05. Harjoitustyöt ja kurssitutkielmat / Coursework and Term papers, Final projects
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Yliopistossa suoritettujen opintojen harjoitus- ja lopputöitä / Coursework, term papers and final projects completed at the university
Browsing 05. Harjoitustyöt ja kurssitutkielmat / Coursework and Term papers, Final projects by Department "Department of Real Estate, Planning and Geoinformatics"
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- Attractiveness of Different Districts in Helsinki: Segregation in Terms of Poor Financial and Educational Status of the Residents
School of Engineering | S harjoitus- ja seminaarityöt(2015) Anttila, Linda; Korpela, Topi; Lammi, Saskia; Pääkkönen, Laura; Tani, IlkkaThe aim of this research is to study attractiveness of different districts in Helsinki. The research tries to find out if there are differences, and on the other hand, similarities between different districts in Helsinki if the financial and educational status of the residents are compared. The main research question is; are there some districts in Helsinki that have a risk to segregate in terms of poor financial and educational status of the residents? Previous researches related to this topic were mainly related to either educational segregation or economic segregation but there is a lack of researches which concentrate on the both aspects at the same time, and take also bad credit history into consideration. This study is based on three different open data sets, two datasets from Paavo and one from Suomen Asiakastieto. In order to find out if there is segregation based on the average income, education level and bad credit history we use clustering analysis and especially dendrograms to analyze the data. In this study dendrograms are used for hierarchical cluster analysis. All of the dendrograms are created in IBM SPSS Statistics 22 -program. The results derived from two dendrograms and a proximity matrix created indicate that in general all of the areas in Helsinki are quite similar with each other. However, the dissimilarity between the extremities is eminent. - The Effect of Energy Classifications on Housing Prices
School of Engineering | S harjoitus- ja seminaarityöt(2015) Häyrynen, Jenna; Katainen, Anna; Rantala, Emmi; Seppälä, Maija; Seppälä, Veera; Sperling, Ella; Virtanen, LauraPrevious researches have provided contradictory results on the effect of energy classifications. It seems that the effects are limited only to the highest energy classifications (A & B) while the lowest classifications seem to have little or no effect, suggesting that the housing prices are consisted of completely different factors than this. The methods for this study are literature review in addition to a regression analysis using available open data. Our regression model supported the previous results but also indicated the need to perform further research on the topic and develop the existing model by all odds, e.g. increasing the amount of variables or changing the current ones. - Gamification of Education: Cities Skylines as an Educational Tool for Real Estate and Land Use Planning Studies
School of Engineering | S harjoitus- ja seminaarityöt(2015) Haahtela, PyryComputer games and other simulations have for a long time been used as a teaching method all around the world. They give a comprehensive, but simplified view of the reality to students with a hands-on approach to problems. Games as a teaching method offer competitiveness and a chance to see the results of decision-making in real time. These elements offer a different kind of inner motivation to learning, which usually is highly welcomed among students. Computer games give a contrast to the everyday not-so-interactive class teaching, and therefore have gained high popularity in schools and universities as a method for engagement.Cities Skylines is a city planning game that offers a simplified city planning experience, but also a surprisingly in-depth understanding of a city and its various functions. Alas, the planning system in the game is streamlined and does not include a realistic view of a city planning process with its multiple participants and developers. However, the city as a functioning system is well modeled and has some real potential for educational purposes. As a stand-alone game Cities Skylines does not fully meet the requirements for an educational game in the field of real estate or city planning. Nonetheless, the game is an exceptionally well developed platform and supports plethora of modifications. With a select few, well-thought modifications, the game would support educational uses, especially city planning problem solving using scenarios. - Measurement of the Helfenburk Castle near Úštěk and Creation of its Spatial model
School of Engineering | Master's thesis(2015) Prokopová, AlžbětaThe main topic of this master’s thesis is measurement and creation of documentation of the Helfenburk Castel near Úštěk in northern Bohemia. Helfenburg is a ruin of the castle from the 14th century. It is made of sandstone and it is situated on a sandstone rock. The tower and the wall are well preserved. The main focus is on the inner part of the castle, although the whole castle including both sides of the wall was measured. Laser scanning was chosen as the most convenient way of data acquiring. The Trimble TX5 laser scanner was used for measuring. The resulting point clouds were processes in the Geomatic Studio and Cyclone. The final point cloud was transformed into the S-JTSK (Datum of Uniform Trigonometric Cadastral Network) coordinate system and the Bpv (Baltic After Adjustment) height system using geodetic network created at the castle by our group of students. The CAD 3D model of the inner castle part was created and edited in a specialized software: Cyclone, 3DReshaper and Microstation. A plan of the whole castle was drawn in a scale 1:250. The results of this work are a complete point cloud, a 3D model of the inner castle and a plan of the castle. They will serve as an accurate documentation of the current state, for the archeological research and for publication on the web of Helfenburk. - Open data appetite: How nations' hunger for open government data varies with their economic complexity
School of Engineering | S harjoitus- ja seminaarityöt(2015) Savenkov, AnthonyThere are significant cross-national differences in government data openness.The research takes an economic complexity perspective to help explain this phenomenon.It theoretically explores the notion that data openness is more valuable to complex economies, and that a nation's economic complexity is thereby an incentive to “open up” and exploit government data. Empirical data from ninety-four countries is used to test the relationship between economic complexity and government data openness. The tests indicate a moderate to strong link. - Vuokratuottoihin vaikuttavat tekijät Helsingissä - Harjoitustyö
School of Engineering | S harjoitus- ja seminaarityöt(2015) Isomöttönen, Jouni; Nurmi, Kalle; Viirimäki, Juuso - Vuokriin vaikuttavat tekijät Helsingin kantakaupunkialueella - Ryhmätyö
School of Engineering | S harjoitus- ja seminaarityöt(2015) Turunen, Mikko; Köykkä, Miro; Rantanen, Teemu; Eilavaara, Vili; Kupari, Mikko