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- Kolmiulotteiset kaupunkimallit ja niiden käyttömahdollisuudet kuntien toiminnoissa
School of Engineering | Master's thesis(2010) Hartikainen, LauriA 3D city model is a wide-area digital spatial data set, which consists of three dimensionally mode led terrain, buildings and other structures. 3D city model may also include, for example, hydro graphic and traffic network data and it may also hold semantic data of the objects. This thesis reviews current use and potential ways to use 3D city models in Finnish municipalities. This thesis also inspects current practices of how municipalities use spatial data. Geographic Information Systems used in municipalities are also referred. In addition, this thesis presents information about the source data needed and the techniques used in 3D city modelling. Modelling of urban environment is typically based on use of aerial (nadir and oblique imagery) and terrestrial imagery, laser ranging (LiDAR) and/or field measurements. This thesis also presents information about the concepts of surface model types and the data models used in city modelling. So far 3D city models are scarcely used tools in Finnish urban planning and other municipal processes. 3D design models and visualizations are used to some extent in detailed urban planning. Final part of the study consists of interviews which show that the level of knowledge in 3D city modelling and the ability to process and exploit city models varies considerably in different municipalities. There are also big differences in standardized practices of using city models - if such have ever been created. - 3D personal navigation in smart phone using geocoded images
School of Engineering | Master's thesis(2011) Wang, YiwuThe research of three-dimensional personal navigation in smart phone is more and more popular nowadays. Such kind of 3D navigation applications are mostly based on 3D model constructed in the computer, then importing the model to the mobile phone. Comparing with computer, the mobile devices typically have the bottlenecks of weaker CPU, less memory, lower bus bandwidth and limited power supply. The thesis presents a new solution to mitigate these technical restrictions of 3D model visualization in smart phone and achieve a better performance. The thesis is based on the project of "3D Personal Navigation and Location-Based Service for World Exposition 2010" funded by TEKES, replacing 3D visualization model engine with geocoded images searching engine in smart phone. The research delivers a 3D personal navigation software running in a Nokia 6710 handset. The major difference of the proposed solution with other similar 3D mobile navigation solutions and the previous 3D PN application is the visualization engine, which is based on geocoded images, rather than the developed projects on the basis of 3D model. The research generates a topological network and landmark database, and geocodes images snatching from 3D model which is constructed on computer. The system implements the functions of navigation in querying, routing and map matching, and develops the visualization search-engine for the geocoded images. To honestly evaluate the performance and improvement of the proposed solution several tests are carried out in the area of Tapiola, Espoo, Finland, including a field test to evaluate the positioning accuracy and the real-time performance, and a consumption test to prove the low cost of system. The proposed solution costs lower power consumption, CPU and memory, in higher refreshing rate,and have better visualization performance as well. In addition, this solution provides an optional way to decrease labour and working time to build up a similar solution by using real photos instead of complex 3D model construction. - Kallioaineksen korvaamisesta maantietoimituksessa
School of Engineering | Master's thesis(2011) Ylikangas, MiaAssessment of compensating rock substance has become topical trough nationally notable highway projects. Principles of valuating rock substance in Road Surveys are not yet established, and therefore value formation of rock materials need to be enquired into. Research is based on study of legislation and literature. Project area of main road 1, road section Muurla-Lohja, is examined in a case study. Research material consists mainly of guidebooks written by Finish environmental authorities and proceedings in surveys and courts. Compensation of rock substance is based on estates' premises for soil extraction permit, which is regulated in the Land Extraction Act. Elements mentioned in sections 3 and 6 of named act limit areas possibilities to get an extraction permit. Effects these elements have on compensation of substances are evaluated in general and property-specifically, for their relevance in permit deliberations are obviously subjective. Compensation of rock substance also presumes that extraction of resources is indeed the most profitable use for the estates at issue. When requisites for extraction permit are fulfilled, the value of the substance needs to be determined. Best suited method for valuating a possible extraction area is income method. Areas yield value is based on the quantity and quality of the substance it contains. However, distance to regional centers and regional demand of substance of specific quality, are deciding factors. According to current compensation practice, quality of the substance should be first grade (I), and the distance should be maximum 20 kilometers. For those real estates handled in the case study, was found no grounds for compensation of rock material. In most cases, the interpretation was based on the restrictive factors that would have hindered soil extraction. In other cases, the extraction actions would not have been economically viable for substances poor quality and poor links for transport. In these cases the costs of the rock extraction operations would have overran the potential returns. Research shows, that acquisition of rock quality data and information of elements that restrict rock extraction should be systematic so, that it would be easily attainable also for landowners. Practice of compensating rock substance should also be consistent so that decision making between compensating and not-compensating would be clearer. This would reduce the subjectivity of decision making, and transparency of the evaluation process could also increase landowners' belief in legal basis of compensation. - Pihakasvillisuuden korvaamisesta maantietoimituksissa
Helsinki University of Technology | Master's thesis(2009) Wikström, Mikko JohannesTutkimuksessa perehdytään pihakasvillisuuden korvauskäytäntöihin maantietoimituksissa. Tarkemmin syvennytään rakennuspaikkojen hoitotasoltaan erilaisilla alueilla kasvavan kasvillisuuden korvauskäsittelyyn. Tutkimusaiheen taustana oli maantietoimituksissa syntyneet erimielisyydet siitä, tuleeko myös hoidetun pihan-alueen reunoilla, reuna-alueilla, kasvava kasvillisuus korvata koristekasvillisuutena. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on ensinnäkin selvittää, minkälaisiin ongelmiin pihakasvillisuuden korvaamisessa on törmätty. Toiseksi tutkimuksessa luodaan kuva nykyisestä korvauskäytännöstä. Kolmanneksi pohditaan kehystä hoitotasoltaan erilaisilla alueilla kasvavan pihakasvillisuuden korvauskäsittelyyn. Tutkimuksen ensimmäisessä osassa tehdään kirjallisuuden avulla teoreettinen tarkastelu lunastuslain mukaiseen korvausjärjestelmään ja pihakasvillisuuden korvaamisessa käytettyihin entisiin ja nykyisiin ohjeistuksiin. Tutkimuksen toinen osa on empiirinen. Suoritetussa toimitusanalyysissa tutkittiin Uudenmaan ja Turun tiepiirien alueelta valittujen maantie- ja yleistietoimitusten korvauskäsittelyä pihakasvillisuuden osalta. Analyysin avulla pyrittiin ensisijaisesti luomaan kuva, miten piha- ja reuna-alueiden kasvillisuus on korvauskäytännössä erotettu toisistaan. Toimitusanalyysin lisäksi suoritetussa haastattelututkimuksessa selvitettiin eri asiantuntijoiden mielipiteitä ensinnäkin siitä, miten suurena ongelmana pihakasvillisuuskorvauksiin liittyviä kysymyksiä on käytännössä pidetty. Lisäksi haastatteluissa kysyttiin asiantuntijoiden omia käytäntöjä po. ongelmiin liittyen. Tutkimuksessa osoittautui, että pihakasvillisuuden korvauskäytännöissä reuna-alueiden osalta on vaihtelua tapaus- ja toimitusmieskohtaisesti. Varsinkin hoidetun piha-alueen ja reuna-alueen välinen rajanveto on tutkimuksen perusteella kirjavaa. Tutkimustulosten perusteella tutkimuksessa voidaan myös esittää pihakasvillisuuden korvaamisen kehyksenä malli. Mallin mukaan luonnonvaraisen alueen kasvillisuus tulisi sisällyttää maapohjan arvoon. Sitä vastoin reuna-aluekasvillisuus voitaisiin arvioida koristekasvillisuutena, mutta selkeästi pienemmillä kasvupaikka- ja kuntokertoimen arvoilla kuin saman rakennuspaikan hoidetun piha-alueen kasvillisuus. - Peltolohkorekisterin tarkkuus ja laatu
School of Engineering | Master's thesis(2011) Marila, SimoThe Finnish Land Parcel Identification System (FLPIS) is managed by the Finnish Agency for Rural Affairs. The system is used for managing, controlling, planning and reporting of agricultural subsidies. Parcels of the register are updated mainly with orthophoto digitization. The quality of the register is controlled in every part of the production process and with the accuracy studies of the FLPIS. The objective of this master's thesis is to present initialization of a new Land Parcel Identification System Quality Assurance (LPIS QA) in European Union and some of its results of year 2010, carrying out of accuracy studies of the FLPIS and results from it and also to consider about issues affecting to accuracy or preciseness of LPIS. In the first part of the thesis focus is on things like accuracy and precision and in measuring methods of land parcel. Rest of the thesis tells about LPIS QA and FLPIS accuracy studies and issues affecting to LPIS quality. The accuracy study of the FLPIS is done as a follow-up study of LPIS studies done in 1998 and 1999. From the results of this work we can draw the conclusion that FLPIS accuracy has slightly improved in ten years. The error of the parcel area is now on the average 2,6 % (1999: 2,8 %) and accuracy of the parcel border 1,8 m (1999: 1,9 m). Rationale of the EU-level LPIS QA is to find possible imperfections of different LPISs in different EU member states. The quality measures given by the Joint Research Center (JRC) are investigated with a small sample of reference land parcels which are digitized from the satellite orthophoto. The obtained quality results indicated that the quality of the FLPIS is relatively good. The most significant issues affecting to the accuracy of the FLPIS are accuracy and precision of an orthophoto and orthophoto digitization. Last one was studied with test measurements. The land parcel accuracy was studied also from the point of views of coordinate reference frames, map projections and shape of the parcel. The work was done in the Finnish Geodetic Institute in commission for the Finnish Agency for Rural Affairs. - Acquirement of residential property in Thailand from foreign individual investor's perspective
School of Engineering | Master's thesis(2011) Sotka, TuuliaOver the last decades the interest towards residential property market in Thailand has grown, although affected by the recent global economic downturn and the political unrests in the country. This research aimed to understand the reasons why foreign individuals acquire residential property in Thailand and what risks foreign individuals perceive in acquiring residential property in Thailand. In addition, the aim was to describe the different ownership forms in relation to residential property that are available to foreign individuals in Thailand taking into consideration the restrictions on foreign property ownership and the limited leasehold period on property. The nature of this research is qualitative. The methods of interviewing as well as emailed enquiries were employed. The participants included real estate professionals and foreign individual purchasers of residential real estate in Thailand. Additionally, the coverage on the different residential property ownership forms in Thailand was also based on secondary sources of information. In order to reflect the results to a specific background, a framework on the relevant subject matters was created by reviewing source literature and other secondary sources of information. The findings in this research showed that several reasons and risks are associated with acquiring residential property in Thailand. Foreign individuals are acquiring residential property in Thailand for second-homes and for retirement homes as well as for investment purposes. Warm climate, low cost of living, amount of available activities and lifestyle opportunities, return and rental possibilities as well as low real estate prices were presented as reasons to acquire residential property in Thailand. Risks that were reported included uncertainties related to the political environment in Thailand, harmful market practices and frauds, unknown market, developer's professionalism, construction quality and completion, investment return volatility and currency fluctuations. Regarding the different residential property ownership forms available to foreign individuals in Thailand, the options range from freehold ownership in condominium to leasehold ownership of property, as well as holding property indirectly through a partly foreign owned Thai legal company. Although, the different ownership forms related to residential land, land combined with buildings, registered condominiums and unregistered apartments were perceived to hold certain benefits and disadvantages by the participant in this research, no clear preference between the different ownership forms was discovered among foreign individuals. This research is regarded to present useful considerations especially for individuals who are planning to acquire residential property in Thailand and for people as well as companies who are otherwise interested in the subject of international residential property investing. - Puustoesteiden ja lentoesterajoitusten oikeuksien hankinta ja korvaaminen
School of Engineering | Master's thesis(2010) Nyyssönen, Päivi - Uusjaolle asetettujen tavoitteiden toteutumisesta
School of Engineering | Master's thesis(2011) Hepo-oja, MiikkaThis thesis examines the correlation between set objectives at planning stage and results at implementation stage in 15 land consolidations. These land consolidations have been implemented in the province of Pohjanmaa from 1980's to 2000. The goal of this thesis is to resolve, whether land consolidations have been implemented with the resources they've been granted and if they have fulfilled the objectives of the structure of real property. The discovered results are presented one land consolidation at a time as well as all surveys jointly. Significant deviations from the set objectives have been taken into consideration by scoping unique characteristics of a single land consolidation. The dimension of time and the influence of renewed land consolidation procedure are studied in the joint review. Time effect on the results has been adjusted by using the cost-of-living index. The structure of real property in Finland is scattered in many parts and it is pursued to be united with land consolidations. Projects have usually been long lasting, even more than 20 years, which is why there has been a real need to improve the land consolidation procedure. By simplifying the procedure, land consolidations are hoped to be more widely used as well as implemented within the five-year target period. The latest implemented land consolidations show that the five-year target and the set objectives for the procedure costs are nearly reached. Land consolidations are guided by Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, which also grants legal financial support to land consolidations. Aim of the financial support is to help form appropriate structure of real property and also to improve drainage and road maintenance in the consolidation areas. However, the improvements are executed on significantly wider areas than originally planned and also the division areas are expanded from set objectives. This study shows that the financial support is not utilised as it is meant to be. - Added value of corporate real estate management in industrial premises
School of Engineering | Master's thesis(2011) Ristaniemi, EetuThe added value research in the field of CREM is very much focused at offices and the added models constructed in previous research are only partly applicable to industrial premises. Yet industrial premises form a significant proportion of the overall real estate assets in Western countries. Previous research also focuses on shareholders' added value ignoring other stakeholders' added value. The study aims to identify the added value of corporate real estate management in industrial premises from stakeholders' perspective. As a result, a generic model about the added value of CREM in industrial premises is constructed. The main research problem in questions form is: What is the added value of corporate real estate management in an industrial company? The study was conducted with a constructive research method. The understanding for the topic was gathered by performing a literature review focusing on the added value of CREM and special characteristics of CREM in industrial premises. Based on the literature review a novel added value model is formed. This model is further developed and tested in the empirical part using case studies with three companies and surveys that had 40 respondents from Finnish industrial companies. On a corporate level the added value of corporate real estate management in industrial premises for key stakeholders stems from supporting production processes, embracing sustainability and promoting company brand. To implement these objectives the most effective real estate strategies are reduce environmental impacts, enhance productivity, improve employee satisfaction, cost control and promote employee safety and health. These strategies should be the first priority in organizing CREM for industrial premises. Industrial premises have been a neglected asset previous CREM research despite their complexity as an asset. There are significant differences in CREM of offices and industrial premises and therefore the added value stems from different attributes for these different property types. - Hallinnanjakosopimus
School of Engineering | Master's thesis(2010) Häkkinen, ElinaThe Code of Real Estate that came into force in 1997 enables joint owners of real estate to register an agreement to divide the possession. By registering the agreement the joint owners are able to secure their legal position in situations, where the joint ownership before could be dissolved by selling the real estate. The regulations of the Code of Real Estate have been widely interpreted, which has made it possible for joint owners to utilize the agreement in very different ways. The thesis focuses on the characteristics and questions related to the registration of the agreement, as well as on the legal consequences of the registration. The relationship between the agreement and authorities, land use and the cadastral system is explored through case studies and interviews with experts in the field. The possibilities and problems of the agreement are evaluated from different perspectives. Because of the different interpretations of the law and the inconsistent practice, the opinions regarding the utilization of the agreement are divided. Many authorities regard the agreement with reservation and think that the unclear regulations are problematic. The lack of geographic information of the agreed boundaries is considered to be a problem regarding the clarity of the cadastral system. By complementing the public registers with the geographic data of the agreements, the reliability of the cadastral system can be increased. The benefits of the agreement to divide the possession between joint owners offer new opportunities to plan and realize land use. By defining clear principles and regulations, the application of the agreement could be made more efficient. The land registration authority can control established agreement practice and improve the flow of information by implementing strict registration policies. - Airborne laser scanner derived digital terrain and surface model production in tropical climate
Helsinki University of Technology | Master's thesis(2009) Davidsson, Jonne - Täydennysrakentamisen käynnistämisvaiheen analyysi
Helsinki University of Technology | Master's thesis(2009) Tolvanen, Anni - An analysis of the bubble in the Beijing residential market
School of Engineering | Master's thesis(2011) Zhang, Junqiang - Toimitilojen palvelutarvetutkimus osana palvelukonseptin kehittämistä - Case Merikortteli ja Spektri Business Park
School of Engineering | Master's thesis(2011) Haapanen, Antti-VilleTraditionally the planning of facility services has been focused on the needs of the real estate owner. As the owner does not always use the premises himself, it is appropriate to concentrate on the needs of the daily users of the premises. In this study the need for facility services of employees was the cause of research in two different premises. The challenges and requirements of the successful implementation of services were also studied. The target was to collect information about the need for facility services in different kinds of office buildings and also compare those needs to each other. This information of needs could be used in different premises in the future. The survey of the facility service needs was implemented as an enquiry. The answers were the basis of the study in which the staff of the facility management company that gave this assignment was interviewed. With those interviews it was possible to estimate the feasibility of the service needs. According to the results of the enquiry, the facility services that the personnel appreciate the most are mainly traditional facility services. Also some new service needs were found in addition to the above-mentioned. This research also showed that the respondents with different backgrounds had different service needs. The enquiry produced results which can also be used generally, when the facility management company is planning their service concepts. In the questionnaire the services were divided into two groups: "the services that improve the work performance" and "the services that make work more pleasant". The most important of "the services that improve the work performance" were: guarding services," the office janitor", wireless Internet, the map of the premises and access control services. The most important of "the services that make work more pleasant" were: a parking space, restaurant services, cleaning services, cafe services, catering for meetings, a dressing and shower room and a gym. According to the results of the interview study the biggest problem in providing the services is that though the companies would like to have a lot of services, they are not always ready to pay for them. Besides, the technical restrictions of real estates and the lack of professionals in facility service sector cause problems. Even the long response times of the service providers are problematic. - Valítukset maaoikeuteen - valitusten syiden analysointi
School of Engineering | Master's thesis(2010) Lahtinen, Salli-MaijaIn this work, the appeals towards legal cadastral surveys and the reasons behind the appeals are researched. The work was conducted by researching the decisions made by the Land and the Supreme Courts of Finland. The results of this work can be used to increase the quality of legal cadastral surveys. The legal cadastral surveys made by the National Land Surveys in the years 2000-2009 and the statistical data engraved from then was used as the main research material. A more rigorous study was performed for legal cadastral surveys in the years 2008-2009 that were processed in court Based on the results of this work it seems that the legal cadastral surveys made by the National Land Surveys are of high quality as only 1, 24 percent of all legal cadastral surveys have been processed in court. Proportionally, the largest number of appeals is made in the Uusimaa-region. Amongst the different survey procedures, relatively most appeals are made from legal surveys in expropriation procedures. The most common objects for appeals are the rights of way and compensations. Withdrawal of appeals and dismisses of action on the appeals are both very common. To decrease the amount of withdrawals and dismisses of action the court decisions should provide better argumentation and the awareness of the issues applicable for appeals should be increased amongst the general public. - Vakiosopimusten hyödyntäminen yritystonttikaupoissa
Helsinki University of Technology | Master's thesis(2009) Laitala, Pasi - Mukauttamistoimenpide- ja toimituskustannusten osittelu peltotilusjärjestelyissä
School of Engineering | Master's thesis(2011) Pirinen, RiikkaAccording to the Real Estate Formation Act (554/1995) it is possible to carry out various adaptation projects during the land consolidation. These projects can include ditching and subsurface drainage in the fields, as well as constructing and repairing the regional roads. The parties involved can get public financing to carry out the adaptation projects and to pay the procedure costs. The expenses caused by the adaptation projects and the land consolidation procedure are apportioned among the parties involved. This is done based on the benefits they gain from the project. It is likely that the land owners have to finance even larger amount of the expenses in the future due to the shortage of the public financing. This probably creates a need to consider the methods used in apportioning the expenses more carefully. The aim of this thesis was to study how the expenses of the adaptation projects and the procedure costs should be apportioned and which methods can be used. In addition, the goal was to find out how the apportionment of the expenses is done in practice. The research methods used in this study were literary research and interview study. The sources used included literature concerning the apportionment methods and legislation. The documents of ten land consolidation procedures were also studied. According to the Real Estate Formation Act the apportionment of the procedure costs and the costs of the adaptation projects must be grounded on benefits. The Water Act (264/1961) must also be taken into account when apportioning the costs of the ditching projects. It was perceived in the study that the apportionment methods used in practice were various. The variety of the methods used in apportioning the procedure costs was especially evident. However, the perspective of the benefits in the methods used was often rather practical. It was also found that there is a need to standardize the apportionment methods of the procedure costs. Also came up the point that the apportionment methods need to be efficient. The selecting of the appropriate apportionment method was found to be dependent on the operational environment. The study also brought out the matter that the authorities from the separate agencies are applying the Water Act partly differently. In addition the land surveyor's responsibility for selecting the appropriate apportionment method was found to be significant. This is because the law concerning the apportionment of the adaptation project and procedure costs enables latitude to authorities. - Kiinteistövaikutusten arviointi väylähankkeissa
Helsinki University of Technology | Master's thesis(2009) Tirkkonen, Jari - Epäsymmetrinen informaatio vieraan pääoman ehtoisessa kiinteistörahoituksessa - kiinteistörahoittajan näkökulma ja keinot vaikutusten hallitsemiseksi
School of Engineering | Master's thesis(2010) Sievers, TommiInformation asymmetries are characteristic of economic relationships. This applies to credit markets as well and the minimization of informational asymmetries between the lender and the borrower is an essential part of prudent banking. The goal of this study is to examine how information asymmetries affect real estate debt financing in the Finnish market and how lenders attempt to control asymmetric information's effects. The following research questions are addressed: What it is the role of debt financing in real estate investment? How do asymmetric information and problems deriving from it affect real estate debt financing? What are the means by which lenders can control the effects of asymmetric information? In addition to a literary research of earlier studies of the field, the study includes an interview study directed to real estate financiers who operate in the Finnish market. The interview study comprises of eight semi-structured interviews targeted at professionals working in the field of real estate finance. Asymmetric information's problems affect real estate lending primarily through the adverse selection of borrowers and moral hazard during the during the loan period. Adverse selection requires that the lender is not capable of separating projects with different levels of risk. The results of this study imply that adverse selection does not cause a significant problem in real estate financing in Finland; the Finnish market is sufficiently small and thus financiers are often familiar with the proposed investment properties. Moreover, information related to the properties, e.g. lease agreements and financial statements, is often easily verifiable. Hence, lenders are able to assess the risk levels of different projects. Lenders try to prevent moral hazard during the loan period by regular monitoring and screening of potential borrowers. Borrower's report of the development of the investment according to the schedule agreed in the loan agreement. Thus, the lender is in a position to intervene in case it notices a deviation from the approved business plan. This leaves little room for moral hazard. The interviewees did not feel that they have been given deliberately false information by the borrowers. In part, this is affected by the fact that in most cases the borrowers have been professional investors who the lenders or their colleagues have already been familiar with. The real estate financing sector in Finland is relatively small and the market participants know each other well. Hence, borrowers are incentivized to maintain a good reputation and thus enable also future financing of their projects. - Asuinalueen rakentamisessa syntyvien hiilipäästöjen hybridi-LCA-mallinnus
Insinööritieteiden korkeakoulu | D4 Julkaistu kehittämis- tai tutkimusraportti tai -selvitys(2011) Säynäjoki, Antti; Heinonen, Jukka; Junnila, Seppo