(2016) Cronhjort, Yrsa (ed.); Hughes, Mark (ed.); Paakkanen, Mikko (ed.); Sahi, Karola (ed.); Tukiainen, Pekka (ed.); Tulamo, Tomi (ed.); Vahtikari, Katja (ed.)
School of Arts, Design and Architecture | D4 Julkaistu kehittämis- tai tutkimusraportti tai -selvitys
Design has been recognized as a key discipline to bring ideas to the market. In addition to current research on human perceptions and the functional capacities of wood, this publication demonstrates the potential of wood in various applications. The designs are the results of three design courses, implemented during 2015 and 2016 at Aalto University in Finland. The Masters student courses included two Wood Studios at Aalto University’s School of Arts, Design and Architecture and the Integrated Interior Wooden Surfaces course at the School of Chemical Technology at Aalto University. The students that participated in these courses have backgrounds in architecture, design and forest products technology.
This book is an outcome of Work Package 5, WoodWisdom-NET project Wood2New (2014-2017), in collaboration with project Wood Life (Aalto Energy Efficiency Research Programme, 2013-2017). We hope you enjoy our product and become inspired!