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- The Accelerating Disconnection of Work from Time and Place: New Questions for HR
A3 Kirjan tai muun kokoomateoksen osa(2024-03-19) Gartner, Johannes; Mäkelä, Kristiina; Sumelius, Jennie; Vuorenmaa, HerttaThe nature of work has already, for some time, been undergoing major changes as a result of technological progress. Mobile, virtual and cloud technologies, and the infrastructures that support them, are increasingly enabling work to be done from anywhere and at any time. The COVID-19 pandemic has further accelerated this process, driving a large share of white-collar knowledge work to remote and hybrid modes. In this chapter, we explore how the increasing disconnection of work from time and place influences HRM, highlighting important new questions and concerns that HR needs to consider in the key areas of performance management, recruitment and talent management, training and development and diversity management. We also suggest elements requiring increased HR focus going forward, including building employee engagement and an inspiring organizational culture in a virtual and hybrid environment; focusing on the sustainability of working life and employee wellbeing; and facilitating a resilient employee mindse - Applying Visible Strong Equivalence in Answer-Set Program Transformations
A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä(2020-10) Bomanson, Jori; Janhunen, Tomi; Niemelä, IlkkaStrong equivalence is one of the basic notions of equivalence that have been proposed for logic programs subject to the answer-set semantics. In this article, we propose a new generalization of strong equivalence (SE) that takes the visibility of atoms into account and we characterize it in terms of appropriately revised SE-models. Our design resembles (relativized) strong equivalence but is substantially different due to adopting a strict one-to-one correspondence of models from the notion of visible equivalence. We additionally tailor the characterization for more convenient use with positive programs and provide formal tools to exploit the tailored version also in the case of some programs that use negation. We illustrate the use of visible strong equivalence and the characterizations in showing the correctness of program transformations that make use of atom visibility. Moreover, we present a translation that enables us to automate the task of verifying visible strong equivalence for particular fragments of answer-set programs. We experimentally study the efficiency of verification when the goal is to check whether an extended rule is visibly strongly equivalent to its normalization, i.e., a subprogram expressing the original rule in terms of normal rules only. In the process, we verify the outputs of several real implementations of normalization schemes on a considerable number of input rules. - Bibliometric services in recruiting processes at Aalto University
Poster(2017) Huiku, Leena; Hyrkkänen, Anna-Kaisa; Pasanen, Irma; Tolonen, EvaEstablished in 2010, Aalto University is a new university with centuries of experience. It was created from the merger of three Finnish universities and today it consists of six schools: School of Arts, Design and Architecture; School of Business; School of Chemical Engineering; School of Electrical Engineering; School of Engineering and School of Science with nearly 20 000 students and 4 700 employees, 390 of which are professors. Aalto University has a tenure track system with clearly set evaluation criteria and selection process. The tenure track evaluation criteria is based on the principles of predictability, transparency, and comparability with international standards. Bibliometric analysis have been an integrated part of Aalto University recruiting processes since 2011 and the bibliometric service portfolio has evolved to support the different phases of the tenure track system. The services are all a result of collaboration between several sections of the university: the Management Information Services (MIS) unit coordinates the bibliometric analysis and collaboration partners include HR, the Learning Centre (Library), Research and Innovation Services (RIS), and the selection committees of the schools. In the publication analysis the international bibliometric indicators are used and the overall methodology follows the policies highlighted e.g. in the Leiden Manifesto and the Acumen Portfolio. The poster will give an overview of the current bibliometric service portfolio, the respective partnerships of the service in question, and volume of the service. The poster will focus on the recently launched new service, the Talent Search that aims to identify and attract good candidates to apply for a tenure track position at Aalto University. Talent Search brings together the knowhow of the School´s search committee, HR recruiting specialist, and the bibliometric information specialists of MIS. Based on the descriptive information about the post given by the selection committee the information specialists prepare a search strategy in the bibliometric databases to track down potential candidates. The dialogue with the selection committee continues until the result matches the intended scope of candidates in terms of their tenure track level and publication activity. The HR specialist is subsequently responsible of personally contacting the identified suitable candidates to market the open position. Aalto Talent Search service specifications were introduced in 2015 and the first appointment based on its results took place in 2017. - Can You Hear Me? Thinking Academic Collective Scenes as Intimate Spaces
A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä(2021-12) Loytonen, TeijaInspired by Gilles Deleuze's texts and writings, this article is an experiment toward thinking about academic "collective scenes" as "intimate spaces." Baugh explained that for Deleuze experimentation involves encounters with the unknown without preconceptions about what these encounters should be or produce. Similarly, in this article, I begin the experiment without any particular directives or plans besides closely (or intimately) connecting and thinking with academia, and Deleuze; I am interested in investigating what (my) diverse encounters with/in academia prompt (in me) now when thinking and writing (about) academic collectives, disciplines, practices, people and spaces, and more. The aim of the experimentation is not to support or reject any specific forms of established and predefined academic attachments but to explore them, let them loose, to widen thought about what emerges with(in) academia, how we might also connect with(in) academia. - Elonkehä, ilmastonmuutos ja sosiaaliturva -tietokooste: Sosiaaliturvakomitean ja strategisen tutkimuksen tietokumppanuus
Commissioned report(2022-05) Hiedanpää, Juha; Kahiluoto, Helena; Lamminen, Marjukka; Korhonen-Kurki, Kaisa; Kuivalainen, Susan; Kurki, Marjo; Lammi, Minna; Ritschkoff, Anne-Christine; Salmi, Asta; Viteli, Jarmo - Finnish Pure User Group FIPure: Implementation of national network of CRIS administrators
Poster(2017-04-19) , Finnish Pure User Group, FIPure - Global boundary spanners
Entry for encyclopedia / dictionary(2024-02-29) Barner-Rasmussen, Wilhelm; Mäkelä, Kristiina - Interdisciplinarity
A3 Kirjan tai muun kokoomateoksen osa(2021-12-01) Thorén, Henrik; Nagatsu, Michiru; Schönach, PaulaSustainability science is fundamentally an interdisciplinary venture, but what does this interdisciplinarity imply in practice? And how can, and should, we think about interdisciplinarity more generally? These are important philosophical and methodological questions for sustainability science, the answers to which remain at least partially out of sight for a variety of reasons. This chapter has three main aims. First, it provides a discussion of various dimensions of interdisciplinarity and how it can be understood from a philosophical perspective. Second, a historical perspective is assumed as well, as it introduces the history of interdisciplinarity and problem-driven science governance and some previous attempts at establishing interdisciplinary fields (ecological economics and cognitive science). And third, it provides an outline of an important strategy within sustainability science, suggesting that the focus has been on institutional reform. - Is there only one way of project management theorizing, or are there multiple sector-specific project management domains?
A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä(2017) Artto, Karlos A.; Gemünden, Hans Georg; Walker, Derek; Peippo-Lavikka, PirjoPurpose: Many literature reviews on project management (PM) research are limited to studies published only in PM journals but some reviews do expand their analysis on PM research published also in journals belonging to the management studies field. However, the authors found no previous literature reviews comparing the PM content in different sectors outside the management studies field. Therefore, the analysis and findings of PM content derived from the sector-specific engineering and technology-focused journals are new. The paper aims to discuss this issue. Design/methodology/approach: The authors analyze PM content in nine different sectors, where each sector and its inherent research is connected to specific engineering, technological, or industry-related disciplines. The authors conduct an evidence-informed literature review on PM knowledge in the distinct literatures of these nine sectors. The period of analysis is 24 years from 1986-2009. The authors discuss potential consequences of the findings’ sector-specificity for future PM domain development. Findings: The perspective on different origins of PM leads to a meta-level PM concept covering several different PM domains, each with its own sector specific and separated development path. Research limitations/implications: The literature analysis purposefully excluded PM journals and management studies, and the authors focused only on sector-specific engineering and technology-focused journals that represent knowledge and wisdom of different PM contents in nine sectors. Practical implications: The findings have significant potential to contribute to scholarly discussion on the development of a universal PM theory. For applicability across sectors, the authors suggest a modular PM theory with different sector-specific modules for knowledge, concepts, and underlying assumptions. Originality/value: Currently, this discussion has been mainly focused on theorizing concepts and approaches in management studies only. This study expands the understanding to engineering and technology-focused journals across nine industry sectors/domains. - Potential and recognized boundary spanners in multinational corporations
A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä(2019-06-01) Mäkelä, Kristiina; Barner-Rasmussen, Wilhelm; Ehrnrooth, Mats; Koveshnikov, AlexeiBoundary spanners play an important role in multinational corporations (MNC), yet it is unclear who these valuable individuals are and why certain individuals, and not others, perform this role. We advance a ‘recognition’ perspective based on whether and how relevant others on both sides on the boundary experience positive impact. A dynamic integrated mixed method analysis of 118 individuals involved in headquarters-subsidiary interactions in four MNCs, shows that only a minority are ‘recognized boundary spanners’, experienced by others to positively impact intergroup relations. We identify different categories and mechanisms of recognition, and make a methodological contribution by integrating qualitative and quantitative analysis. - Quantification of accessible hydroxyl groups in cellulosic pulps by dynamic vapor sorption with deuterium exchange
A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä(2018-12-01) Väisänen, Saija; Pönni, Raili; Hämäläinen, Anna; Vuorinen, TapaniAbstract: Dynamic vapor sorption (DVS) coupled with deuterium exchange was applied in determining the amount of hydroxyl (OH) groups accessible for deuteration in pulps and pure cellulose quantitatively. The samples studied with the method were different types of chemical pulps as well as microcrystalline and amorphous cellulose powders. The measurement sequence consisted of drying the samples first until the change in sample mass was less than 0.0005% min−1 followed by rewetting the sample with deuterium oxide (D2O) vapor at set relative humidity (RH) of 95% for 600 min and then drying the sample again the same way as the initial drying was done. The method allows determination of the absolute amount of OH groups accessible to deuterium exchange in the samples fully automatically within 1 day. In addition, the equilibrium moisture contents (EMC) of the samples were measured at RH 95% without prior drying enabling the assessment of the EMC of the samples in as-received state without the need to assess the effect of drying. The accessibilities of chemical pulps were found to vary between 54 and 61% of the theoretical maximum, whereas the accessibilities of microcrystalline cellulose and amorphous cellulose were 51 and 63%, respectively. Interestingly, it was found that the accessible OH group content and the EMC of the samples in mol kg−1 correlated with each other and that, in fact, their ratio was close to one. Graphical abstract: [Figure not available: see fulltext.]. - School as a Service: Platform for Learning in Upper Secondary Education operating on Aalto University Campus
A4 Artikkeli konferenssijulkaisussa(2019) Vladykina, Natalia; Campos Uribe, Alejandro; Ahlava, AnttiNew demands for school education, new ways of learning, and sustainability challenges, challenge conventional spatial solutions. In accordance with schools having faced considerable changes in their pedagogical principles in Europe, one can expect a justified change from a traditional school building to more flexible environment supporting varying needs and social learning. This paper explores the themes of networked services, service platforms, and resilience through a case study, School as a Service (SaaS), developed and implemented in the City of Espoo, Finland, in collaboration with Aalto University. It describes the concept, its design process and the evaluation of its users’ experience at the current stage of the experiment in 2019. SaaS is designed as a platform for learning, which has the capacity to react to the changing needs of the schools, offers new kinds of social and interactive learning experiences and fosters learners to take active role in their education. Leaning on the engagement platform, this practice offers a user-based, cross-disciplinary approach to learning, supported by digital tools and framed within sustainable development. The concept is based on the optimization of the use of spaces and resilient solutions, by sharing the school facilities with Aalto University in its campus, integrating an upper secondary school with university premises and community. - Serving to Help and Helping to Serve: Using Servant Leadership to Influence Beyond Supervisory Relationships
A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä(2022-03) Kauppila, Olli Pekka; Ehrnrooth, Mats; Mäkelä, Kristiina; Smale, Adam; Sumelius, Jennie; Vuorenmaa, HerttaThis study provides a new perspective on servant leadership research by examining the social influence of the servant leadership of individuals who are not in a supervisory position. Drawing on servant leadership and social learning theories, we examine how the servant leadership of managers in support roles can initiate a social learning process that shapes the leadership style of line managers and thereby influences employee outcomes throughout the organization. To facilitate the integration between servant leadership and social learning theories, we also examine the role of efficacy beliefs in enhancing the effectiveness of the social learning process. Using nested, time-lagged data from 667 store managers, 121 line managers, and 23 human resource managers (i.e., support managers), we find that support managers’ servant leadership positively influences organizational members’ perceptions of overall justice and leader-member exchange through line manager servant leadership. In turn, employees’ favorable perceptions stemming from line manager servant leadership enhance the employees’ organizational commitment and job satisfaction. The results also indicate that high leadership self-efficacy augments line managers’ effectiveness in emulating servant leadership behaviors from support managers and reinforces the indirect effects on organizational members’ favorable perceptions. - Tuha-tietomallityöryhmän sanastotyö: tutkimuksen ja tutkimushallinnon sanaston tuottaminen hajautetusti verkostossa
Poster(2017-04-19) Huiku, Leena; Rydman, Walter; , Tuha-tietomallityöryhmä - Us and them: Disentangling forms of identification in MNCs
A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä(2021-03) Vora, Davina; Sumelius, Jennie; Mäkelä, Kristiina; John, SofiaWhen employees identify with both the subsidiary and multinational corporation (MNC), they are likely to make decisions and engage in behaviors that benefit both. Previous work has concentrated on strength of identification, but we know much less about form – how the two identification foci relate to each other in employees' minds. Introducing an innovative methodology focusing on pronoun usage, we identify three empirical forms: single, extended, and coupled. Single refers to when individuals only identify with one entity (in this case the subsidiary). Extended is similar to single in that there is no separate MNC identification, but some MNC identification is intertwined with subsidiary identification. Coupled occurs when individuals identify with both the subsidiary and the MNC separately, and these identifications are also intertwined. We also explore some work-related factors that may provide tentative insights into ways MNCs might manage the development of form of identification. Preliminary results indicate that expatriation, prior within-firm international mobility, prior within-firm role mobility, job interdependence with headquarters, and job interdependence with other units are associated with the coupled form of identification. This research demonstrates differences from previous theoretical work and provides insight into how MNCs might manage the development of form of identification. - Vastuullista julkaisumetriikkaa edistämässä – kansallinen julkaisumetriikkaopas
A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä(2022) Sassali, Jani; Löhonen, Johanna; Värri, Hanna; Hyrkkänen, Anna-Kaisa; Sandgren, TerhiKansallinen julkaisumetriikkaopas (KJMO) on kansallisena yhteistyönä toteutettu ja ylläpidettävä opas julkaisumetriikasta. Se on avoimesti verkossa saatavilla ja on tarkoitettu kaikille, jotka tarvitsevat työssään tai muussa toiminnassaan tietoa julkaisujen analysoimisesta ja siihen käytettävistä välineistä. Käyttäjät eivät tarvitse esitietoja julkaisumetriikasta, mutta tieteellisen julkaisemisen käytäntöjen ja suomalaisten tutkimusorganisaatioiden toimintaympäristön tuntemus on tarpeen.