Yliopiston järjestämien konferenssien kokoomateoksia / Conference proceedings of the university's events
Browsing 09. Konferenssit, seminaarit ja kokoomateokset / Conferences, Seminars and Compiled works by Department "Department of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering"
(Aalto University, 2017) Avarmaa, K. (editor); Jokilaakso, A. (editor); Kemian tekniikan ja metallurgian laitos; Department of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering; Research Group of Metallurgical Thermodynamics and Modelling; Kemian tekniikan korkeakoulu; School of Chemical Technology
This International Process Metallurgy Symposium in Honour of Professor Pekka Taskinen was already the second honorary symposia in Aalto University School of Chemical Engineering, Department of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering, so it was already a tradition. It truly was International Symposium having presenters from more than ten nationalities.
The title of this Symposium includes a sub-title of “Metallurgy as a tool for challenges in circular economy”, which emphasizes the important role metallurgy and metallurgists have in solving the resource deficit in metals and minerals. We have already seen the shift from “traditional” raw material research towards recycled materials and their impact on metallurgical processes. Another emerging or growing trend is the need and request for zero waste processes. All this underlines the importance of fundamental metallurgical research, knowledge and education.