[dipl] Perustieteiden korkeakoulu / SCI
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Browsing [dipl] Perustieteiden korkeakoulu / SCI by Department "Informaatio- ja luonnontieteiden tiedekunta"
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- Academic Dissemination and Exploitation of a Clean-slate Internetworking Architecture: The Publish-Subscribe Internet Routing Paradigm
School of Science | Master's thesis(2010) Ain, Mark - Acceleration of Innovation Processes in the ICT Sector
School of Science | Master's thesis(2010) Taajamaa, MaunoThe goal of this thesis is to study the acceleration and success factors of business model innovation processes within a network of companies in the ICT sector. In the literature review general perspectives to the field and to the context are presented. Then the factors regarding the speed and the success of innovation processes are studied in more detail. A case study was used to evaluate, verify and deepen the findings from the literature. The subject of the case study was a network based business innovation development project in the ICT sector. The case study was conducted by interviewing the participants and relevant persons outside the project. A linear and systematic innovation process, in the context of network development, gives only small input to minimise the throughput-time or to maximise the success of the innovation. Instead, parallel activities and the use of lead users in development work has a positive impact, especially on the speed of the process. Formal agreement among the participants is an essential factor not only to the success of the innovation, but to the lifespan of the network-based innovation project in the first place. Agreements should be done at the earliest possible phase. In a technology innovation, where the business model is based on services run by third parties with high end-user penetration, the commitment of the main third parties is crucial for the success of the innovation. The key third parties should be identified and involved in the development process as early as possible. - Acceptance test-driven development in agile outsourced software development
School of Science | Master's thesis(2010) Kohtala, MikkoDeveloping software in a multi-site environment, especially in an agile time frame with offshore suppliers involved, presents a completely new level of communication requirement to the supplier, as well as for measuring the outcome. This thesis studies the applicability of acceptance test-driven development in the context of agile outsourced software development. The purpose of the thesis was to identify which benefits, if any, can be achieved with the method and the way it affects quality, communication, trust and understanding of requirements. The objectives were met by applying both quantitative and qualitative research methodology. The applied quantitative methods consisted of surveys and collected metrics, whereas the qualitative methods consisted of interviews and observation. These methods were used to evaluate the situation of the outsourcer and supplier both before and after taking acceptance test-driven development into use in an agile software development project. The thesis identified that the method directly increases understanding of requirements and system level competence for both the outsourcer and supplier teams. Furthermore, it indirectly increases the visibility of quality and decreases the amount of waste produced. The study presents recommendations on applying the method in the context of agile outsourced software development. - Accessibility as a part of the development process - case electronic banking
School of Science | Master's thesis(2010) Kivelä, LauriIn the beginning of the thesis a comparative study was carried out, which examined on which level accessibility is in two different Netbank versions of Nordea. Primarily the thesis focused to investigate in more detail the accessibility issues in the Private version of Nordea's netbank. As a result of the thesis a tool was created, which can be used to check if Netbank pages contain accessibility related issues. The tool is a checklist implemented as a Web page that advises developers to find and correct possible problems. The tool offers also code examples that can be utilized to make corrections. The tool was developed iteratively. The preliminary version was a checklist on paper. Version's purpose was to find out if the tool is useful and to check if the tool is suitable for eliminating accessibility issues. The second version was more extensive and it was carried out as an html page. The interviews, questionnaire and the user test verified that the tool is useful in improving the accessibility level and that it can be included into Netbank's development process. Things that need improvements were also found and feedback that was received will be exploited in coming versions. - Accessible rich Internet content with Adobe Flash
School of Science | Master's thesis(2010) Kaukinen, AnttiWith Web content becoming richer, accessibility has taken a step backwards. This is mainly because of new rich technologies that are used, such as Adobe's Flash. Current Flash sites are a good example of an area where accessibility is very poorly taken into consideration. This means there is not enough knowledge or willingness to make accessible Flash content, even though some built-in tools are provided for it. The Web Accessibility Initiative has published guidelines about Web accessibility, such as its Web Content Accessibility Guidelines. Its version 2.0 is a technology-neutral guideline for creating accessible Web applications on any platform. This is why it constitutes a good guideline for building accessible Flash applications. This Thesis examines how accessible content can be achieved with Flash and how much extra work is needed to achieve a good level of accessibility in terms of WCAG 2.0. This is an important issue because increasing the accessibility of Flash content in general depends to a great extent on the extra work that is needed. The guidelines and results of the research were tested and realized by building a Flash application in line with them. The product demonstrated how accessible Flash content can be constructed in practice. It was built using such technical solutions that are common practices in the field of commercial Flash sites. Test results pointed that the content was not as accessible as it should have been, but it was usable with assistive technologies, such as screen readers. - Acquisition performance of the largest Asian companies
School of Science | Master's thesis(2010) Hyeon, SungSup - Kommunikaatiokiihdytetyn liiketoimintaprosessin lisäarvo ja integraatio myyntiorganisaatiossa
School of Science | Master's thesis(2010) Jokela, JanneAdvanced communications solutions, which utilize IP networks and computer software, such as unified communications and collaboration, are becoming more common in corporations. A new concept utilizing the unified communications infrastructure has been established: communications enabled business process. The technology is integrated into business applications and worker's personal tools consequently accelerating the business process by minimizing the human latency in communication. Solutions are marketed by technology providers, integrators and analysts to revolutionize corporations' functions and business practices by growing significantly their business value. This master's thesis examines the concept of communications enabled business process and its value proposition: lowered costs, increased productivity and business value. A constructive case study is performed to a corporate sales organization. Organization's business problems and targets are studied to design a new process model, which utilizes communications enabled business process concept and technology targeting to increase the business performance of the organization. The integration of this model is divided into the technical perspective, including the technology infrastructure's integration strategies, and to process development perspective, which covers methods for the integration. The construction is a feasible design for the organization to implement communications enabled business process concept into its workflow and the solution is expected to bring short- and long-term benefits for the business through users' efficiency and business quality. Solution's value was estimated to be positive and it offers to the corporation the possibility to experiment the technology. The exact measurement of the added value was not possible as it would require a long research period and a broad test data from various organizations. - Tieliikenteen ruuhkahuippuihin vaikuttaminen Jyväskylässä
School of Science | Master's thesis(2010) Keralampi, Hannu OlaviThe traffic demand and peak hours were researched in the Jyväskylä city region as part of a study of transportation system planning. The traffic survey showed the existence of typical rush hour traffic peaks. The factors affecting the traffic demand and how to influence it were studied as well as how to minimize the peaks of traffic demand. Also the experiences and assessments of congestion were studied in general. With the four-phase model it is possible to find methods to affect land use, the needs of traffic and choosing of transport modes. The usage of the entire capacity of road and street networks and reinforcing that are goals to be achieved before new investments in the infrastructure. By co-operation of the land use and transportation planning it is possible to affect the traffic demand and choosing of transport mode. With a well-operating public transport system as well as safe and short cycling and walking routes, more sustainable modes of transport can be encouraged. Car pooling and sharing are methods for decreasing the amount of cars in urban traffic. Methods of traffic management, such as good information, influencing attitudes, offering car parking and the pricing of transportation can have remarkable possibilities to affect the timing and mode of travel. Also e-working can smoothly diminish the amount of traffic volume. The study shows that especially the scheduling of work and schools to start at various different times in the morning can minimize traffic peaks in medium sized cities like Jyväskylä. Cycling and walking can be motivated by health reasons and proper maintenance of the road and street infrastructure. By affecting the choice of transport modes and wiser timing of travelling times it is possible to make more efficient use of the whole capacity of existing infrastructure and networks. - Agile product development and strategic agility in technology firms
School of Science | Master's thesis(2010) Kettunen, OskariA literature survey establishes an integrated framework for business strategy and product development methodologies under specific conditions. In market environments of fast and complex change, firms need to be strategically agile to sustain a competitive advantage. Specific dynamic capabilities underlie strategic agility. Well-known management principles, engineering practices and process methodologies in product development directly correspond to such capabilities. Using the Scrum methodology as an example, this study establishes new connections between streams of literature that concur in content but have previously not been considered together. The framework is tested in a survey of Finnish technology companies conducted by interviewing executives. Evidence from companies with several years of experience in introducing agile methodologies partially verify the model. Several positive effects anticipated by the model are found in the firms' current operations - whether or not they were part of the original motivation. While some others do not appear immediately relevant, the majority of the theoretical connections offer firms attractive areas of improvement. Serendipitous benefits predicted by the model and found in the case companies suggest such agile transformations should further integrate strategy. The study results recommend considering the adoption of agile product development methods a long-term strategic investment. A stronger and more formalised connection between the fields of strategy and product development motivates the entire organisation to embrace change initiatives rather than consider their internal to the R&D department. - Agile software project management in multi-project environment - a case study
School of Science | Master's thesis(2010) Juntunen, Jari - Ketterä käyttöliittymäsuunnittelu ja asiakkaan kokema arvo
School of Science | Master's thesis(2010) Snellman-Junna, LauraThis master's thesis presents a study of the customer percieved value of user interface design performed following GUIDe process in agile software projects. Data of percieved benefits and sacrifices was collected from both customer side as well as from the vendor side. Vendor's observations and conclusions were gathered through a facilitated group discussion. Customer views were explored via interviews. When these results were compared, it was discovered, that according to the vendor expectations, the customers percieved the quick feed-back cycle and the getting-things-done atmosphere valuable, but also appreciated the ability to keep the stake holders interested. The customer experience was challenged because of the lack of visibility to the intensive phase at the beginning of the agile user interface design. This was predicted by the vendor side also. But, the customers did not experience or at least did not directly express the support of the user interface design to project's priorisation and budgeting, even though the vendor side expected this to be an important percieved benefit. To enhance the customer percieved value in projects including agile user interface design, the concrete benefits of this method combination and also its requirements to customer's efforts should be communicated more, in sales phase and during the project, also. This communication should use traditional waterfall-development as a benchmark. Bringing the user interface designer closer to the customer, as a more visible part of the team, telling more about their work to the customer in the beginning would support the building of a productive co-operation even before the first feature being in the production. - AJAX and Mashup security
School of Science | Master's thesis(2010) Rahman, S. M. MoshiurOne of the core components of Web 2.0 applications is AJAX. The use of AJAX has transformed the web into a super platform. But this technological change has also given new types of worm and virus, such as Yamanner and Samy. Different web applications like Google, Yahoo and MySpace have experienced new vulnerabilities. Web applications that combine data from different sources are becoming increasingly useful. An AJAX mashup is a hybrid application. It uses AJAX techniques to present a rich user interface and updates content that it retrieves asynchronously from different sources or content. Current browser security models were not designed to support such applications. Mashup brings new security issues which provide different ways of attacks if proper security policies are not exist in web application. Web 2.0 applications also increase the possibility of different kinds of attacks such as Cross-site scripting (XSS). Cross-site Request Forgery (CSRF) and JavaScript Hijacking etc. This thesis focuses on the AJAX and Mashup security. The most important technologies used in creating mashups, like AJAX, and the basic functionality behind the mashups are introduced briefly. After that the security issues concerning the technologies, the principles of mashups and the current security model of web browsers are discussed. Also, prevention methods against different vulnerabilities are described in this thesis. - Algorithmic trading and complex event processing
School of Science | Master's thesis(2010) Lindström, JyriThe purpose of this thesis is to study the applicability of Complex Event Processing (CEP) to Algorithmic Trading. Typically trading algorithms are implemented using traditional programming languages like C++/C#/Java. Complex Event Processing (CEP) is a generic technology that can be used to process large amount of events and find out meaningful event patterns from an event cloud. The research is conducted by designing and implementing architecture and framework for an algorithmic trading system. In addition to the implemented Algorithmic Trading System four trading algorithms are implemented using open source CEP engine NEsper and its Event Processing Language (EPL). The suitability of CEP for Algorithmic Trading was evaluated on the basis of performance tests and experience gained on trading algorithm implementation. Complex Event Processing was found to be a suitable technique for Algorithmic Trading. - Paksuussäätöjen analysointi ja kehittäminen tandemvalssaimella
School of Science | Master's thesis(2010) Fagerström, Timo Johannes - Raha-automaattipelien logiikkapohjan analysointi ja parannus
School of Science | Master's thesis(2010) Behr, Tommi vonSlot machine games have advanced significantly during last decade. They have wide range of features and graphics that rival last generation console games. Finnish Slot Machine Association (RAY) has developed and provided state-of-the-art slot machine games by incrementally adding new features and making small changes to their software codebase. During ten years this codebase has become awkward and cumbersome. Some refactoring and rewrite has been done to address issues in graphics components, but the codebase governing game logic is still mainly based on code that is ten years old. At the same time, RAY's new strategy demands for shorter development times and better quality games. It is clear that the old game logic isn't up to the task. In this thesis the feature requirements for major game logic upgrade are indentified. The old codebase is analysed based on requirements, and the parts that need refactoring and redesign are presented. A comprehensive software architecture plan is proposed for a new game logic layer that will match the requirements. Game logic template -concept is presented to help bring new features to games in future. - An analysis of cloud computing and its effects on software product companies
School of Science | Master's thesis(2010) Raitio, PetriCloud computing is an Internet-based way of delivering computing services. As a literature study does not identify a common definition for the phenomenon, a system architecture based method is used in this thesis to analyze existing cloud products and services and to construct a model of cloud computing and a category system. According to the categorization, the main components of cloud computing are software as a service (SaaS), utility computing and web services. Other identified types of services include Internet integration and managed services. Platform as a service (PaaS) is a common name for those utility computing offerings that contain an application development framework. SaaS applications are run at SaaS provider datacenters and accessed over the Internet through a web browser; users pay for them by amount of use instead of by purchasing licenses. Utility computing is processing and storage capacity that can be accessed over the Internet; no upfront investment is required, and payment is by use. Web services are programmatic interfaces available over the Internet. Other service types build upon these three basic services. All the service types are described in detail in this thesis through examples of existing commercial offerings, and the category system is validated by categorizing known offerings. Key changes to software companies are related to software architecture, hardware architecture and business model. Software changes originate from the browser application model and multi-tenant server principle. Hardware changes stem from the distributed and virtualized nature of service implementations. Business model changes are profound, as payment is by use instead of by upfront payment, such as license or server purchases. Revenue is accumulated slower, but it can reach a higher, steady level in the long run. A number of key concerns about cloud computing are discussed in the areas of data security, vendor lock-in, regulatory compliance, service availability and performance. - Analysis of the Retention and Acquisition Rates of Selected Mobile Phone Manufacturers
School of Science | Master's thesis(2010) Vesanen, Riina - Analyzing the requirements for an IT asset and configuration management system
School of Science | Master's thesis(2010) Huhtala, Miia - Anomaly detection and location with an application to an energy management system
School of Science | Master's thesis(2010) Yao, Li - Applicability of IEEE 1588 to TETRA base station clock synchronisation
School of Science | Master's thesis(2010) Kalliola, AapoWireless communications networks often require accurate time synchronisation between base stations. This is a difficult problem because the base stations are geographically distributed. What makes time synchronisation even more challenging is that the base stations are moving to packet switched networks for their network connectivity, which increases the data transmission delay uncertainties. In this thesis three time synchronisation protocols (IEEE 1588 PTP, NTP and SyncE) are examined and IEEE 1588 is chosen for the purpose of synchronisation of the EADS TETRA base station TB3. The IEEE 1588 is a synchronisation protocol based on two-way time data communication between clock master and slave. As packet based synchronisation protocols are sensitive to packet delay variation and asymmetricity of a communications path, these characteristics of potential communications networks are examined. It is found that the delay variation and asymmetricity present a serious challenge to IEEE 1588 implementation in the relevant network environment. A minimal IEEE 1588 protocol is implemented and evaluated with a commercial clock master and slave. The results are compared to the TETRA standard requirements and found to be borderline acceptable. The TETRA requirements would not, however, he reached in a network with more significant packet delay variation or uncontrolled asymmetry. The conclusion is that IEEE 1588 is potentially usable for base station synchronisation, but with serious reservations. The network delay must he completely symmetric between master and slave clocks, and the delay variation must he low. As such IEEE 1588 is most likely not consistently usable before the protocol is supported by network elements on the communication path.