Browsing by Author "Tikkanen, Henrikki"
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- Acquisition Drivers in the Forest Industry - Industry Scenarios 2012
Helsinki University of Technology | Master's thesis(2004) Ahola, AnnaThis main goal of this study is to make global future scenarios of forest industry and select forest industry companies for the year 2012. A significant part of the work comes from understanding the industry development drivers and the case companies' operating logic. Issues of main interest are the development of large paper companies and their acquisition drivers. This thesis also gives an introduction to the general theoretical acquisition drivers. This study is a qualitative synthesis of available data, thus many methods were used. The future forecasts of Pöyry and RISI were explored, analysts, investment bankers and industry experts were interviewed, academic research was studied and 8 case studies were compiled. The case companies are Abitibi-Consolidated, Asia Pulp & Paper, International Paper, Kappa Packaging, Mondi International, Sappi, SCA and UPM-Kymmene. Primary time scale in the company case studies is 1990-2003. Conclusion of the study is that forest industry consolidation will continue. The largest paper companies will grow 6-12 million paper and board tonnes until 2012. Most of this growth comes through mergers and acquisitions. Consolidation will happen locally, globally, within current paper grades and by diversifying into other grades. Most of the organic capacity growth will materialize in new regions, like China. - Eläkevakuutusyhtiön meklaristrategia
Helsinki University of Technology | Master's thesis(2003) Laaksonen, Kaj - Business models in changing environment: Case business-to-consumer e-invoicing
School of Business | Master's thesis(2020) Laaninen, Sari - Chance, Strategy, and Change: The Structure of Contingency in the Evolution of the Nokia Corporation, 1986–2015
A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä(2023-12-18) Aspara, Jaakko; Lamberg, Juha-Antti; Sihvonen, Antti; Tikkanen, HenrikkiEarlier research has analyzed how chance influences strategic choices, yet it has largely ignored the processes that chance events generate. We address this issue by analyzing how chance events and political dynamics coproduce strategic change. We study the history of the Nokia Corporation between 1986 and 2015, focusing on the event structures that led to the divestment of core businesses on two separate occasions. Our findings show how chance events and resulting political dynamics generate periods of collective indeterminacy where multiple, competing strategic scenarios become apparent. These emerge either directly from chance events or indirectly from political dynamics as coalitions translate chance events into their preferred scenarios. The search for a new strategic direction then ensues through the emergence and elimination of alternative scenarios until an acceptable scenario is converged upon, ending the period of collective indeterminacy. - Community Experience Design
Helsinki University of Technology | Master's thesis(2005) Rintanen, AnttiThis thesis focuses on the concept of community and its role in brand management. In the study, the brand community is approached through a conceptual model in the context of portable video gaming. The research problem of the study can be expressed as the question of how a company should design community experience around a brand that is meaningful to the users of the brand and has the potential to leverage the overall business. The main objectives of the study are to develop and validate a model of brand community, and to conclude what are the most important factors in building such a community. The literature study constructs the brand community model though building on proceedings from academic research. The empirical part then builds on the theory as an explorative and qualitative case study examining one particular brand in the portable video gaming industry. The theoretical analysis indicates a brand community model where the community is characterised by its geographic concentration, social context, temporality, and basis of identification. In addition, rather than forming only around the brand, the community in the model is formed by relationships between the focal customer and the brand, product, company, and other customers. All these relationships exhibit the traditional markers of communities of consciousness of kind, rituals and traditions, and moral responsibility. Finally, one portable video gaming brand is evaluated based on the developed brand community model and recommendations are presented for future action. - The Concept of Strategic Marketing in Marketing Discourse - a Bibliometric Study
Helsinki University of Technology | Master's thesis(2006) Vassinen, AnttiIn management discourse, strategic marketing is found everywhere. Yet, one will rarely come across two identical definitions. There is a distinct need for a clarification. A shared terminology would serve many purposes in clarifying the scientific discourse, not to mention usage in business. To this end, the thesis attempts to map the phenomena referred to by "strategic marketing". Secondly, the thesis reflects on the various understandings of strategic marketing it1 discourse, in contrast to a specific understanding and definition of strategic marketing as the key driver in any value-creating process. The purpose of this thesis is to serve as a preliminary literature study to a wider joint research project by the Helsinki School of Economics and the Swedish School of Economics it1 Helsinki, by the name of StratMark. The aim of the study is to investigate the origins of the present understandings of "strategic marketing", taking advantage of bibliometric methodology. The research aims to answer the following questions: (1) What are the antecedents that have contributed to the present state of the discourse on "strategic marketing"? (2) What roles, organizational activities, processes and levels of decision-malting are attributed to "strategic marketing" in literature? (3) What antecedents might prove useful starting points for framing further research within the StratMark project? A population of 423 articles related to strategic marketing, published in 37 journals between 1986 and 2005 comprised the base set of data. All articles were classified according to relevancy, and a series of descriptive, citation and co-citation analyses performed on the articles and their citation data. The study achieved the objective of setting directions for further research and enabling linkages to be made to other components in the StratMark research project. Suggestions for improvements and further research, both within the scope of this study and the wider research project context, were suggested. - A Conceptualization of an Internal Branding Process Model: Ethnographic Case Study of F-Secure’s Brand Project
School of Business | Master's thesis(2018) Sydänmaanlakka, IraResearchers and practitioners have noted the importance of internal branding even though many organizations are struggling in harnessing employees to build and strengthen the corporate brand image (Baker et al. 2014; Morhart et al. 2009). Many different fields of branding, marketing, and management research share the same goal but have different ways or approaches for accomplishing it. Thus, the purpose of this paper is to conduct an internal branding process model which is not limited only to a certain field of study, approach or subfield. By combining, connecting and linking similarities and recurrent aspects, the model aims to find a way how different fields of research may support each other and by that offer deeper and more comprehensive managerial implications for practitioners and decision makers. The aim is to answer questions of what kind of internal branding process is needed for turning employees into brand champions, and how can a company analyze their current state of internal branding and utilize that analysis. This paper provides an overview of the previous academic literature related to internal branding. Based on the previous research and theories, a comprehensive internal branding process model is formed. The process starts from an organization’s ambition and approach to branding, i.e. brand orientation. Brand orientation includes attributes that support the building and leveraging of inter-nal branding mechanisms, and those mechanisms effect on the perceptions of employees. Finally, employee’s psychological state work as a mediator on how well employees respond on internal branding. The result of the process is employee brand-building behavior which refers to acting as a brand champion. The model and its parts represent an ideal concept of what attributes have taken into account and managed when aiming for employees’ brand-building behavior through internal branding. The empirical part of this paper consists of the employment of the model on Finnish cyber security company F-Secure. Using an ethnographic case study method this paper provides an empirical ex-ample on how the model can be applied in practice and used as a framework type of analyzing method. As its best, the model can help an organization to recognize what kind of practices they already have, what could be developed, and what are the areas that need more attention and efforts in order to harness employees to act as brand champions. - Creating competitive advantage by environmental-friendly packaging: healthy food product category
School of Business | Master's thesis(2016) Orasmaa, Annina - The curse of agility: The Nokia Corporation and the loss of market dominance in mobile phones, 2003–2013
A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä(2021-05-19) Lamberg, Juha-Antti; Lubinaitė, Sandra; Ojala, Jari; Tikkanen, HenrikkiWe investigate how and why the Nokia Corporation failed to develop a successful strategic response to the threats of Apple and Google in the smartphone business and instead worsened its situation through several badly timed decisions. We identify key choices in technology and organisational design that jointly constituted sufficient cause for the abandonment of the mobile phone business. By focusing on choices instead of attributes (e.g. fear or hubris), we make progress in strategic failure research and simultaneously emphasise the strength of oral history methods and the philosophy of history as fruitful starting points for such an inquiry. - Case Nordea
School of Business | Master's thesis(2019) Rusanen, Ringa - Customer Value of Discontinuous Technology and Product Innovations in Organizational Marketing Context
Helsinki University of Technology | Master's thesis(2002) Kortelainen, PetriThe purpose of the study is to determine the value of multi-function ion air cleaning technology developed by Genano Ltd in public building indoor air cleaning applications. This challenge is faced with customer value approach. First, a generic value construct applicable in organizational marketing and discontinuous innovation context is built based on literature. The construct adopts the view that customer value is considered a multidimensional construct combining the positive and negative consequences of product use rather than building up based on plain product attributes. Four components are identified in the construct: benefits not measurable in money, benefits measurable in money, psychological cost of adopting new-to-market solutions, and financial cost of acquiring and using the product. Second, the indoor air cleaning technologies and the market are outlined. The generic value construct built is applied in this context. It is suggested that in the context of public building indoor air cleaning, the value construct consists of financial costs, psychological costs, and benefits specific for the user organization using the building. Out of these, only the financial costs are considered to be such that they can be solidly determined. An analysis tool is developed for quantifying the value-in-use in specified use situations based on the financial costs. The other components of customer value, user organization specific benefits and psychological costs, are considered to include only qualitative factors. Finally, the market for indoor air cleaning products in public buildings is segmented. Third, a case research is conducted. Three case buildings representing different customer segments and different building user organizations are selected: Ristiina municipality old people's home, Espoo city daycare center, and Senate Properties office building. By familiarizing with these cases, valuable information on different dimensions of customer value is gained. Concerning each case building, value-in-use analysis is conducted, qualitative aspects of customer value discussed, and organization structures and processes of these potential customers described. As a conclusion, the value of MFI technology in each case is estimated. Finally, the different aspects of customer value of MFI technology in the context of the study as well as the segmentation are further discussed. Also practical implications concerning pricing and marketing MFI based products are concluded. - A Customer-Centric View of the Importance and Value of CRM Elements
School of Business | Master's thesis(2017) Hänninen, Daniel-JoséThe purpose of this study was to gain an understanding of what customers value in terms of the elements of customer relationship management, and how respondents can be grouped base on their answers. This was done by conducting a choice-based conjoint study, which was formulated based on a customer relationship management scale by Sin et al. (2005) on a proportional stratified sample of the customer base of Digia Plc, a large Finnish IT company. After the conjoint study, respondents were segmented through a k-means cluster analysis. Based on the study, it is evident that customers place the largest relative importance on the attribute “Key Customer Focus” and gain the highest utility from industry specific configurations, although there are slight deviations of preferences in terms of different clusters. These findings are in line with previous customer-centric research in other fields. In addition, as customer assign at least a moderate level of importance to all attributes, this study supports existing CRM studies highlighting the importance of holistic CRM. Finally, the lowest level of importance gained by the attribute “CRM Organization” is not in line with existing literature and therefore demonstrates the importance of a customer-centric view. This study offers a unique perspective into the Finnish information technology markets, as the one of the first customer-centric studies concerning CRM elements within a larger framework. - Tuotekehitysprosessin määrittäminen teleyrityksessä
Helsinki University of Technology | Master's thesis(2004) Koskinen, PekkaTässä diplomityössä tarkasteltiin teleyrityksen tuotekehitysprosessin alkuvaiheita ja niiden kehittämistä markkina- ja asiakaslähtöisemmäksi. Lisäksi pyrittiin osoittamaan hyötyjä, joita markkinalähtöisyydellä saadaan aikaan. Alkuvaiheilla tarkoitetaan niitä tuotekehitysprosessin vaiheita, jotka edeltävät tuotteen varsinaista kehitystyötä. Niihin kuuluu mm. markkinoiden ja asiakkaan tarpeiden analysointi sekä alustavan tuotekonseptin määrittäminen. Teoreettinen viitekehys perustui Robert G. Cooperin vaihe-portti -prosessiin. Case-tarkastelun avulla testattiin teoreettiselta pohjalta määritettyä viitekehystä toimimalla siinä määritellyn tuotekehitysprosessin mukaisesti. Tämän pohjalta määriteltiin lopullinen tuotekehitysprosessi tuotekehityksen alkuvaiheille. Tarkastelu osoitti selvästi, että tuotekehitysprosessia onnistuttiin kehittämään markkinalähtöisemmäksi lisäämällä siihen selkeästi määritellyt asiakastarvekartoitukset, huolellinen kilpailija-analyysin sisältävä markkina-analyysi sekä tuotekonseptin laadinta. Tarkastelun pohjalta voidaan todeta, että nämä ovat olennainen osa tuotekehitysprosessin alkuvaiheita. Markkinalähtöisyydellä tuotekehityksen alkuvaiheissa varmistetaan se, että kehitettävälle tuotteelle löytyy houkuttelevat markkinat. Samalla tuotteelle määritellyt potentiaaliset asiakaskohderyhmät ja asiakkaat helpottavat tuotteen markkinointia ja myyntiä. - Korkean teknologian tuotteen kansainvälisen lanseerausstrategian muotoileminen. Case-esimerkki: digitaalisen television interaktiivisten lisäarvopalveluiden tuotanto-ohjelmiston lanseeraus Ruotsiin
Helsinki University of Technology | Master's thesis(2002) Laaksonen, Antti - The Development of a More Transparent Supply Chain: A Case Study in the Stainless Steel Industry
Helsinki University of Technology | Master's thesis(2003) Koivunen, Harri - Toimintavarmuuden mittausmenetelmän kehittäminen ja sen hyödyntäminen Rocla Oyj:ssä
Helsinki University of Technology | Master's thesis(2002) Valtanen, Jari - The digital transformation toward value-based selling in the technology industry
School of Business | Master's thesis(2023) Jaakkola, Minna - The Dilemma of Service Productivity and Service Innovation: An Empirical Exploration in Financial Services
A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä(2018-05-01) Aspara, Jaakko; Klein, Jan F.; Luo, Xueming; Tikkanen, HenrikkiWe conduct a systematic exploratory investigation of the effects of firms’ existing service productivity on the success of their new service innovations. Although previous research extensively addresses service productivity and service innovation, this is the first empirical study that bridges the gap between these two research streams and examines the links between the two concepts. Based on a comprehensive data set of new service introductions in a financial services market over a 14-year period, we empirically explore the relationship between a firm’s existing service productivity and the firm’s success in introducing new services to the market. The results unveil a fundamental service productivity-service innovation dilemma: Being productive in existing services increases a firm’s willingness to innovate new services proactively but decreases the firm’s capabilities of bringing these services to the market successfully. We provide specific insights into the mechanism underlying the complex relationship between a firm’s productivity in existing services, its innovation proactivity, and its service innovation success. For managers, we not only unpack and elucidate this dilemma but also demonstrate that a focused customer scope and growth market conditions may enable firms to mitigate the dilemma and successfully pursue service productivity and service innovation simultaneously. - Disruptive Technologies and successful market entry. Theory and two cases
Helsinki University of Technology | Master's thesis(2005) Kolster, Niklas Kenneth - Does customer analysis affect firm performance? Quantitative evidence from the Finnish market
School of Business | Master's thesis(2023) Rubanovitsch, Victor
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