Browsing by Department "Koneenrakennustekniikan laitos"
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Item Abrasive waterjet cutting of austenitic stainless steel(2012) Keinänen, Antti Ville; Tuominen, Reijo; Korpinen, Tuomo; Koneenrakennustekniikan laitos; Insinööritieteiden korkeakoulu; School of Engineering; Hänninen, HannuThis study concerns abrasive waterjet cutting of austenitic stainless steel. Need for this study emerged in connection with updating of Rautaruukki Oyj's profiling machine. The type of cutting heads was not changed but old cutting parameters and performance of machine needed to be evaluated. The quality of the cutting had to be defined because no standard does it directly. Also the forming effect of cutting method to the material had to be researched. Test specimens were cut with different sand feeding rates, because the sand that functions as abrasive is one of the most essential cutting parameters. The sand also abrades the machine and is a cost itself. On the test specimens the cutting surface appears in the whole depth of kerf. Variables to be measured were the width of the kerf, surface roughness at different kerf depths, area of the cutting surface, and the variation of the hardness of the material next to the cutting surface. The proportion of the smooth zone and other factors that could be observed from the cutting surface were evaluated from the pictures. Possible changes in the microstructure of the material were also evaluated from pictures. The proportion of the smooth zone of the cutting surface did not essentially increase after certain sand feeding rate. With small sand feeding rates the smooth zone totally lacked. The boundary of the smooth zone was indefinite and even with big sand feeding rates some of the striations began from the top edge of the kerf. There was a lot of variation in the cutting depth and quite deep pockets were formed in the bottom of the kerf especially at big sand feeding rates. Variation of hardness was observed in the material near the cutting surface. According to the results the sand feeding rate must be reduced when cutting with fine quality and the effect of that to the cutting quality must be investigated. The effect of vibration to the cutting quality observed in the acceptance inspection must be examined in detail.Item Adapting the LEAN production model to the assembly production(2011) Salmio, Ilmari; Falck, Tommi; Koneenrakennustekniikan laitos; Insinööritieteiden korkeakoulu; School of Engineering; Niemi, EskoIn this study, the LEAN production model, and adapting of its possibilities, is studied especially from the point of view of the assembly production. The target company is specialised on ventilation machines and belongs to the Ensto Group. The study is part of Ensto's operative development program Ensto Operational Excellence, which aims to standardize all production units according to the best practice. The study has been limited to the most important -in terms of revenues -production family, its processes and related inbound logistics. The purpose of the study is to start the implementation process of best practice, which is based on current state analysis that has been done in the study, on the internal standard of Ensto and on the test arrangements performed within the study, to which the experiment of the phased work station, the application of Kanban pull system and the kitting of insulation parts belonged. In the literature part of this study production planning and control, the LEAN production model's contents and design of the assembly production are gone through. Based on current state analysis, which describe production's performance and operations, an implementation plan and layout proposals are presented. A video analysis and spread sheet calculations were used as main research methods. Information that was received from the ERP system was used as a source of the charting of the current state. Also, interviews of the staff involved in the project were used. The goal of this study was to improve throughput time by 30% for the chosen production family. Due to time restraints of this research, the set goal of a 30% improvement wasn't achieved. Despite this, improvement potential was realized and plans to implement such improvement were outlined. Furthermore, the phased work station experiment was proven to be over 15 % more productive than an earlier method. Also, the application of Kanban pull system between production processes was found to be better solution and the negotiations of isolation kits deliveries were begun. Based on obtained results it is recommended that the development project is continued to include the whole factory. The outlined proposal for the implementation plan was divided into easy, medium length and long-term phases of development. Finishing the 5S project, developing the inbound logistics and measuring the production performance were listed as easy development targets. The developing of production control, assembly process and supplier co-operation were listed as medium length targets. Finally, layout changes and simplification of product construction were listed as long term development targets. For the long-term development process, it is important to take into account that the direction is greatly influenced by the chosen future state and operative performance indicators, both of which are dependent on the Ensto's development program and standard.Item Advancing Lead User Methodology in the Fuzzy Front-End of Product Development(School of Engineering, 2012) Helminen, Pia; Hyysalo, Sampsa; Koneenrakennustekniikan laitos; Department of Engineering Design and Production; Insinööritieteiden korkeakoulu; School of Engineering; Ekman, KaleviMost companies have come to realize that in order to remain in business, and especially, gain economic success, they need to be able to identify user needs and respond to those needs. The set of activities that takes place before the actual product development, the fuzzy front-end, plays a critical role in the competition of whose products meet user needs the best. The main characteristics of the future product are decided in the front-end, determining much of the rest of the product development process. Thus user needs can have the greatest influence on the product if already recognized in the front-end. Product development is still regarded mainly as the job of designers and engineers in a company. The lead user approach turns the tables and puts users to the center. Lead users face needs months or years before they become general in the marketplace. Lead users are also positioned to benefit significantly, if these needs are met. The goal of this research is to explore the role of lead users in product development and advance the lead user methodology. Specifically this thesis and the appended publications aim to further improve the concepts and means available for lead user identification, and to gain more understanding and alternative means for transferring (lead) user knowledge. Findings of the thesis include that the challenge of the companies is not only to open up to the possibility that a competitive solution might be developed outside the company, but that it could be developed to meet a need that is identified outside the target market of the product under development. If companies concentrate solely on the needs of the users in the target market, they very possibly miss insights from the lead users. I show that besides high-performance users, also low-performance users can be seen as lead users. In addition, a product is always part of a net of crossing consummation chains in the user’s life, and in user’s standpoint it cannot be seen as unconnected. Recognizing the crossing points of different consummation chains and value systems makes it possible to identify in addition to lead users and situational lead users, also positional lead users. User innovation toolkits have been proposed as a tool to for transferring the need-related (lead) user knowledge to the company. This thesis demonstrates contradictions between the toolkit theory and the optimum content of a toolkit, which leads to the conclusion that creating functional and efficient user innovation toolkits might be too risky a task in most product development cases. I recommend that companies would concentrate on lead user identification. If the lead user has already found a viable solution to his or her need, the solution could be transferred as such. If the lead user is still battling with the unmet need, what is to be transferred is the user need. This can be done through participatory methods, such as the P3D method developed in this thesis.Item Advantages of critical chain project management(2013) Nissfolk, Emil; Saajoranta, Rami; Koneenrakennustekniikan laitos; Insinööritieteiden korkeakoulu; School of Engineering; Lillrank, PaulThe field of project management is suffering from problems in the three dimensions of quality, schedule and budget. Projects conducted seem to more as a rule than an exception deliver later than scheduled to a price higher than initially planned lacking some of the specifications initially desired. Critical chain project management (CCPM) offers solutions on planning and conducting projects solving the budget, schedule and quality issues. CCPM is a project management theory that builds on the principle of theory of constraints (TOC). This thesis studies the possible advantages for Gasum to gain from implementing CCPM in three phases. First, the central principles in TOC and CCPM and the reasoning behind them are described. Secondly the advantages and the reasoning behind the proposed advantages of implementing CCPM are explored. Third, the current project management practices and the problems regarding the project performance at Gasum are explored, and CCPM practices are proposed as solutions to the problems. Part four concerns the implementation of CCPM.Item Alternative technologies for positioner pneumatics(2010) Heikkilä, Mikko Henrik; Hakulinen, Sami; Koneenrakennustekniikan laitos; Insinööritieteiden korkeakoulu; School of Engineering; Pietola, MattiThis thesis studies alternative technologies for positioner pneumatics. A positioner is a device that controls the state of a processing industrial valve by means of a pneumatical regulation unit. The pneumatic part is always divided to different stages in order to control a large amount of air with a small amount of electric power. The focus of this research is in the pre-stage of the positioner. The research begins with a commercial market research in order to figure out different ways to implement the I/p-interface of the positioner. The second part concentrates on alternative technologies to implement the positioner I/p-interface. Based on the literature research the suitable technologies for the I/p-interface implementation are digital pneumatics, piezo actuators, voice-coil actuators and torque motors. The objectives of the experimental research were to find out the suitability of digital pneumatics to control closed space pressure, to define internal delays of the prototype and to enable further development of the method. The final part of the research investigates the suitability of digital pneumatics as a pre-stage of the positioner. With the help of a protype, the pre-stage pressure of the digital pneumatic positioner is controlled by means of six binary coded valves in a closed chamber. The prototype power consumption did not fulfil the requirement of productized positioner, but it enabled to define amount of pre-stage valves, stream capacity and response times. According to the collected results, digital pneumatics is a suitable technology for positioner usage. The biggest challenges for further development lie in limiting the power consumption of the pre-stage valves and in prototype downsizing. Also, it was found that by using more tailored coding instead of used binary coding may result in decreased electric power consumption.Item Aluminium corrosion in seawater environment - the influence of construction and pretreatment on corrosion resistance(2008) Saarenpää, Lasse; Schrowe, Kasperi von; Koneenrakennustekniikan laitos; Teknillinen korkeakoulu; Helsinki University of Technology; Hänninen, HannuMerivesiolosuhteet korroosio-ympäristönä asettavat suuria vaatimuksia alumiinin pintakäsittelylle. Tämä diplomityö käsittelee alumiiniveneiden pintakäsittelyyn liittyviä korroosio-ongelmia ja pintakäsittelyprosessin kehittämistä. Diplomityössä tutkittiin alumiinin korroosiomuotoja ja -mekanismeja, sekä korroosion etenemisen mahdollistavia syitä ja osatekijöitä. Työssä perehdyttiin myös alumiinin esikäsittelymenetelmiin sekä korroosiokokeisiin. Kokeellisessa osuudessa tutkittiin pintakäsitellyn alumiinin korroosionkestävyyttä merivesiolosuhteissa, sekä rakenteen ja esikäsittelyn vaikutuksia korroosionkestävyyteen. Korroosiokokeisiin valittiin kaksi kromivapaata konversiopinnoitusmenetelmää ja pintakäsittelyiksi neljä eri maalausmenetelmää. Todellista rakennetta jäljiteltiin kiinnittämällä koelevyihin veneen rakennuksessa käytettyjä kiinnitystarvikkeita. Kiinnitystarvikkeissa käytettiin uudentyyppisiä aluslevy- ja pinnoitusratkaisuja. Kokeessa tutkittiin esi- ja pintakäsittelyjen soveltuvuutta eri korroosioympäristöihin sekä eri kiinnitysratkaisuiden vaikutuksia korroosion syntyyn ja etenemiseen. Korroosiokokeet tehtiin suolasumu- ja upporasituskokeina laboratorio-olosuhteissa, jotka vastasivat Itämeren korroosio-olosuhteita. Eri esi- ja pintakäsittelyvariaatioille tehtiin kiilto- ja kalvonpaksuusmittaukset, sekä tarttuvuuden arvioinnit hilaristikko- ja vetokokeilla. Suoritetut tartuntakokeet osoittivat, että kumpikin käytetyistä esikäsittelymenetelmistä soveltuu hyvin alumiinin esikäsittelyyn. Korroosiokokeet osoittivat, että kiinnitysratkaisun suunnittelu ja valinta, ja siten kappaleen rakenne, vaikuttavat eniten kappaleen korroosionkestävyyteen. Korroosiokokeissa kiinnitystarvikkeista parhaiten menestyivät sinkkialumiinihiutalepinnoitetut ruuvit, sekä ruuvit, joissa käytettiin kaksois- ja nylonaluslevyjä. Korroosiota vältettäessä tuotteen rakenteellinen suunnittelu, sekä kiinnitystarvikkeiden ja pintakäsittelymenetelmän valinnat ovat tärkeimpiä lopputulokseen vaikuttavia tekijöitä.Item Analysis and development of low headroom hoist trolley(2014) Kokko, Henri; Lindberg, Teppo; Koneenrakennustekniikan laitos; Insinööritieteiden korkeakoulu; School of Engineering; Ekman, KaleviItem Analysis and testing of electric powertrain(2012) Rannisto, Joni; Hirvonen, Markus; Koneenrakennustekniikan laitos; Insinööritieteiden korkeakoulu; School of Engineering; Juhala, MattiTesting is an essential part of all product development and the product development of an electric powertrain is no exception. This master's thesis lists the needs of electric powertrain testing, examines the requirements for the testing equipment and specifies what kind of testing equipment is marketed for this purpose. Testing of powertrain and its components requires a system consisting of several pieces of equipment. A dynamometer is needed to load the powertrain. A roller dynamometer is not very well suitable for testing of powertrain without an existing vehicle; thus a hub dynamometer is the best choice. A battery simulator is needed to act as power source instead of a battery and also to charge and discharge the battery when the battery is tested. The test system is controlled by a control system allowing the user to set up, monitor and control the testing. In addition to these, auxiliary devices such as liquid cooling and a fan to provide artificial headwind are needed. This work also describes the methods for testing and measuring an electric powertrain and its components. From these measurement requirements a technical specification for the testing system is derived. The dynamometer needs to be able to provide large braking torque on low speeds as low speeds and high torques cannot typically be avoided by using a large gear. The maximum power of the battery simulator is dependent on the vehicles to be tested, but a DC voltage of 650 V is arguable. Suitable electric power starts from about 100 kW. The control system can be realized e.g. using dSpace hardware and ControlDesk and AutomationDesk tools. Testing of batteries in a safe manner requires a space where the batteries can be safely charged and discharged. Especially in testing of lithium-ion batteries the safety needs to be considered. A temperature-regulated container apart from the building provides a feasible solution for this purpose. There is a wide selection of measurement and testing devices suitable for this purpose on the market. This work introduces the most notable manufacturers providing testing equipment and their products such as dynamometers, battery simulators, data acquisition systems and control systems.Item Analysis of machining centers from the foreman's point of view(2012) Elonen, Tatu; Mikkola, Tomi; Koneenrakennustekniikan laitos; Insinööritieteiden korkeakoulu; School of Engineering; Ekman, KaleviThis study analyses the operation of four machining centers. Information about the operations is collected by using the data collected by software "Camline" and by the bookings of finished work during a ten week period. Additional information was gathered by concluding interviews with the machine operators. Based on this information, an overview of the current situation is presented. Problematic points are studied in more detailed level from the foreman's point of view. The study tries to identify the reasons behind the problems and addresses the effect of these problems on reaching the set goals. These problems are about choosing the right pieces to manufacture regarding to assembly's needs, wellbeing of the workers and reaching the set goals. The study uses the theory of goal setting and the theory of pay for penetrance as the theoretical point of view. Using these theories and the concrete findings of the study, concrete suggestions on how to solve the identified problems are formed. The suggestions are presented as the results of the study. Presented suggestions are about technical improvements in booking the finished work, forming and using goals in supervision by the foreman and on how pay for penetrance could be used as a motivator for reaching the set goals.Item An analysis of transportation routes from Central Europe to Russia(2009) Länkelin, Lauri; Ruokonen, Jussi; Koneenrakennustekniikan laitos; Teknillinen korkeakoulu; Helsinki University of Technology; Tanskanen, KariThis study concentrates on the analysis and evaluation of the main transportation routes from Europe to Russia. The main research question, of this study, was initially approached on a general level in which ali the main transportation routes are identified and analyzed by comparing the current transport infrastructure, border crossing queues, risks and future transportation route possibilities. Based on the information gathered, the most appropriate transportation routes were selected for further analysis. In this analysis the routes were evaluated against Case Company's requirements for a new transportation setup and its supply chain. This study gives an overview of the background information and limitations of the import legislation in Russia in order to gain a better understanding as to why import into Russian is challenging. It also focuses on the reasons behind the various mies and regulations in Russia. The information presented in this thesis was collected, from various sources, with the intention of gaining objective knowledge and an overview of Russian logistics and the different transportation routes from Europe to Russia. The data was gathered systematically from different databases, independent surveys, literature, articles and interviews. The Finnish consolidation route was evaluated to be the most appropriate route for Case Company with its' current volumes and moderate volume growth. The Finnish route proved to be the most efficient route when taking into consideration total transportation times, predictability of transportation times, border crossing infrastructure, safety and the general infrastructure of the route. The Latvian and Belarusian routes suffer from longer transportation times, smaller border crossing capacities and seasonal driving restrictions.Item Analysis of waste at a Finnish dairy(2011) Grönqvist, Simon; Ingman, Patrik; Koneenrakennustekniikan laitos; Insinööritieteiden korkeakoulu; School of Engineering; Lillrank, PaulThis master's thesis has been conducted at Arla Ingman's dairy in Sipoo. The dairy produces a large variety of milk-based products of which the yogurt-segment is one of the largest. The yogurt-segment consists of a broad spectrum of products with varying flavours, package-sizes and products suitable for different diets. The variety of products necessitates production of small batches resulting in an elevated waste because of changeovers. Hence, the yogurt-segment has the highest percentage waste among all the produced segments. The elevated waste for the yogurt-segment has attracted the attention of the management which therefore has determined to launch an improvement campaign. The goal for the campaign is to remove all redundant waste. The lack of knowledge regarding root causes and magnitude of the waste requires a preliminary study to facilitate future decisions and planning. The main objective for the study was to analyse emerging sub-base waste in the yogurt manufacturing process and examine possibilities for the elimination of it. The study analyses all stages of the production chain, from the standardization-phase to the end warehouse. The production chain consists of three departments; sub-base production, packing department and warehouse. All departments are examined separately. The study utilizes proven methods, DMAIC-methodology, Pareto-analyses and fishbone-diagrams, to analyse production data and observations and interviews to determine problem areas. The results from the analyses indicate on several areas possible to improve. The improvements result in reduced production costs and improved productivity. Most of the problem areas can be prevented with relatively small recourses. The causes to the waste are divided into three categories, operator errors, technical errors and poor quality raw materials. Each of the categories contributes to an extensive waste and influence the overall efficiency of the production chain. Human induced errors can be prevented with minor recourses. Check-lists, implementation of guidelines, standardization of activities and additional training are simple methods to eliminate these problems. Preventing technical errors demands investments in new equipment and preventive maintenance. Testing the raw materials before usage and ensuring the quality reduces the risk of losses because of poor quality raw materials. The potential savings from a reduction of the waste are great. Eliminating the waste improves production efficiency and motivates employees, resulting in better customer satisfaction and thereby improved customer loyalty. Hence, business profits are eventually improved.Item Analyzing the product development of autowalk(2009) Karimpanackal, Natarajan Nithil; Korvenranta, Sakari; Koneenrakennustekniikan laitos; Teknillinen korkeakoulu; Helsinki University of Technology; Ekman, KaleviItem Applicability of CNG-lorries to municipal use(2008) Elonen, Tuomo; Nylund, Nils-Olof; Koneenrakennustekniikan laitos; Teknillinen korkeakoulu; Helsinki University of Technology; Juhala, MattiTämän diplomityön tarkoituksena on ollut selvittää, miten maakaasukäyttöiset kuorma-autot soveltuvat kunnallisiin ajotehtäviin, kuten jäte- ja vaihtolava-ajoon pääkaupunkiseudulla. Työn alussa on käsitelty myös maakaasuautoja ja niiden tekniikkaa yleisesti. Työssä tutkitaan Lassila & Tikanoja Oyj:n käytössä olevia jätesäiliöillä varustettuja maakaasukuorma-autoja ja Helsingin kaupungin rakennusviraston käytössä olevaa vaihtolavalaitteella varustettua maakaasukuorma-autoa niiden normaalissa käytössä. Autot ovat kolmeakselisia Mercedes-Benz 2628 Econic -mallisia. Työ on tehty VTT:lle, joka toimii alihankkijana projektissa. Työ perustuu pitkälti VTT:n raskaankaluston alustadynamometrillä tehtyihin maakaasu- ja dieselkäyttöisten kuorma-autojen mittauksiin pakokaasupäästöjen ja polttoaineenkulutuksen selvittämiseksi. Työssä on selvitetty millaisessa käytössä Lassila & Tikanojan ja Helsingin kaupungin rakennusviraston maakaasuautot ovat, niiden kuormitusprofiilit, todellinen polttoaineenkulutus ja todelliset pakokaasupäästöt. Maakaasukuorma-autoja on verrattu polttoaineenkulutuksen ja pakokaasupäästöjen osalta vastaaviin dieselkuorma-autoihin. Maakaasutankkauksen vaatima lisätyö ja lisäkulut dieselkaluston tankkaukseen verrattuna on myös pyritty selvittämään mahdollisimman tarkasti. Kantaa on otettu myös autojen käytettävyyteen ja huollontarpeeseen dieselkalustoon verrattuna, autojen suorituskyvyn ja toimintamatkan riittävyyteen dieselkalustoon verrattuna ja autojen vaatimiin muutoksiin varikkojen toiminnassa. Lisäksi on mitattu maakaasuauton melu dieselautoon verrattuna. Käyttö- ja kokonaiskustannukset dieselkalustoon verrattuna on laskettu ottaen huomioon pääoma- polttoaine- ja huoltokulut, sekä pakokaasupäästöistä aiheutuvien haittakustannusten vähenemä. Nykyisillä polttoainehinnoilla maakaasuautot osoittautuivat dieselautoja edukkaammiksi kunnallisissa ajotehtävissä. Ajettava suorituskyky (kiihtyvyys, toimintamatka) saattaa hieman laskea ja kaasutankkaus vaatii lisätyötä, mutta päästöt ja kustannukset alenevat dieselautoista maakaasuautoihin siirryttäessä.Item The applicability of quick connectors for high current connections(2011) Pylvänen, Johannes; Elomaa, Heikki; Koneenrakennustekniikan laitos; Insinööritieteiden korkeakoulu; School of Engineering; Kuosmanen, PetriUnder industrial conditions frequency converters are usually installed in cabinets, where limited space causes problems in making power connections. The power connections in tight places slow down assembly work and complicate maintenance. By using quick connectors can assembly work be done faster and maintenance becomes easier. The aim of this thesis was to examine the applicability of the quick connectors for high current connections, compare alternative quick connectors and make instructions for design. In the beginning of this thesis functionality and the structure of quick connectors were examined using common theories relative to them. Environmental factors affecting to reliability of quick connectors function were explored. Three quick connectors were selected to reliability test on basis of demands raised from environmental and functional requirements of cabinet frequency converters. The reliability of quick connectors was tested using IEC 60068-2-6 vibration test. For the test a test configuration was planned and manufactured to simulate the structure of cabinet frequency converter. The most important vibration direction in vibration tests revealed to be the fitting direction of quick connectors where displacement amplitude was greatest. The durability tests done in fitting direction caused clear wear marks to the contact surfaces of quick connectors, which led significant rise in contact resistance. The wear was noticed to be most severe in connectors, which had high contact force. According to the results, the wear of the tested quick connectors have to be taken into account when they are used in vibration conditions where relative movement between quick connector sides is possible. When using the quick connectors in circumstances with harmful vibrations, must frequency converter structure be designed so that the relative motion between quick connector sides is prohibited as well as possible. The wear can be prevented by using quick connectors with multiple low contact force contact elements.Item Application independent finite element analysis in digital design(2012) Seppänen, Petri Antero; Makkonen, Petri; Koneenrakennustekniikan laitos; Insinööritieteiden korkeakoulu; School of Engineering; Juhanko, JariThis thesis is the one part of the Tekes funded Silicom project. Growing demands from customers, tightening legislation and trend for better productivity are setting demand for designers and experts to use better simulation tools (CAE), re-use simulation data and integrate different CAE programs work with together. In the project is also researched the better usability of the Simulation Data management tools. The main idea of the project is research how Finnish industry could better answer these challenges in a digital design in the future. In the thesis is researched how Finite Element Method is possible integrate application freely into a digital design. The Finite Element Method is a numerical technique for solving partial differential equations. The Finite Element Method is used for example in structural and durability analysis and thermal calculations in the mechanical engineering field. Digital design means that a product is designed and tested in digital environment by using simulation programs. Digital design is growing up its share from the design. The software vendors are limiting the better usability of simulation tools, because vendors are offering products which are working well only with products from the same vendor. The main idea of the Application free Finite element method is to automate with all possible Finite Element programs and the integration between different programs is not limited to programs from the same vendor. The results of this thesis can be used in the automation of the Finite Element method and in the integration of Finite Element tool into digital design. Benefits are that the designer can use simulation tools without having a great experience from the simulation tools. Other benefits are that old simulation be re-used. This means that old simulation can be checked by changing the parameters of the simulation.Item Applications of Lean production in high variety and low volume production(2011) Kontila, Olli; Rahtu, Antti; Koneenrakennustekniikan laitos; Insinööritieteiden korkeakoulu; School of Engineering; Aaltonen, KaleviThe popularity of Lean production has increased considerably in western industry. Lean production is based on a far-sighted philosophy and operational tools, eliminating non value adding activities and creating customer value with minimal resources. Although today Lean production is applied in numerous areas of industrial manufacturing, it still poses significant challenges for example in high variety and low volume production. This master's thesis was carried out while working in a Finnish technology company. The target production process of the thesis was classified as a process of very low volume, which included a considerable internal and external variation. The main objective of the thesis was to clarify the operation of the production process by applying selected Lean methods. Low production volumes, high variability and project orientation were the challenges in developing a stable production process. One main objective was to eliminate the variability and project orientation from the production process. However, due to the requirements for external flexibility, a small volume production process especially is often compelled to adapt to variable conditions. In the course of the work for the master's thesis the layout of the production process was renewed to serve as the foundation for Lean developments. The production process was introduced to 5S methodology and an extensive storage value project was implemented. Moreover, the main stages of the material handing were separated from production. As a result the operation and the material handling of the production process were improved and inventory levels were decreased. In principle, Lean developments in a production process should be considered holistically. The production process must be adapted to the needs of Lean production and then focused on specific Lean production areas. Ill-considered Lean methods undermine the operation and give rise to opposition to Lean production. On the other hand, a few carefully selected and properly applied Lean methods can significantly improve efficiency. The development of a high variety and low volume production process should include far-sighted goals and focus on qualitative assessment rather than quantitative methods.Item Assembly lines for customized control cabinets(2011) Kallio, Niko; Heiskanen, Klaus; Koneenrakennustekniikan laitos; Insinööritieteiden korkeakoulu; School of Engineering; Niemi, EskoThe objective of this thesis is to design an assembly line specification for highly customized products in production of the case company. The new assembly line must be more efficient than the current assembly process. A sub-objective of the thesis is to create an assembly line method" library" for the case company. First, a literature review is made. The aim of the literature review is to find out different assembly line methods. The main references for the literature review are scientific articles. Then, an evaluation study is made for the different assembly line methods. The evaluation study has two phases. Modified House of Quality matrix and Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) methods are used in the first evaluation phase. The first evaluation phase evaluates different assembly line methods against criterions. The AHP method is used to get weight factors for the criterions, then the evaluation of the assembly line methods in made in the modified House of Quality matrix. The first evaluation phase is mainly based on the professional skills of the author and the instructor of the thesis, and its results are applicable to the production environment of the case company and the corresponding production environments. In the second evaluation phase, a simulation study is made for the four most suitable assembly line methods which scored best in the first evaluation phase. With the simulation study, performance metrics (e.g. throughput and throughput-time) can be got for the assembly line methods. Results of the simulation study are not 100 % accurate, because the simulation cannot take into consideration all the real-life elements. But still, the results are indicative. As a result of the literature review, nine different assembly line methods are introduced. Mainly these assembly line methods differ from each other in the line balancing. The results of the first evaluation study show that the flexibility and the reliability of the production system are considered to be the most important criterions for the case company's production. In the second evaluation phase, one of the assembly line methods is proven to be significantly better than the others. Based on the simulation study, this assembly line method is proven to outperform also the current assembly process. In this study it is shown that dynamically changing line balance and cross-trained workers are important elements of a flexible and reliable assembly line. The simulation study also shows that the line balance has a significant effect on the throughput of an assembly line. In the thesis, it is recommended that the case company starts to use the assembly line method which performed best in the simulation study. The same assembly line method has also the above-mentioned elements. Based on the results, conclusions and recommendations of the thesis, this study fulfilled its objectives.Item Automated design of storage rack(2013) Valo, Joonas; Auvinen, Janne; Koneenrakennustekniikan laitos; Insinööritieteiden korkeakoulu; School of Engineering; Juhanko, Jari3D modelling has been increasingly replacing 2D methods as a mechanical design method over two decades. This thesis is based on the transition from 2D CAD to a 3D CAD system in a company which delivers material handling systems for the manufacturing industry. Along with the transition, the company decided to investigate whether parametric 3D CAD design and design automation can be exploited in the company's design processes. The aim of the thesis is to develop a design system for efficient 3D modelling. The object of modelling is a storage rack in an automated storage system, which is one of the products manufactured by this company. The main idea of 3D modelling system is to exploit the product parameters and design automation. The objective is to create 3D models that fulfil the design requirements of storage system quotations. The time goal is set to produce a 3D model within one working day. The requirement for the manufacturing design is that the models produced for the quotation stage are manually modifiable. The result of the thesis is an automated design system which enables 3D modelling of the main components of a storage rack 'within less than one working day. The automated design system was executed by linking Microsoft Excel workbook with Creo 3D CAD program through a COM interface. The selected method can be considered reasonable when compared with alternative methods, due to the cost savings and especially the potential for further development. The created design system fulfils the requirements set both by the company's quotation and manufacturing design procedures.Item Automation of a plastic enclosure series machining fixture(2009) Honkanen, Gustav; Laitinen, Mika; Koneenrakennustekniikan laitos; Teknillinen korkeakoulu; Helsinki University of Technology; Aaltonen, KaleviTyössä kehitetään muovikoteloiden aukotukseen soveltuva automaattinen kiinnitin. Tavoitteena on kehittää sellainen mekaaninen kiinnitin, jolla pystytään korvaamaan tuotekohtaiset manuaalisesti operoitavat kiinnittimet. Kiinnittimen tulee olla täysin automaattinen niin kotelokoon mukaan säätyvyyden, kuin kotelon kiinnittimelle syöttämisen suhteen. Kantavana ajatuksena saavutettavalle lopputulokselle on miehittämätön ajo ilman manuaalisia työvaiheita. Sisällöltään työn pohjana on luoda kokonaiskuva toimilaitteista ja menetelmistä, joita nykypäivän automaatiolaitteissa ja niiden suunnittelussa hyödynnetään. Kirjallisuusosassa perehdytään erilaisten toimilaitteiden ominaisuuksiin ja valintaperiaatteisiin käyttökohteiden ja tarvittavien ominaisuuksien mukaisesti. Kirjallisuusosassa pyritään luomaan vastaus siihen, millainen toimilaite on sopivin mihinkin käyttötarkoitukseen. Käytännön osuudessa näitä menetelmiä sovelletaan aukotuskiinnittimen kehitystyössä. Menetelmiä käyttäen pyritään löytämään sopivin toimilaite jokaiseen käyttötarkoitukseen siten, että muodostuu toimiva kokonaisuus, automaattinen kiinnitin. Työn tuloksena kehitettiin kaksi prototyyppiä työn tavoitteeksi asetetusta automaattisesta kiinnittimestä. Ensimmäinen prototyyppi osoitti ideat ja ajatukset teknisesti toimiviksi ja toisen prototyypin yhteydessä keskityttiin ratkaisemaan esiin tulleet ongelmakohdat. Molemmat kehitetyt kiinnittimen prototyypit ovat automaattisesti säätyviä ja pystyvät syöttämään aukotettavan kotelon automaattisesti kiinnittimelle.Item Automation of trimming in plastic product manufacturing industry(2010) Tiihonen, Juha Heikki; Ant-Wuorinen, Lauri; Koneenrakennustekniikan laitos; Insinööritieteiden korkeakoulu; School of Engineering; Pietola, MattiPurpose of this thesis was to find and study an economical way to automate the trimming of blow molded plastic products. Blow molding technique utilizes two mold parts and after blowing plastic to final shape there is usually a seam between the two mold halves. The seam has to be trimmed and cut to finalize the product. This work is usually done by hand using knife. Besides trimming the product, an automation system has also to be able to move product from the blow molding machine to a trimming workstation and from there to a pallet. Because of the complexity of the process an industrial robot is needed to achieve both trimming and moving tasks. As a result this thesis has recommendations how to initialize and carry out industrial automation project in plastics industry.