Browsing by Author "Vuorio, Jaakko"
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- Automatic charging station for commercial drones
Insinööritieteiden korkeakoulu | Master's thesis(2018-09-24) Numminen, MarkusDrones, or Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, have taken the customer market by a storm in the last few years. Recent estimates foresee the demand to increase and the commercial side to be next. Even though the commercial side drones are better equipped, they also lack in the same aspect as the consumer drones: short flight times. In order to enable automatic operation in various environments the problem with short flight times and constant battery changing has to be solved. This study concentrates on investigating the methods that are available for automatic drone charging. Many research, and commercial methods are available, out of which the most promising are investigated further: contact charging, wireless charging and battery swapping. As the aim of the study is to develop a concept of a drone charging station for Nokia, all three methods are compared and graded depending on the requirements set for the system. Most notable requirement of the charging station is to solve the flight time related factor of the drone. This leads to the fact, that a single charging station should be able to charge and supply autonomous and constant operation for two drones. The charging time sets the power requirements of the system, which ultimately results as the most critical requirement of the system. As result of the comparison, contact charging was selected as the charging station development method. A charging station that allowed charging drones though its legs was developed, and a logic port circuit was created. The developed charging station was created as such, that a drone is capable of landing in any orientation. The main aspects of the concept were prototyped, and charging was tested though the system. As such, the charging station provided autonomous charging for drones with minimal internal power losses. - Metallien liimaus
Insinööritieteiden korkeakoulu | Bachelor's thesis(2013-04-22) Vuorio, Jaakko - Optimization of the stacking sequence for maximization of the eigen frequency of composite structures.
Insinööritieteiden korkeakoulu | Master's thesis(2024-01-22) Shabbir, JamalCarbon fiber composites, particularly unidirectional and woven forms, play a vital role in various structural applications. While extensive research exists on optimizing the stiffness and eigen frequencies of basic structures like plates, cylinders, and cones, there is a noticeable gap in literature concerning the optimization of complex composite structures, such as drone frames. The eigen frequency and dynamic response of a structure are influenced by factors like boundary conditions, geometric parameters (thickness, aspect ratio, shape), and the dynamic environment it operates in. In this study, optimization efforts have focused on thin composite plates and cylinders. Analytical and numerical methods based on classical lamination theory and first-order shear deformation theory were employed to derive the stiffness matrices, followed by optimization using genetic algorithms (GAs) with the objective of finding the stack sequence that maximizes the first mode frequency. GAs, inspired by natural selection, excel in navigating complex, non-convex design spaces and are well-suited for problems involving poorly understood or nonlinear objective functions. The choice of GA for optimizing drone frames is motivated by its ability to efficiently explore large design spaces and find optimal combinations that might be elusive through other means. The focus of the optimization is to ensure that none of the drone's eigen frequencies fall within critical operational ranges, particularly during hover, where blade passage frequency is a prominent forcing frequency. The research methodology involved identifying problematic frequencies through bench and flight tests, constructing a mathematical model in Ansys ACP, and validating it by comparing numerical and real drone frame modes. Subsequently, the validated model underwent optimization using GA. Key outcomes of the study include the observation that boundary conditions significantly affect both the eigen frequency and the convergence rate of optimization. Additionally, while higher-order deformation theories provide more accurate predictions, computational costs can be prohibitive. Therefore, choosing an appropriate theory should be based on the structure's geometry. For instance, classical lamination theory is effective for thin-walled structures, providing reasonably accurate results while potentially overestimating stiffness for moderately thick to thick-walled structures. Lastly, the study found that symmetric laminates generally exhibit higher stiffness compared to asymmetric laminates. This research contributes valuable insights into the optimization of complex composite structures, specifically drone frames, using a combination of analytical, numerical, and evolutionary methods. - Product cost & value analysis
Insinööritieteiden korkeakoulu | Master's thesis(2019-12-16) Korhonen, AnttiThis thesis researches a modular product X, which is an unmanned aerial vehicle still under development. The scope of the thesis is to find the most important cost and value drivers of the product and do findings to further develop the product. The work consists of a literature review and a research section. The literature review section breaks down cost and value analysis methods, tools and design instructions. The research section consists of three parts: In the first section, a cost analysis is implemented on the product. In the second section, value analysis is implemented on the findings of the cost analysis. In the third section, a cost of modularity is re-searched from the design complexity, cost and performance perspective. Cost analysis was performed with the Pareto principle. The cost analysis calculated costs for batch sizes between 1 – 1000 units, due to low manufacturing quantities of the product. The greatest weakness found in the cost analysis was the monocoque composite frame, which formulates a large section of the unit cost in larger manufacturing quantities. The value analysis researched the value created by different functions of the components: Modular payload attachment part was found most valuable. Least valuable was found to be sensor optics in the frame and the frame itself. The cost of modularity research compares two mechanically comparable products, product X and integral spreadsheet version of product X. Products were researched for weight, costs, simulated assembly time, component count and design complexity. The research showed modular products to be more expensive in low manufacturing volumes. Based on the results of modularity study, this thesis advocates more integral product architecture for product X at this development phase. This is for the reason that the product does not have product family around the product X, manufacturing quantities are low and new features must be developed to the product in an agile manner. Modularity value analysis found that modularizing onboard components does not bring notable value for the customer, but forms notable design complexity addition. The thesis also resulted in a design for more integral monocoque with integrated motor holders, suitable for low volume manufacturing by eliminating expensive machined metal motor holders. - Säätöventtiilin esiohjauksen kehitys
Insinööritieteiden korkeakoulu | Master's thesis(2016-01-25) Vuorio, JaakkoTämän työn tavoitteena oli kehittää digitaalisen asennoittimen, pneumaattisen venttiilin toimintaa. Päätavoite oli parantaa kaksiosaisen venttiilin esiohjauksen kapasiteettia ja vähentää sen ilmankulutusta. Työ rajattiin erityisesti esiohjauspiiriin. Esiohjauksessa yleisesti käytetyn suutin-läppäventtiilin toimielimen kehitys rajattiin työn ulkopuolelle. Aluksi työssä käydään läpi Metson ND9000 asennoittimen esiohjauksen toiminta ja perehdytään myös muutaman kilpailijan esiohjauspiiriin. Työssä luodaan teoreettinen katsaus ilman virtaukseen kuristuksen läpi ja selvitetään mahdollisia esiohjauspiirin kehitykseen soveltuvia tekniikoita. Kilpailijoiden ratkaisuiden ja löydettyjen tekniikoiden pohjalta luotiin 4 erilaista konseptia, joista jatkokehitykseen valittiin yksi pisteytyksen perusteella. Valitusta konseptista luotiin simulointimalli suunnittelun aputyökaluksi ja halutunlaisen toiminnan varmistamiseksi. Simulointimallin avulla toteutettiin myös konseptille esiohjauspaineen säätöön soveltuva säädin. Lopulta konseptista rakennettiin prototyyppi, jolla säädettiin suljetun tilan painetta. Prototyypille suoritettiin kokeet, joilla mitattiin sen tuottaman esiohjauspaineen nousu- ja laskuaikaa, ilmankulutusta ja syöttöpaineen suhteen vakioitua toimintaa. Myös suunnitellun säätimen toimintaa testattiin käytännössä. Laite täytti testatut suorituskykyvaatimukset kaikkien paitsi laskuajan osalta. Prototyypin venttiilit vuosivat hieman odotettua enemmän ilmaa, vuotojen voidaan kuitenkin odottaa vähenevän jos venttiilit läpätään. Suunniteltu säädin ei toiminut testeissä aivan oletetulla tavalla ja sen toimintaa voidaan pitää korkeintaan välttävänä. Prototyypin toiminta on myös labiilia, jolloin hyvä säädin on sen oikeanlaisen toiminnan kannalta välttämätöntä. Konseptin laitteelle suoritettiin myös vioittumis- ja vaikutusanalyysi. Jonka tuloksena todettiin, että konsepti ei sisällä merkittäviä vikaantumisriskejä, suutin-läppäventtiiliä lukuun ottamatta. Työn tuloksena saatiin prototyyppi, joka täytti lähes kaikki sille asetetut vaatimukset. Prototyypin esiohjauksen hallintaan tuomat parannukset ovat kuitenkin varsin pieniä verrattuna sen aiheuttamaan esiohjauspiirin hinnan ja monimutkaisuuden kasvuun. Jos pääteasteen esiohjaustilavuus kuitenkin kasvaa entisestään, korostuu prototyypin suuremman kapasiteetin tuomat hyödyt. Suunniteltua laitetta ei voida suoraan sellaisenaan hyödyntää painekompensoidun pääteasteen ohjaukseen sen vakioidun painetason takia.