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- Cost optimal heating and cooling systems in nearly zero energy service buildings
Insinööritieteiden korkeakoulu | Master's thesis(2016-04-18) Nyman, JonathanA large share of energy consumed worldwide is concentrated to buildings, which provide humanity with services, jobs and housing. In Europe this share is about 40 % of the total energy consumption. Public authorities are set, by the EU, to lead the way towards more energy efficient buildings and from the beginning of 2019 new buildings owned or operated by them will need near zero energy building certification. Service buildings form a major share of the buildings targeted by this dead line and the varying purpose of these buildings leads to challenges. Additionally many of the existing buildings owned by public authorities face renovations and while saving potential are evident; the requirements on increased energy efficiency are harsh. This study aimed at selecting cost-optimal heating systems with accompanying cooling system best suited for reaching proposed requirements on energy performance in service buildings. Additionally cost-optimal dimensioning of heat pump systems and economical feasibility of solar thermal collectors were considered. This was done through modeling three selected new or existing case buildings as accurately as possible. Based on the actual energy consumption and usage of the buildings different heating and cooling systems were analyzed. The studied main heating systems were existing district heating, pellet boiler, ground source heat pump and air to water heat pump. These main heating systems were accompanied by cooling solutions and optional solar thermal collectors. The proposed requirements on new buildings on one hand and requirements on existing service buildings on the other were reviewed in the light of the case buildings’ standardized E-values. Methodology utilized in the study was partly E-value and life-cycle cost calculation and partly simulation-based multi-objective optimization. E-value calculations were carried out based on models created in the dynamic energy simulation tool IDA-ICE (version 4.6.2) and cost data were acquired from companies in the business sector. The optimization was performed by the multi-objective building optimization tool, MOBO (version 0.3b), coupled with IDA-ICE. In the calculations only the costs of new heating and cooling systems were considered, no other energy performance measures or dismantling costs were considered. In the newly built case buildings a ground source heat pump system with accompanying ground free cooling was the cost-optimal configuration and in the older case building an air to water heat pump accompanied by a lake water-cooled condenser chiller was the cost-optimal solution. Cost-optimal dimensioning of installed heating power of heat pump systems was 14-21 % of the dimensioning power of the main heating system. Separate solar thermal collectors proved economically feasible in the selected case buildings. Proposed nearly zero energy requirements were reached in the newly built case buildings with the ground source heat pump configuration. Additional energy performance measures, than a more energy efficient heating system, would be required in the older case building for reaching the current requirements on renovated buildings. - Cost-optimal energy performance measures in a new daycare building in cold climate
A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä(2019-02-07) Sankelo, Paula; Jokisalo, Juha; Nyman, Jonathan; Vinha, Juha; Sirén, KaiNew municipal service buildings must be energy effective, and cost-optimality is one of the criteria for selecting the suitable energy performance improvement measures. A daycare building in a cold climate was studied by means of simulation-based, multi-objective optimisation. Using a genetic algorithm, both target energy use and life-cycle cost of the selected measures were minimised. It was found that extensive insulation of the building envelope is not a cost-optimal method to reduce the daycare building energy use. Improving energy efficiency of the ventilation system, utilising solar energy on-site and employing a light control strategy are preferable ways of improving the building energy performance. Ground-source heat pump is a more cost-optimal heating system for the daycare building than district heating. The cost-optimal sizing of the heat pump is small, only 28% of the required maximum heating power. Abbreviations: AHU: air handling unit; CAV: constant air volume; COMBI: comprehensive development of nearly zero-energy municipal service buildings; COP: coefficient of performance; DH: district heating; DHW: domestic hot water; EPBD: energy performance of buildings directive; EU: European Union; FINVAC: Finnish Association of HVAC Societies; GSHP: ground-source heat pump; HRU: heat recovery unit; IDA ICE: IDA Indoor Climate and Energy; LED: light-emitting diode; MOBO: multi-objective building optimisation tool; NSGA-II: Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II; nZEB: nearly zero-energy building; PV: photovoltaic; TRY: test reference year; VAV: variable air volume; ZEB: zero-energy building - Finländska innovationer inom förnybar energi och exporten utav dessa – framgångskoncept och flaskhalsar
Insinööritieteiden korkeakoulu | Bachelor's thesis(2013-12-02) Nyman, Jonathan