[kand] Taiteiden ja suunnittelun korkeakoulu / ARTS
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The bibliographical records of the Bachelor’s theses accepted by the School of Arts, Design and Architecture are available in this collection. The printed copies may be requested from the Departments involved. If the author has given her/his permission the thesis is available as full-text (pdf-format).
The bibliographical records of the Bachelor’s theses accepted by the School of Arts, Design and Architecture are available in this collection. The printed copies may be requested from the Departments involved. If the author has given her/his permission the thesis is available as full-text (pdf-format).
Browsing [kand] Taiteiden ja suunnittelun korkeakoulu / ARTS by Department "muo"
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Item Art toys,Research and own creation(2020) Zhou, Yingmeng; lautenbacher, nathalie; muo; Taiteiden ja suunnittelun korkeakoulu; School of Arts, Design and Architecture; lautenbacher, nathalieAs I was discussing about writing Art toy as the topic of my thesis, many asked me, toys are toys, what is an art toy? Can toys be defined as art? I was taken aback by the question without an answer. I answered awkwardly that it could be a combination of art and toys. Later I thought carefully about whether it was because the question was simply too complicated, just like someone asked, "What is an art". With the rise of modern art, it has also become very popular with the public for decades. Art not only focuses on beauty, but also pays more attention to the transmission of ideas and concepts. As a new and global platform, contemporary art is also focusing on what are the new possibilities? What is more than art, what can it be? As a result, people continue to create new possibilities for art, and the controversy of the term art is expanding and becoming more and more complicated. However, if we can pay close attention to the various aspects of this era in its depths, it is not difficult to find that, not only the word art has been repeatedly debated, but the meaning of things has also begun to be questioned and even redefined. When talking about toys, the first thing that comes to mind is something that children play in their hands, and they don’t mind even if they drop and break them. This is mainly because toys are usually mass-produced and cheap. When children grow up, they may start collect figures and models of superheroes and characters because of movies and anime. Although there are also people who collect antique toys specifically as collection or flipping. But it seems that toy is not taken as seriously as art in everyone's mind, they remain as the things that belongs to children. Before I started writing this paper, as a lover of Art toys, I had my own thoughts on Art toys at first. I wanted to take the opportunity of this paper to verify it, but after research, I found that these people had a lot of opinions on creating Art toys, which opened up my horizons. I am a beneficiary of the hard work from these people, and I am grateful. The beginning of the minority culture is always controversial, and it is their unremitting efforts and persistence that allow this field to continue to be passed on. This kind of inclusiveness, diversity and freedom may be the interesting part of art toys, it frees us from any strict definition for art toys. This thesis is divided into three parts. The first part is to clarify the development history of Hong Kong Art toy the history of art toys. Such as when it was created, what fused the idea, the explosion of the concepts, and the development of art toys. The art toys that emerged in the early 2000s, after several years of development, slowly cooled down in the middle of the 2000s, and the designers almost disappeared from people's view. In recent years, a group of new designers have tried to reopen up the art toy field. According to the interest I have about art toy and the knowledge that I have accumulated from read about them for many years, with the comparison and summary from various documents, I put the evolution of art toy into five different stages: the gestation period ( approx.1996-1999), the flourishing period (approx. 1999-2004), the silent period (approx. 2004-2007), and the authorized product period (approx. 2007-2014) ), the re-start period (approx. 2014-2020). Hopefully, we can see the different development stages and history of Art toy more clearly, and why it emerged The second part is to analysis successful designers, classic Brand and toy store. From the beginning of 2000 to present, designers share their creative process over the years, from questioning whether their work can express themselves, to then creating their own toys by hand; brands and toy stores discuss art toys from an industry and production perspective. How the trend can be achieved. They all witnessed the birth of Hong Kong’s art toy industry and participated in it. These are also important information for us to understand the development of this industry. I chose these six different cases. Apart from my personal preference, I also think that they all represent the category of each art toy, and they have also made a great contribution to the development of art toy. The third part is my personal designs. My original intention was to create a Finnish Art toy with a Finnish personality. So I designed PokerFace. PokerFace is an ordinary Finnish man. He has a restrained and shy personality. He doesn't like to speak out in the crowd and wants to have a little private space of his own in the busy and crowded day to day life. There is also an immortal childlike heart hidden under the mature and gorgeous appearance. I hope that by designing these art toys about Finland, Finnish people can also have a more intuitive understanding of the art toy culture.Item Cognitive Compass - Towards an Easy and Illustrated Way to Learn Jungian Typology(2021) Canth, Jani; Salovaara, Antti; muo; Taiteiden ja suunnittelun korkeakoulu; School of Arts, Design and Architecture; Paavilainen, HeidiOur modern world is drowning in a constant flood of information. The human capacity to deal with information and make decisions based on it is limited. This brings great value to transforming complex and useful information into an easily digestible form. Personal wellbeing is a megatrend that is gaining momentum, not only in the consciousness of people, but also financially. One crucial part of personal wellbeing is self-knowledge and the personal improvement stemming from it. These factors can influence how people take on life, and how satisfied or fulfilled they are. Jungian typology is a developing field of personality psychology, that studies different cognitive elements, and categorizes people into types and clusters of types based on their attention towards these elements. These kind of personality theories withhold a lot of information about the differences between people, their general strengths, weaknesses and development. Jungian typology, understanding it and applying it is an effective way to increase self-knowledge, and thus, personal growth. This bachelor’s thesis is a take on how a multidimensional theory of personality can be presented by utilizing artistic, design and information visualization approaches, making it more understandable. In a co-design fashion, a series of interviews were also conducted. While visualizing the entire theory and creating applications is a long process, the purpose of this project was to create a foundational draft and ideas for future visualizations and applications.Item Feminiininen, maskuliininen vai neutraali? Miten sukupuolittuneet stereotypiat vaikuttavat tuotteen muotoiluun?(2021) Laaksonen, Ninni; Salovaara, Antti; muo; Taiteiden ja suunnittelun korkeakoulu; School of Arts, Design and Architecture; Paavelainen, HeidiItem Go Big or Go Home(2020) Laakso, Janette; Peltonen, Elina; muo; Taiteiden ja suunnittelun korkeakoulu; School of Arts, Design and Architecture; Hyötyläinen, IlonaTaiteen kandidaatin opinnäytetyö on kaksiosainen ja muodostuu sekä produktiivisesta, että kirjallisesta osuudesta. Produktiivinen osuus koostuu kuuden asukokonaisuuden miestenvaatemallistosta, joka on suunniteltu ja valmistettu syksyn 2019 - talven 2020 aikana. Malliston työstäminen venyi alkuperäisestä suunnitelmasta puoli vuotta Covid-19 pandemian vuoksi. Kirjallisessa osuudessa avataan ja käsitellään malliston taustatutkimusaiheita, pohditaan suunnittelijan omia lähtökohtia, kuvataan työprosessia, sen haasteita ja kehitystä sekä lopullista mallistoa kokonaisuutena. Opinnäytteen taustatutkimusaiheet ovat 1980-luvun power dressing sekä 1980-luvun naisten juhlapukeutuminen. Näiden aiheiden pohjalta pyrittiin toteuttamaan eheä miestenvaatemallisto, joka haastaisi yleisesti normeiksi miellettyjä käsityksiämme sukupuolittuneesta vaatteesta.Item Lasi vaatteessa(2021) Vilo, Jere; Vänskä, Annamari; muo; Taiteiden ja suunnittelun korkeakoulu; School of Arts, Design and Architecture; Hyötyläinen, IlonaItem Muotoilijan ympäristövastuun tulkitseminen eettisenä ongelmana(2020) Fredrikson, Ulrika; van der Lei, Anna-Marie; muo; Taiteiden ja suunnittelun korkeakoulu; School of Arts, Design and Architecture; van der Lei, Anna-MarieIhmisten aiheuttama ilmastonmuutos on yleisesti tunnustettu ilmiö, jolla on laajat vaikutukset yhteiskuntaan, talouteen, luontoon ja ilmastoon. Nykyajan yhteiskunnassa yksilöllisyys korostuu yhä enemmän, ja niin vaikuttaa tapahtuvan myös muotoilun alalla. Maailmassa jossa yksilöllisyyttä arvostetaan yhä enemmän ja jossa meidän jokaisen on taisteltava ilmastonmuutosta vastaan, täytyy myös yksittäisen muotoilijan pohtia ympäristövastuutaan, työnsä seurauksia ja vaikutuksia enemmän kuin koskaan. Muotoilijan ympäristövastuu tuntuu yleisesti olevan häilyvä ja epäselvä, joten onko sitä mahdollista tarkentaa ja kenties rajata? Kandidaatin opinnäytteessä tutkin, mikäli yksittäisen muotoilijan ympäristövastuuta voi rajata ja tarkastelen aihetta eettisenä ongelmana. Työ koostuu kirjallisesta työstä, jossa käyn läpi kerätyn materiaalin kirjallisuuskatsauksen muodossa.Item Taiteen kandidaatin opinnäytetyö(2021) Heilanen, Elina; Peltonen, Elina; Laitinen, Tuomas; muo; Taiteiden ja suunnittelun korkeakoulu; School of Arts, Design and Architecture; Hyötyläinen, IlonaTaiteen kandidaatin opinnäytetyöni on seitsemän asukokonaisuuden vaatemallisto, jonka inspiraationa on Henry David Thoreaun Elämää metsässä -teos, Wandervögel -nuorisoliike, ja Renessanssin pukeutuminen ja haarniskat. Opinnäytetyön kirjallisessa osassa kerron malliston taustatutkimuksesta, suunnitteluprosessista ja esittelen lopputuloksia. Lisäksi reflektoin omaa työskentelyäni, oppimaani ja suunnittelijaidentiteettini kehitystä. Halusin opinnäytetyössäni käyttää tekstiä visuaalisen työn lähtökohtana, sillä koen sen antavan parhaiten tilaa mielikuvitukselle ja erilaisten teemojen assosioimiselle. Halusin käyttää tarinankerrontaa suunnittelutyöni apuna, ja pohtia miten abstraktit teemat kääntyvät konkreettiseen muotoon vaatesuunnittelussa. Näiden teemojen tueksi valitsin taustatutkimukseni aiheeksi myös vaatteellisen referenssin Renessanssin muodista ja haarniskoista, sekä Wandervögel-nuorista otetuista valokuvista. Työstin mallistoni materiaaleja pääasiallisesti painokangastudiossa, jossa tutkin marmorointia kuosisuunnittelun välineenä. Tutkin erilaisia marmorointiin käytettäviä aineita ja tekniikoita, jotka toimivat lopullisissa tuotteissa käyttämieni seulakuosien luonnoksina.Item Taiteen kandidaatin opinnäytetyö(2020) Kurki-Suonio, Meri; Peltonen, Elina; muo; Taiteiden ja suunnittelun korkeakoulu; School of Arts, Design and Architecture; Peltonen, ElinaItem This is what I call cake(2021) Linden, Sophia; Peltonen, Elina; Laitinen, Tuomas; muo; Taiteiden ja suunnittelun korkeakoulu; School of Arts, Design and Architecture; Hyötyläinen, Ilona