Browsing by Author "Rajala, Risto"
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Item The Acceptance And Adoption Of Mobile Technology(2015-12-11) Jarrett, Henri; Rajala, Risto; Perustieteiden korkeakoulu; Mäki, EerikkiItem Adopting digital services in customer-oriented retail banking – A service-dominant logic perspective(2016-10-27) Li, Xiaowen; Rajala, Risto; Sähkötekniikan korkeakoulu; Rajala, RistoThe goal of this thesis is to improve the current understanding of the ways banking service providers can create value to customers through digital services. In particular, the study explores the ways a retail baking service provider could adopt digital services to enhance its service offering for improved customer experience. This thesis consists of a review of the previous research on the emerging trends in retail banking to identify factors that affect the adoption of digitally enhanced services in the banking industry. In addition, the study builds on the research of the service-dominant (S-D) logic perspective to establish a framework to analyze digitalization in the retail banking environment. The empirical research is based on qualitative research methodology to validate earlier findings and to collect more in-depth insights of the phenomenon. The study adds to the current understanding of the changes in retail banking customer behaviors and customer expectations concerning the digitally enhanced service experience. The present thesis suggests that in order to increase customer-perceived value in retail banking through adopting digital services, the retail banking service providers need to integrate resources inside the service ecosystem with a customer-oriented mindset. Such a resource integration approach enables the production of unique value proposition, and allows the service providers to co-create value with their customers. In addition, it allows the service providers to differentiate themselves in the marketplace. The work contributes to the understanding of the S-D logic in the retail banking business by examining the applicability of the S-D logic in the empirical case. The results also include a great amount of valuable and practical suggestions for retail banking service providers to consider when they seek for ways to renew their service logic to be able to succeed in digital transformation. Also, a number of external and internal challenges in the adoption of digital services in retail banking were identified and discussed.Item Aligning the Mindset and Capabilities within a Business Network for Successful Adoption of Smart Services(2018-09-01) Töytäri, Pekka; Turunen, Taija; Klein, Maximilian; Eloranta, Ville; Biehl, Sebastian; Rajala, Risto; Department of Industrial Engineering and Management; Department of Management Studies; Boston Consulting Group AGThis paper explores the synchronized change of mindset and capability within a business network that is driven by the adoption and provision of smart services. The research is implemented as an empirical multi-case study, and the primary data include interviews and observations in seven globally operating firms. The findings identify two categories of barriers and three categories of alignment needs to successful adoption of smart services. The study combines the institutional theory and dynamic capability perspectives to make three main contributions to the research of service innovation for an improved understanding of the determinants of successful field-level adoption of smart services. The results show that firms need to align the change of logic and capabilities within the organization and the business network to succeed in the adoption of smart services.Item Alustatalouden verkostovaikutusten voimakkuuksien empiirinen estimointi(2023-04-27) Luotonen, Nuutti; Karhu, Kimmo; Perustieteiden korkeakoulu; Rajala, RistoItem Älysopimukset finanssisektorilla(2023-12-09) Latvakoski, Olli; Kaila, Ruth; Perustieteiden korkeakoulu; Rajala, RistoItem Antecendents to and performance effects of software firms' business models(Helsinki: Helsinki School of Economics, 2009) Rajala, Risto; School of Business; KauppakorkeakouluItem Applying product platform thinking to the development of Internet application frameworks - Case: Nedecon - Network Development Consulting PLC(2000) Rajala, Risto; Johtamisen laitos; Kauppakorkeakoulu; School of BusinessItem Asioiden internet jätealan muutoksen ajurina(2016-08-24) Järvinen, Markus; Eloranta, Ville; Sähkötekniikan korkeakoulu; Rajala, RistoUusimpana digitalisaation aaltona pidetään asioiden internetiä, joka mahdollistaa aivan uudenlaisten tuotteiden ja palveluiden kehittämisen sekä liiketoimintamallien luomisen. Tämän diplomityön tavoitteena oli tutkia ja saada uutta tietoa tekijöistä, jotka vaikuttavat asioiden internetin sovellusten kaupallistamiseen jätealalla. Työssä perehdyttiin digitaaliseen muutokseen ja arvonluontiin sekä palvelukeskeisyyteen liittyvään teoriaan ja kirjallisuuteen. Teoriaosuudessa esiteltiin eri näkökulmia digitaalisen muutoksen tuomista hyödyistä ja haasteista. Lisäksi selvitettiin asioiden internetiin liittyviä liiketoiminnallisia lähtökohtia ja näkökulmia. Tutkimusosuus toteutettiin kvalitatiivisena tutkimuksena haastattelemalla jätehuoltoyritysten ja jätealalle asioiden internet -pohjaisia palveluja kehittävien yritysten edustajia sekä muita alan asiantuntijoita. Tutkimuksessa esiin tulleet kaupallistamiseen vaikuttavat tekijät liittyvät jätealan yritysten epävarmuuteen sovellusten tarpeesta, niiden tarjoamista liiketoiminnallisista hyödyistä ja haasteisiin integroida sovellukset osaksi liiketoimintaa. Tutkimuksessa tuli ilmi myös puutteita digitaalisten hankkeiden johtamisessa sekä niihin liittyvässä osaamisessa ja resursseissa. Lisäksi tutkimus toi esiin puutteita asiakastarpeiden ymmärtämisessä, sovellusten tuotteistamisessa sekä sovellusten markkinoinnissa ja myynnissä.Item Asuntorakentamisen teollistaminen pääurakoitsijan näkökulmasta(2023-12-15) Muhonen, Oskari; Artto, Karlos; Perustieteiden korkeakoulu; Rajala, RistoItem Autonomiaparadoksi: Tietotyöhön liittyvän autonomian edut ja haitat(2022-12-16) Suila, Joona; Vartiainen, Matti; Perustieteiden korkeakoulu; Rajala, RistoItem Autonominen toimija tiimin jäsenenä(2023-09-10) Rannila, Toivo; Vartiainen, Matti; Perustieteiden korkeakoulu; Rajala, RistoItem Autonomisten järjestelmien sovelluskohteet ja jaetut haasteet(2022-05-03) Jäkälä, Leevi; Rajala, Risto; Perustieteiden korkeakoulu; Kaipia, RiikkaItem Calibration Method for Low Currents(2005) Sipilä, Pekka; Kärhä, Petri; Rajala, Risto; Sähkö- ja tietoliikennetekniikan osasto; Teknillinen korkeakoulu; Helsinki University of Technology; Ikonen, ErkkiVirtamittarien kalibrointi voidaan suorittaa tarkasti ja jäljitettävästi tasajännitemenetelmällä aina pikoampeeriluokan virtoihin saakka. Tämä menetelmä perustuu tarkasti toistettavaan virta-arvoon, joka saadaan kytkemällä tunnettu jännite karakterisoidun suuriohmisen normaalivastuksen yli. Tällä menetelmällä voidaan saavuttaa 3600 ppm tarkkuus (k = 2) pikoampeeriluokan virroille. Suurin epävarmuustekijä 10 pikoampeeria pienemmillä virroilla on l/f-kohina, mikä käytännössä on peräisin itse kalibroitavasta virtamittarista. Suuremmilla virta-arvoilla normaalivastuksen arvo nousee rajoittavimmaksi tekijäksi kalibroinnin tarkkuuden kannalta. Tasajännitemenetelmän edellyttämillä suuriohmisilla normaalivastuksilla on tunnetusti suuri jännite- ja lämpötilariippuvuus, pitkä asettumisaika sekä huono stabiilius pitkällä aikavälillä. Täten vastusten huolellinen karakterisointi on tärkeä osa itse virtakalibrointiprosessia. Mittaustuloksissa havaittiin, että virranjohtuminen vastuksissa tapahtuu todennäköisimmin ionisen ja sähköisen johtumismekanismin yhdistelmänä. Tätä tietoa hyödynnettiin jänniteriippuvuuskarakterisoinnissa. Vastusten suuren lämpötilariippuvuuden aiheuttama vaikutus virtakalibroinnin tarkkuuteen eliminoitiin rakentamalla lämpötilasäädelty kaappi, jossa lämpötila saatiin pysymään 20 millikelvinin sisällä asetetusta arvosta. Johtuen vastusten huonosta stabiiliudesta pitkällä aikavälillä tulisi vastusten karakterisointi suorittaa aina ennen itse virtamittarin kalibrointia.Item Change Management in Retail Workforce Optimization(2022-06-15) Ristola, Valtteri; Mononen, Max; Nolvi, Jenni; Perustieteiden korkeakoulu; Rajala, RistoThis thesis investigates how change management is done in retail workforce optimization implementation projects. The focus is especially on finding out problem areas for more effective implementations in the future. The industry’s continuously growing competition sets the need for firms to develop existing processes to attain cost-effectiveness. Simultaneously, the labor costs are increasing. Technology allows retailers to use sales data for accurate demand forecasting, which can be used for workforce optimization as well. For this purpose, different systems have been developed. These solutions change the labor planning practices and work-schedules, thus often causing change resistance. For general change management, researchers have developed several methods to increase the chances of succeeding in change projects. None of these provide an answer on how change management should be done in workforce optimization implementation projects, however, they work as a guideline to increase the chance of success and to minimize resistance to change. Based on the existing literature, nine most important change management success factors were identified. These factors were further discussed based on empirical data. The empirical research was conducted as a multiple-case study. Data was gathered through interviews with employees from different stakeholder groups. A cross-case analysis was performed to identify patterns in how stakeholders respond to the software change. In addition, the nine success factors were compared to the organizations’ actual challenges. The results show that currently the biggest change management related issues in WOS implementation projects arise from three sources: having inadequate system knowledge, lacking understanding of organization’s situation, and uncoherent managerial support. The results match previous studies from ERP system implementations, indicating that WOS projects do not significantly differ from other system implementation projects. However, to confirm these findings, further studies are required. In addition, the identified improvement areas should be individually researched for more accurate practical implications.Item Code reviews: advantages, challenges and the opportunity for strategic learning(2019-06-19) Ristola, Timo; Harila, Mikko; Perustieteiden korkeakoulu; Rajala, RistoItem Comparative Analysis of Pricing Models in Platform Markets(2023-12-08) Halmesmäki, Filemon; Karhu, Kimmo; Perustieteiden korkeakoulu; Rajala, RistoItem Complexity in Product-Service Systems: Review and Framework(2018-01-01) Zou, Wenting; Brax, Saara A.; Rajala, Risto; Department of Industrial Engineering and ManagementThis study systematically reviews the existing research literature on product-service-systems (PSSs) to analyze the nature and characteristics of complexity in the PSS context. While mastering the PSS strategy can become a competitive advantage for manufacturing companies, moving to providing advanced services through PSSs increases the complexity of the offering and its implementation. How the manufacturing company can manage this complexity plays a critical role for the success of its PSS strategy. Although research in PSS strategies has grown significantly in recent years, and the existing literature recognizes that complexity is a common feature in PSS, the nature and content of complexity experienced by manufacturing companies remains largely unexplored. Based on a systematic literature review approach, this study develops a conceptual framework of complexity in PSSs. Following systematic search and screening procedure, 23 articles addressing complexity in the PSS context are identified and form the sample of the review. Using content analysis methods, four dimensions of complexity in PSS are identified in the articles: multiplicity, diversity, interdependence, and variability. The four dimensions are explained and elaborated. The review demonstrates that a major research gap exists in the field, and thus suggest several research avenues for further studies.Item Conceptualization and Quantification of Customer Value in Industrial Selling(2014-10-01) Hervonen, Tuomas; Töytäri, Pekka; Perustieteiden korkeakoulu; Rajala, RistoCreating and delivering superior customer value is seen as a prerequisite for achieving competitive advantage. Commoditization, global sourcing, and professionalism in purchasing have lead suppliers to seek for ways to avoid price competition. Sales approaches that are based on value provide a way to shift the customers’ focus from prices to business impacts, requiring the supplier to quantify and communicate the value creation potential of the offering to the customer. However, the literature on customer value does not provide suitable value constructs to support value quantification, establishing the research gap of this study. Thus, the aim of this thesis is to explore how customer value should be quantified in industrial selling and to conceptualize customer value as a measurable construct to make it suitable for quantification purposes. A literature research is first conducted, discussing the existing theories regarding the characteristics of customer value and the various value dimensions and elements arising from the literature. Additionally, the background of using value in selling is studied, followed by discussion over procedures and tools that are used in quantifying customer value. A multiple case study including five large industrial case companies is conducted in order to replicate and validate the quantification-related findings of the literature research. One case company is additionally used for evaluating the value construct-related theoretical findings. Altogether six semi-structured interviews, several meetings, three group sessions, external interview materials, and other company documents were used as data for the empirical research. This thesis proposes a new conceptualization of customer value, defining it as the perceived difference of benefits received and sacrifices made by the customer. Customer value is conceptualized as a two dimensional construct that combines the operational and strategic value dimensions. To make the practical implementation of the construct easier, the value elements are categorized as the economically measurable elements and the individually measurable value placeholder elements. The second major outcome of the research is a process description of how value should be quantified in industrial selling. The process consists of three parts: gaining customer understanding, assessing the value creation potential, and communicating value to the customer. The process description includes discussion over procedures, tools, potential challenges, and the practical implementation of the value construct. The theoretical implications of the thesis include the new conceptualization of value and a formal survey for further validating the proposed value construct. On the other hand, the pro-posed value construct and the quantification process description can provide industrial managers with valuable ideas and guidelines for designing and developing value quantification processes and tools in practice. This thesis also recommends the detailed operationalization of customer value as an avenue for further research.Item Coping with the organizational barriers to value-based selling(2014-09-30) Lehmus, Timo; Töytäri, Pekka; Mikkonen, Henry; Perustieteiden korkeakoulu; Rajala, RistoTraditional manufacturing industries are facing increasing global competition and difficulties in capturing a fair share of the value created. Thus, companies are shifting their offering from products to services and solutions and also implementing value-based selling. This requires new organizational capabilities, processes and tools. However, research on implementation of value-based selling at organizational level is scarce and there is a need for better understanding of barriers regarding to implementation of value-based selling. The objectives of this study are to recognize organizational barriers to value-based selling and to find ways to overcome them. Organizational barriers are studied through resource-based view of the firm and institutional theory. The research approach is qualitative single case study, and the case company is a Finnish sales and service unit that implements value-based selling. The unit is a part of a multinational manufacturing and metal processing group that offers products, services and solutions to customers within various industries. As a result, this study identifies 13 barriers that are divided into three phases according to the value-based sales process: the planning phase, the executing phase and the leveraging phase. Barriers in the planning phase are salespeople consider themselves as component suppliers; customers position the company as a component supplier; limited understanding of what is valuable to customers; offering is not prepared for value-based selling; and infrastructure does not support value-based selling. Barriers in the execute phase are inefficient customer selection; benefits of quantification do not exceed the sacrifices; new customer contacts ; price-focused buying culture; conflicting time horizons; and downstream stages of value chain do not utilize value-based selling. Barriers in the leveraging phase are value documentation is considered as not worth time; and customer is reluctant to share information. In addition, this study identifies ways to overcome these barriers. Findings of this study complement literature of the implementation of value-based selling in industrial context and increases understanding of coping with organizational barriers to value-based selling. Identified barriers require attention and development of new capabilities and processes in the case company. These findings can be utilized in similar industrial companies that are implementing value-based selling.Item The Corporate Value Chain Perspectives on Greenhouse Gas Protocol(2023-12-15) Tanskanen, Paavo; Karjalainen, Jouko; Perustieteiden korkeakoulu; Rajala, Risto