Browsing by Author "Rehunen, Antti"
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- Ensuring Ecosystem Service Provision of Urban Water Nature-Based Solutions in Infill Areas: Comparing Green Factor for Districts and SWMM Modeling in Scenario Assessment
A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä(2023-12) Lähde, Elisa; Dahlberg, Niklas; Piirainen, Paula; Rehunen, AnttiThis study aims to explore the measurement of potential synergies between water management objectives and other ecosystem services generated by Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) in the context of urban planning. The research also investigates the comparative benefits of two analytical methods, Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) and green area factor for districts (GAFD). The study employs Malmi district in Helsinki, Finland, as a case study, examining five distinct NBS scenarios with varying degrees of integration. The results affirm that NBS can indeed enhance ecosystem services provision and stormwater management. The comparative analysis of the two methods, reveals that scenarios with high green factors exhibit effective flood risk reduction, while those with low green factors struggle to manage water, emphasizing the importance of balancing green and built elements in urban planning for optimal flood risk reduction. Furthermore, the study underscores the advantages of the two methods: GAFD offers simplicity and lower expertise requirements, generating valuable insights into ecosystem services, while SWMM provides precise stormwater management data. The findings emphasize the significance of diverse NBS combinations that harness the multifunctional aspects of green infrastructure, highlighting the need for integrated urban planning. The utilization of GAFD analysis provides a comprehensive districtwide perspective in a flexible manner, thereby improving the comprehension of the interconnected nature of urban green spaces. Highlights: Nature-based solutions (NBS) support urban stormwater management in infill areas.Green Area Factor for Districts (GAFD) is a practical tool to compare NBS options.GAFD and SWMM modeling results on stormwaters are comparable for common rain events.NBS size, quality and diversity reduce peak flows and enhance ecosystem services.Assessment of scenarios with the GAFD tool helps to identify multiple benefits of NBS. - Kaupunkiseudut: Ristiinvalotuksia ja rajanylityksiä : BEMINE-hankkeen loppuraportti
Commissioned report(2019-06-14) Tervo, Hannu; Helminen, Ville; Rehunen, Antti; Tohmo, Timo; Westerlund, Olle; Haapanen, Mika; Storhammar, Esa; Honkatukia, Juha; Nissinen, Ari; Terämä, Emma; Tiitu, Maija; Ristimäki, Mika; Ravetz, Joe; Bäcklund, Pia; Lapintie, Kimmo; Di Marino, Mina; Viinikka, Arto; Kopperoinen, Leena; Lilius, Johanna; Hewidy, Hossam; Vakkuri, Jarmo; Karppi, Ilari; Sankala, Iina; Sahamies, Kaisu; Häkli, Jouni; Kallio, Kirsi Pauliina; Ruokolainen, Olli; Kosonen, Kati-Jasmin; Suuronen, Heli; Mladenovic, Milos N.; Humer, Alois; Stead, Dominic; Galland, Daniel; Hofstad, Hege; Smas, Lukas; Davoudi, Simin - Kuluttajien mahdollisuudet Suomen päästövähennysten vauhdittamiseksi - taustaraportti ruokaan, asumiseen, liikkumiseen ja muuhun kulutukseen liittyvistä toimista
Commissioned report(2022) Grönroos, Juha; Heinonen, Tero; Häkkinen, Tarja; Koljonen, Tiina; Kurnitski, Jarek; Latvala, Terhi; Lehtilä, Antti; Liimatainen, Heikki; Markkanen, Johanna; Niemistö, Johanna; Nissinen, Ari; Niva, Mari; Rehunen, Antti; Saarinen, Merja; Savolainen, Hannu; Vainio, Annukka; Venho, Kirsi; Viri, Riku - New working spaces in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area : understanding location factors and implications for planning
A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä(2023) Marino, Mina Di; Rehunen, Antti; Tiitu, Maija; Lapintie, KimmoIn the last two decades, new working spaces (NWS), such as co-working spaces, libraries and cafeterias have been increasingly used as temporary or permanent locations for work. Studies on their proliferation, types and location factors are rapidly appearing from multiple perspectives. However, several European cities still lack a clear overview of this phenomenon. In this context, a systematic spatial analysis of NWS within the urban structure should be carried out, considering the characteristics of the urban form, degree of accessibility and travel mode opportunities, as well as multi-functionality of the urban districts and location of jobs. Thus, the paper first presents a review of the current studies on location factors of NWS and then develops additional planning arguments on the multi-functionality, urban form. Next, the phenomenon is empirically analysed in Helsinki Metropolitan Area. The results show that the NWS are predominantly located in the most compact and/or multi-functional districts and pedestrian zones. Unlike in many other European cities, there are both free and paid NWS. This new knowledge is not yet embedded in the planning agendas, but it can support future strategies and practices for a more sustainable urban development including the location of workplaces.