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- The Impact of Information and Communication Technology on Urban and Regional Planning
School of Engineering | D4 Julkaistu kehittämis- tai tutkimusraportti tai -selvitys(2003) Talvitie, JuhaThis article examines the need and possibilities to develop urban and regional planning practices due to both the emergence of the information/knowledge/network society and especially the impact of the information and communication technology, ICT, on spatial change. The findings are based on the views represented in literature and on the opinions of Finnish urban and regional planners. Current spatial development trends are highlighted by the changing economic basis when knowledge and skilled people are becoming the most important factors in production, and by the new functional and organisational possibilities of activities. As a consequence the traditional ways of running businesses in industry, services and other organisations, as well activities in every day life, will change. Also the prerequisites of locations of different activities will have new determinants. These developments will have diversified spatial impact. Therefore ICT, as the main driving force of the development of the information society, should be taken into account in urban and regional planning as a new aspect. Planners should recognise this new need and challenge. The incorporation of the spatial impact of ICT into planning practices does not occur without purposeful actions by those who are responsible for practical planning and by those who regulate and support planning. There is a need for further information, knowledge and understanding about the spatial impact of ICT and about its consequences on urban and regional development. Planners need updated education and training as well as new planning methods and models based on new spatial and urban theories. Also planning legislation and governmental guidelines should include provisions for the impact of the development of the information society and ICT on planning. - Tieto- ja viestintäteknologiasta uusi näkökulma kaavoitukseen
Doctoral dissertation (monograph)(2003-03-28) Talvitie, JuhaThe task has been to study the supposition that the development of the new information and communication technology (ICT) and its applications as a new form of traffic will, with time and the development of information society, influence spatial development and should therefore be taken into account in urban and regional planning. The study shows that the development of traditional traffic forms had had an impact on spatial development, in creating new opportunities for economic life and at same time facilitating the expansion of settled areas. It became clear in the study that spatial planning had had an impact on the spatial construction of society. Developed countries are moving from the industrial and service era towards information society. ICT has played and will play an essential role in this process. In the past ten years, eg in Finland, countrywide information networks have been built. At same time many individuals and different organisations have applied the opportunities offered by new technology in handling and transmitting data, as well as in communication. ICT will change the meaning of time and distance, and give more freedom for the location of activities and functions in which the specific features of place will be further highlighted. Many researchers have the view that ICT has diversified spatial impact. Regions, cities and municipalities will face new challenges in developing their ability to compete. These development factors should be taken into account in spatial planning. Finnish urban and regional planners, according to the results of the survey carried out in the study, were of the same opinion with experts that ICT is an important factor to be taken into account in spatial planning. The planners did not think that ICT will cause immediate and rapid spatial changes but that the changes will take place gradually. Planners saw opportunities in applying new planning principles in their work, eg developing new types of communities and reducing the need to commute between home and work. The general conclusion of the thesis is that ICT should be taken into account in urban and regional planning as an important factor influencing spatial change. An ICT-infrastructure should be included in the content of a plan, spatial impact of ICT should be studied in the planning process and the new functional and spatial possibilities ICT offers should be used in preparing the plans. In conclusion, the study flags up the following recommendations: increase research about the role of ICT and its spatial impact, develop new planning methods and offer further education and training to planners, and update planning legislation, planning guidelines and Finland's National Land Use Guidelines to include guidance on the role of ICT in planning. - Tutkimus seutu- ja yleiskaavoituksen suhteista
Helsinki University of Technology | Licentiate thesis(1969) Talvitie, Juha - Uusjaon yleissuunnittelusta
Helsinki University of Technology | Master's thesis(1960) Talvitie, Juha