POPULAR INQUIRY: The Journal of the Aesthetics of Kitsch, Camp and Mass Culture
Permanent URI for this collectionhttps://aaltodoc.aalto.fi/handle/123456789/20611
Popular Inquiry: The Journal of the Aesthetics of Kitsch, Camp and Mass Culture is a peer- and double blind-reviewed open-access online journal dedicated to the study of the philosophical aesthetics of popular culture. ISSN 2489-6748.
We distribute the journal in four different ways. This Aalto University webpage (popularinquiry.aalto.fi) functions as a safe archive for the articles. We use Facebook (Popular Inquiry) and Twitter (@PopularInquiry) to distribute every article. The Popular Inquiry web page (https://www.popularinquiry.com) is our main site, and this is the one where we schedule our fresh updates. By liking our Facebook page or following us on Twitter you receive links to all articles as they are published.
We publish annually one spring and one fall issue. The spring issue consists of an editorial, interviews/reviews, and 3-4 articles. The fall consists of an editorial, 3-4 articles, interviews/reviews, and an overlook of what has been happening within the discipline. From time to time we also publish special issues. We also publish non-academic theoretical essays.
Article manuscripts sent to Popular Inquiry have to be previously unpublished and written in English language. Please send your text to us in Word or Rich Text format. Please prepare the article manuscript according to the following guidelines:
- The manuscript should not exceed 8000 words.
- The text needs to have a title in the beginning, but we don’t publish abstracts or lists of keywords. If you feel this is a problem, think about a title, which is informative enough.
- Do not include your name, institution or any other identifying information in the manuscript
- All citations need to be in the endnotes and not in the main text and they need to be numbered sequentially with rabic numbers. Use the endnote function so that the notes appear at the end of the text.
- We encourage you to send us articles which do not refer only to Anglo-American white male scholars.
- Font should be 11-point Calibri, including the endnotes. We would be happy if you wouldn’t insert line breaks in the text or special spacing for formatting.
- Please follow the Chicago Manual.
- Only the left hand margin should be justified.
- Please indicate the paragraph break by an extra line space.
The fall issue always includes reviews and a list of books and articles published on the topic during the current year. If you want your book or article to be mentioned or reviewed, please it to us (snail mail, e-mail (PDF, link)) no later than September 1 (snail mail / e-mail). We welcome you to send books and articles to be enlisted and/or reviewed in the fall issue of the year in any of the following languages: English, French, Italian, Spanish, German, Finnish, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Icelandic, Slovakian, Czech, Estonian, Polish, Russian, Ukranian and Hungarian.
Editors in Chief: Max Ryynänen (Aalto University), Jozef Kovalcik (Slovakian Cultural Foundation)
Associate Editors: Michaela Pašteková (Academy of Fine Arts and Design), Zoltan Somhegyi (University of Sharjah), Adam Andrzejewski (University of Warsaw), Yvonne Förster (Shanxi University)
Advisor: Stefan Snaevarr (University of Lillehammar)
International Advisory Board: Jörn Ahrens (Justus Liebig University Giessen), Epp Annus (Estonian Literary Museum), Paco Barragan (University of Salamanca), Patrizia Calefato (Universitá degli studi di Bari Aldo Moro), Arindam Chakrabarti (Stony Brook University), Pauls Daija (University of Latvia), William Erwing (King’s College Pennsylvania), Yvonne Foerster (Leuphana University Lüneburg), Philip Freytag (Rheinische-Friedrich-Wilhelms Universität Bonn), Carsten Friberg (independent scholar), Arto Haapala (University of Helsinki), Adam Haupt (University of Cape Town), Anssi Hynynen (independent scholar), Antti Ikonen (Aalto University), Mira Kallio-Tavin (Aalto University), Kari Kallioniemi (University of Turku), Kimi Kärki (University of Turku), Wojciech Malecki (University of Wroclaw), Maddalena Mazzo-Cut (Università degli Studi di Milano), Benedikts Kalnacs (University of Latvia), Andrea Mecacci (Università degli Studi di Firenze), Ossi Naukkarinen (Aalto University), Angela Oguntala (independent scholar), Celeste Olalquiaga (independent scholar), Michaela Pasteková (Bratislava Academy of Fine Arts and Design), Mateusz Salwa (University of Warsaw), Manisha Sharma (The University of Arizona), Richard Shusterman (Florida Atlantic University), Bodil Marie Stavning Thomsen (University of Aarhus), Elisabetta di Stefano (Università degli Studi di Palermo), Kevin Tavin (Aalto University), Margus Vihalem (University of Tallinn), Annamari Vänskä (University of Turku), Hiroshi Yoshioka (Kyoto University)
Editorial Assistant Oleksandra Sushchenko (Aalto University)
Contact information: popular.inquiry(at)aalto.fi; We are thankful to Aalto University for making possible the publishing of this journal and to Svenska Kulturfonden for funding the development process. ISSN 2489-6748.