research questions are deeply rooted in the practice of film-making and developed during the productions of five short films included in the dissertation. Saara Cantell is a Finnish filmmaker. She has directed several short films and TV-series as well as two feature films.