Browsing by Department "Center for Knowledge and Innovation Research (CKIR)"
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- 5G-Network-Based Connectivity and Data Platforms for Smart Cities– an Explorative Case Study of Drivers for Industry Transformation
A4 Artikkeli konferenssijulkaisussa(2022-01-04) Tukiainen, Taina; Paavola, LauriDigital platforms, more detailed connectivity and increased availability of data are re-shaping markets. This is an opportunity for telecom companies to partner with other industries and offerings. We conduct an explorative case study to understand the connectivity and data platforms in smart cities. The contribution of our study is that it provides insights on the business models, platform control and competitive strategy in smart cities. Specifically, we find that the understanding of business models together with political, economic, social, environmental, technological and legal aspects are prerequisites to successful cases. Finally, we highlight the importance of co-creation and collaboration, as a means to tackle the challenges of platform localisations. Based on our findings we indicate promising aspects for future research in these fields. - Algorithmic food - How “software is eating the world"
A4 Artikkeli konferenssijulkaisussa(2020) Paavola, Lauri; Sele, KathrinIn this paper, we explore how algorithms have empowered customers and promoted their preferences, while turning the sourcing of food from the purchase of a valuable good into a simple transaction. Focusing on the generative character of algorithms in the organizing of food, we study the changing nature of food retailing in the UK over the last 20 years. Theoretically we focus on the role that algorithms and thus technology have played in the transformation of the organizing of food and shed new light on how the latter has undergone tremendous changes. Our study enhances the current understanding of the impact big data has and will have on many organizational aspects and demonstrates that we need to have a better and more critical understanding of its consequences. - Ecosystem Game - Managing innovation ecosystems
School of Business | D4 Julkaistu kehittämis- tai tutkimusraportti tai -selvitys(2022) Ikävalko, Heini; Mattila, Linda; Tuokko, PatrikThis research report investigates the management dynamics and structures in Finnish innovation ecosystems and aims to pinpoint different value creation challenges that appear in innovation ecosystem management. Innovation ecosystems are looked at as a dynamic set of actors and activities, whose coordination needs focusing on the network of participants, a governance structure and a shared logic, to enable innovative performance. We focus primarily on how a network of participants in an innovation ecosystem is combined, how a shared logic is created and maintained, and what governance structures are suitable in both public and private ecosystems. In addition, we look at the use of 'innovation ecosystem' term, the alignment between a company's strategic objectives and innovation ecosystem participation and, Finland as context for innovation ecosystems. The data of this report consists of 37 interviews with ecosystem representatives in Finland conducted between November 2020 and March 2021 and a supplementary survey with 50 respondents from February-March 2022. The main findings are a list of recurring challenges related to the key attributes in innovation ecosystems in Finland and their suggested solutions. The term innovation ecosystem remains ambiguous and early conversations and sensemaking processes for ecosystem partners are imperative to build trust and help each partner clarify how the ecosystem activities could help in realizing their own company's business strategy. Top-down and bottom-up governance processes and their main concerns are also identified in this research report. - Emotional Agency at Work: The Development and Validation of a Measure
A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä(2022-07-05) Hökkä, Päivi Kristiina; Räikkönen, Eija; Ikävalko, Heini; Paloniemi, Susanna; Vähäsantanen, KatjaDespite intensive research on agency in education and work environments, the topic remains underexplored through the lens of emotions. This study conducted the development and validation of a quantitative measure to explore emotional agency in working life. Empirical data (N = 240) were collected via a web-based survey within the professional domains of healthcare and real estate services. The participants’ age, educational level, and gender corresponded to the domain-specific and general employee distribution in Finland. The questionnaire items were based on a theoretical construct of emotional agency at work. Exploratory factor analysis indicated that emotional agency includes two dimensions: Emotional Competence at Work and Influencing Emotions at Work. Exploratory structural equation modeling showed these dimensions to be equivalent across the studied professional domains. Furthermore, the convergent and discriminant validity of the measure was confirmed in relation to the emotional climate at work and work engagement. The study enriches the current theory of agency and emotions at work by exploring their connection. It also proposes a novel measure of emotional agency at work (the E-Ag measure), offered as a useful tool for researching and developing working life and organizational behavior. - Emotional competence at work
A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä(2020-08-28) Ikävalko, Heini; Hökkä, Päivi; Paloniemi, Susanna; Vähäsantanen, Katja(Purpose) The study investigated emotional competence at work, and elaborated emotional competence in relation to socio-cultural aspects of emotions at work. (Design/Methodology/Approach) Emotional competence at work was explored via interviews, surveys, and observations. The study was conducted over one year, during which an emotion-training intervention was conducted within a medium-sized company, operating in the healthcare sector. (Findings) The study shed light on emotional competence at work, identifying three domains: Individual emotional competence, Emotional competence within interactions, and Emotional competence embedded in workplace practices. (Research limitations/Implications) This study was conducted in one organization. (Practical implications) Organizational developers are recommended to implement activities such as training interventions in order to build emotional competence; this applies not only at the individual level, but also to achieve interaction among members of the organization, within collective workplace practices. (Originality /value) Previous studies on emotional competence have been limited to the individual level. The sociocultural approach to emotional competence adopted in this study recognizes – in addition to the individual and interactional level of emotional competence – emotional competence at work as related to practices at work. - Enabling the mapping of internet of things ecosystem business models through roles and activities in value co-creation
A4 Artikkeli konferenssijulkaisussa(2018-01-02) Ikävalko, Heini; Turkama, Petra; Smedlund, AnssiThe increasing connectivity provided by the Internet of Things (IoT) supports novel business opportunities for actors’ overlapping service systems. Therefore, the co-creative nature of IoT business needs to be further studied. This paper contributes to the understudied area of IoT ecosystem dynamics by reporting an empirical study on a European IoT initiative and describing different actor roles and activities in the IoT use cases, and their implications for IoT ecosystem value creation. The paper shows how IoT ecosystem actors may take the roles of Ideator, Designer, or Intermediary in different design layers, and, recommends this approach to better understand and describe ecosystem business models. Theoretical and managerial implications are discussed. - Enactive cinema paves way for understanding complex real-time social interaction in neuroimaging experiments
A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä(2012) Tikka, Pia; Väljamäe, Aleksander; de Borst, Aline; Pugliese, Roberto; Ravaja, Niklas; Kaipainen, Mauri; Takala, TapioWe outline general theoretical and practical implications of what we promote as enactive cinema for the neuroscientific study of online socio-emotional interaction. In a real-time functional magnetic resonance imaging (rt-fMRI) setting, participants are immersed in cinematic experiences that simulate social situations. While viewing, their physiological reactions—including brain responses—are tracked, representing implicit and unconscious experiences of the on-going social situations. These reactions, in turn, are analyzed in real-time and fed back to modify the cinematic sequences they are viewing while being scanned. Due to the engaging cinematic content, the proposed setting focuses on living-by in terms of shared psycho-physiological epiphenomena of experience rather than active coping in terms of goal-oriented motor actions. It constitutes a means to parametrically modify stimuli that depict social situations and their broader environmental contexts. As an alternative to studying the variation of brain responses as a function of a priori fixed stimuli, this method can be applied to survey the range of stimuli that evoke similar responses across participants at particular brain regions of interest. - Innovation contests, routine dynamics and innovation management
A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä(2019-06-01) Ikävalko, Heini; Lempiälä, TeaThis paper investigates an innovation contest as organizational routine of innovation management. We draw from a qualitative longitudinal study in an industrial company. We examine the meanings, performance and artifacts related to the contest and show their mutual dynamics. Our results indicate that a common orientation towards a sense of the exceptional created by the contest allows it to sustain itself despite discrepancies in its internal routine structure. Sufficient interpretive flexibility is central in hosting the varied private meanings and performances. The study highlights the relevance of the artifactual elements in creating the common orientation, yet leaving space for variety in the meanings and performance of the contest. With these findings, we contribute to a better understanding of innovation contests as tools for innovation management. - Integrating Competencies into Preventive Maintenance Scheduling with Answer Set Optimization
A4 Artikkeli konferenssijulkaisussa(2024) Yli-Jyrä, Anssi; Ikävalko, Heini; Janhunen, TomiThe maintenance optimization of multi-component machines has been recently formalized as an Answer Set Optimization (ASO) problem based on component selection and grouping of overlapping maintenance intervals. The motivation of the current work is to develop an extension that would integrate resources and availability constraints into this maintenance model. This article outlines an extended ASO model with the primary focus on modeling and optimizing costly maintenance resources, culminating in cost savings facilitated by the progressive development of workforce competence. The model presented in this work extends the cost function of the prior ASO formalization in a modular way with additional cost priorities concerning parallelism, workforce, and expertise. Due to the presented extensions, the complexity of the integrated maintenance model increases compared to the prior formalization. - An Integrative Approach to Emotional Agency at Work
A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä(2023-04) Hökkä, Päivi; Vähäsantanen, Katja; Ikävalko, HeiniThe concept of agency has recently emerged as a fruitful construct in understanding organizational practices and development. However, agency has tended so far to be seen as a rational and goal-oriented phenomenon, with little attention paid to the role of emotions within it. There is thus a need for theoretical discussion on both agency and emotions in organizations, and also on how the two phenomena are related. This paper aims to introduce an elaborated conceptualization of emotional agency at work, based on recent theories on professional agency and emotions in organizational contexts. We suggest that emotional agency can be understood as the competence to perceive, understand, and take into account one’s own emotions and those of others, and further to influence emotions within organizational practices, actions, and interactions. Our paper provides an integrative definition of emotional agency at work (EAW), usable in future research. It also elaborates how emotional agency may function within organizations and their development practices. - The role of work orientation and gender on feelings toward pay
A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä(2021-01-04) Ikävalko, Heini; Kohvakka, RoosaPurpose This paper aims to examine the moderating effect of employees’ work orientation and gender on their feelings toward pay, that is, the relationship between perceived fairness of a pay system and pay level satisfaction. The perceived fairness of pay system is investigated with two pay system procedures, namely, job evaluation and performance evaluation, both determining the level of base pay. Design/methodology/approach Survey data were collected from three public sector organizations in Finland (N = 526). Linear regression analysis was used to investigate the relationship between pay satisfaction, pay system fairness, work orientation and gender. Findings The results show that employees’ work orientation significantly and negatively relates to pay satisfaction. The interaction analyses suggest significant gender differences in the relationship between work orientation and pay satisfaction, as work orientation is negatively associated with pay satisfaction for women. They also show that work orientation and job evaluation fairness have a positive, joint effect on pay satisfaction. Practical implications This study has implications for the implementation of fair pay practices in organizations. The role of work orientation in the relationship between job evaluation fairness and pay satisfaction highlights the importance of pay system fairness especially among work-oriented employees. Special attention should be paid on work-oriented women: With equal perception of pay system fairness, work-oriented women feel unsatisfied with their pay. Originality/value This paper is the first study to highlight the role of work orientation and gender in reactions related to pay. - Success Factors of Open Innovation - A Literature Review
Literature review(2013-11-01) Durst, Susanne; Ståhle, PirjoThis paper reviews the research on the open innovation process in order to identify critical success factors. The study consists of a systematic review of 29 referred empirical articles on the open innovation process. The studies reviewed highlight different success factors for the open innovation process. These factors are grouped into nine themes: 1) relational aspects, 2) the people involved in the process, 3) governance, 4) facilitators, 5) provision of resources, 6) strategy, 7) process management, 8) leadership and 9) culture. Based upon the findings, the study proposes a number of future research directions that may stimulate more intensive investigation of this field. - Tunnetoimijuus strategian toteuttamisessa - TUNTO2-tutkimushankkeen loppuraportti
School of Business | D4 Julkaistu kehittämis- tai tutkimusraportti tai -selvitys(2023) Ikävalko, Heini; Hökkä, Päivi; Paloniemi, Susanna; Vähäsantanen, Katja; Lahdenranta, Kristiina; Oinonen, Tanja; Pyhälammi, AlluMonilla työpaikoilla strategian toteuttaminen koetaan haastavana. Onnistunut strategian toteuttaminen edellyttää usein työpaikkojen jäsenten osallistumista strategiaan liittyviin vuorovaikutusprosesseihin, joissa strategian laatijat ja toteuttajat kohtaavat ja merkityksellistävät strategiaan liittyviä aikomuksia. Tunnetoimijuus tarkoittaa tunnetaitoa ja tunteisiin vaikuttamista työssä. Se korostaa tunteiden aktiivista ja tietoista huomiointia työpaikan arjessa. Työsuojelurahaston rahoittaman TUNTO2-tutkimushankkeen keskeisenä tavoitteena oli tarkastella tunnetoimijuutta strategian toteuttamisessa. Aiempaa ymmärrystä tunteiden ja toimijuuden tärkeydestä strategian toteuttamisessa täydennettiin lisäämällä ymmärrystä tunnetoimijuudesta. Lisäksi kiinnitettiin huomiota työpaikan tunneilmastoon erityisesti siitä näkökulmasta, huomioidaanko, sallitaanko ja ilmaistaanko työpaikalla kaikenlaisia tunteita ja keskustellaanko niistä rakentavasti. Tutkimme tunnetoimijuutta, työpaikan tunneilmastoa ja strategian toteuttamista kolmessa organisaatiossa kyselyillä, haastatteluilla ja havainnoimalla. Tutkimusaineisto kerättiin interventiokontekstissa. Jokaisessa organisaatiossa toteutettiin tunnetaitojen kehittymistä tukeva interventio. Tutkimushankkeen tulokset osoittivat, että tunnetoimijuus ja työpaikan tunneilmasto ovat yhteydessä moniin strategian toteuttamisessa keskeisiin tekijöihin. Sekä tunnetoimijuus että työpaikan tunneilmasto olivat yhteydessä yksilön strategian merkityksellistämisen kokemuksiin ja yhteyttä tuki myös aineiston pitkittäistarkastelu. Tässä tarkastelussa havaittiin myös, että kokemus tunnetoimijuudesta työssä oli yhteydessä strategiseen muutokseen sitoutumiseen. Kokemus työpaikan autenttisesta tunneilmastosta oli puolestaan yhteydessä psykologiseen turvallisuuteen, joka luo edellytyksiä strategian toteuttamisessakin tärkeiksi tunnistetuille innovatiiviselle ajattelulle ja luovuudelle. Tulosten mukaan vahva tunnetoimijuus voi tukea yksilön hyvinvointia työpaikalla tilanteessa, jossa työpaikan tunneilmasto ei tue monipuolista ja rakentavaa tunteiden ilmaisua. Havainto, että tunnetoimijuutta voi kehittää ja tunnetoimijuudessa voi kehittyä, tarjoaa yksilöille ja työpaikoille mahdollisuuksia oppimiseen ja muutokseen. Tunnetoimijuus ja työpaikan tunneilmasto voivat tarjota strategian toteuttamisen parissa työskenteleville työkaluja, näkökulmia ja käytäntöön sovellettavia mittareita onnistuneempaan strategian toteuttamiseen. - University Ecosystem for Student Startups : A ‘Platform of Trust’ Perspective
A4 Artikkeli konferenssijulkaisussa(2021) Ainamo, Antti; Pikas, Ergo; Mikkelä, KariIn many universities, a continuum and a variety of startup pre-accelerators, startup accelerators; entrepreneurs, investors, and other support actors, are in place to facilitate entrepreneurship and that student startups emerge. In this paper, we describe how the entrepreneurial ecosystem in and Aalto University works. We describe how Aalto’s students explore and develop ideas that exhibit “radical creativity”; how faculty and staff at Aalto nurture a “platform of trust” whereby such ideas are not only allowed but also expected; and how “outside entrepreneurs and investors” from the outside come in to work with the best ideas and startups thus developed. The paper proposes implications for policy and management practice in terms of possible import of this model into entrepreneurial ecosystems in and around other universities and other kinds of contexts, and makes a call for further research.