Browsing by Author "Nikander, Jussi"
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Insinööritieteiden korkeakoulu | Bachelor's thesis(2021-05-06) Tulonen, Benjamin - Automaattisesti yleistettyjen pienen mittakaavan maastokarttojen laadunarviointi
Insinööritieteiden korkeakoulu | Bachelor's thesis(2024-11-28) Koskinen, EemilMaantieteellisiä ilmiöitä ei voida esittää kartalla täydellisesti jokaisen yksityiskohdan tarkkuudella, vaan karttaa joudutaan aina yleistämään. Karttoja tuotettaessa yleistystarve voi johtua mittakaavan pienentämisestä tai kartan uudesta käyttötarkoituksesta. Tässä työssä perehdytään yleistyksen kartografiseen laatuun sekä sen arviointiin pienimittakaavaisten maastokarttojen kontekstissa. Kartografisen kirjallisuuden ja paikkatietostandardien pohjalta saatiin muodostettua jäsennelty listaus yleistyksen laatutekijöitä kartografisen laadunarvioinnin pohjaksi. Laatutekijöiksi määritettiin muun muassa vaatimukset topologisen eheyden säilymisestä, sopivasta informaatiotiheydestä sekä mittakaavatasojen välisestä johdonmukaisuudesta. Myös käyttäjätarpeiden mukaisuus ja ajallinen tarkkuus muodostavat omat yleistyksen laatutekijänsä. Laatutekijöitä sovellettiin Ruotsin maanmittauslaitoksen 1:100 000-mittakaavaiseen maastokarttaan, joka tuotetaan lähes täysin automatisoidulla yleistysprosessilla. Laadunarvioinnissa käytettiin visuaalisia menetelmiä, mutta myös tuotekuvaukseen ja mitattavuuteen perustuvaa arviointia. Karttatuotteesta löydettiin laatupuutteita, mutta kokonaislaatu käyttötarkoituksiin suhteutettuna arvioitiin riittävän hyväksi. Työn tulokset antavat hyödyllistä laatutietoa automaattisten yleistysprosessien kehitykseen. - Avoimen paikkatiedon haasteet kunnissa
Insinööritieteiden korkeakoulu | Bachelor's thesis(2023-04-25) Laaksonen, Jenni - Avoimien mobiilikarttojen käytettävyys – heuristinen arviointi
Insinööritieteiden korkeakoulu | Bachelor's thesis(2023-04-29) Saarinen, Anna - Cropinfra research data collection platform for ISO 11783 compatible and retrofit farm equipment
A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä(2019-11-01) Backman, Juha; Linkolehto, Raimo; Koistinen, Markku; Nikander, Jussi; Ronkainen, Ari; Kaivosoja, Jere; Suomi, Pasi; Pesonen, LiisaThe agricultural machinery produces an increasing number of measurements during operations. The primary use of these measurements is to control agricultural operations on the farm. Data that describes the in-field variation in plant growth potential and growing conditions is the basis for precision farming. The secondary use for the gathered information is documentation of work and work performance for business purposes. Researcher also benefits from the increasing measurement capabilities. Biologists and agronomists can model the crops and agronomic phenomena. Work scientists can analyse the agricultural work processes. And finally, machines with additional accurate sensors can be used for agricultural machine product development and technological research purposes. This paper concentrates on an independent research data collection platform (Cropinfra) which can be used to collect data for all above mentioned purposes. Data can be collected both from ISOBUS (ISO 11783) compliant machines as well as older and proprietary systems and stored to database for further analysis. The farm machines in Cropinfra are supplemented with extra sensors that are more accurate than existing in commercial machines. Therefore, the Cropinfra can be used as a reference measurement system to verify the correct operation of the machines as well as to produce data for biological research purposes. This paper will also present how the cloud connection of the data collection system can be realized. The solution was designed to be compatible with the existing ISO 11783-10 standard. The examples presented in this paper verify that the solution works in real farming environment. The data has been used in numerous research projects already, and in the future the data will be an important asset when machine learning and other artificial intelligence methods will be studied and utilized. - Design and implementation of an iPad web application for indoor-outdoor navigation and tracking locations
School of Engineering | Master's thesis(2012) Usman, MuhammadThe purpose of this thesis is to develop an iPad application as part of Otaniemi Open Project. The application helps new visitors in positioning and navigating both indoor and outdoor in Otaniemi campus of Aalto University. In addition to the main features (positioning and navigation), the application also assists users manipulating calendar's scheduled events spatially. A variety of related technologies and methods have been studied to select the best suitable ones for developing the application. The technologies studied basically provide information about comparing different positioning techniques and that how they can be used while considering different factors like accuracy, precision and finances available. The application's user interface is developed using the open web standards like JavaScript, Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). The web frameworks used are PhoneGap, OpenLayers and Sencha Touch. The background maps used are Bing Maps and Open Street Map, the user can switch between the two maps. The indoor routing maps of the buildings are overlaid upon the respective buildings in Bing Maps and Open Street Map. The path generated from one place to another is shown graphically in the foreground of the application. The process of generating the indoor maps involves much manual work but the future goal is to automate the whole process. - Digitaaliset kaksoset metsien hiilitaseen arvioinnin työkaluna
Insinööritieteiden korkeakoulu | Bachelor's thesis(2024-09-06) Nelimarkka, MelindaMetsän digitaalinen kaksonen on virtuaalinen versio metsästä, jonka tavoite on toimia päätöksen-teon apuvälineenä. Tässä kandidaatintyössä keskitytään metsien digitaalisiin kaksosiin paikkatiedon ja ilmastonmuutoksen hillinnän näkökulmasta. Työssä avataan metsän digitaalisen kaksosen käsitettä ja selvitetään, minkälaisia sovelluksia siitä tehdään tällä hetkellä Suomessa. Lisäksi tavoitteena on selvittää metsien digitaalisten kaksosten mahdollisuuksia hiilitaseen arvioinnissa. Työn tutkimusmenetelmä on kirjallisuustutkimus. Lisäksi työtä varten on haastateltu Arbonaut Oy:n toimitusjohtajaa. Työssä käsitellään metsien digitaalisten kaksosten kehittämistä paikkatietoaineistojen avulla sekä digitaalisen kaksosen tarjoamia mahdollisuuksia metsän hiilitaseen arvioinnissa. Työssä tarkastellaan metsien digitaalisten kaksosten kehitystä tällä hetkellä sekä niiden mahdollisuuksia tulevaisuudessa. Työssä esitellään kolme esimerkkiä metsien digitaalisten kaksosten kehittämisestä Suomessa. Digitaalisella kaksosella on tarkoitus simuloida erilaisia toimenpiteitä ja ympäristön muutosten vaikutusta metsään. Metsät ovat tärkeä hiilinielu ja niillä on merkittävä vaikutus ilmastonmuutoksen hillinnässä. Tutkimusten mukaan metsien hiilinielut ovat kuitenkin vähentyneet Suomessa. Ennaltaehkäisevien toimenpiteiden toteuttamiseksi tarvitaan metsien tilan mallintamista ja ennustamista. Paikkatiedolla on merkittävä rooli metsän digitaalisen kaksosen kehittämisessä ja siihen liittyvien sovellusten toteuttamisessa, kuten metsän hiilitaseen arvioinnissa. Kaukokartoitus on yleistynyt metsävaratiedon inventoinnissa. Laserkeilauksella pystytään tuottamaan tarkkoja puustotietoja, joita voidaan hyödyntää esimerkiksi metsän hiililaskennassa. Metsän digitaalisista kaksosista on vielä toistaiseksi vähän kirjallisuusjulkaisuja ja monet kehityshankkeet ovat uusia. Tässä työssä selvitettiin, miten paikkatietoaineistoilta tuotetaan puustotietoja ja niiden avulla toteutetaan puuston hiililaskentaa. Tulevaisuudessa metsän digitaalinen kaksonen voi toimia alustana erilaisten aineistojen yhdistämiselle ja niiltä tuotettaville laskennoille. - Effect of different distance measures in result of cluster analysis
Insinööritieteiden korkeakoulu | Master's thesis(2015-08-24) Dahal, SujanThe objective of this master’s thesis was to explore different distance measures that could be used in clustering and to evaluate how different distance measures in K-medoid clustering method would affect the clustering output. The different distance measures used in this research includes Euclidean, Squared Euclidean, Manhattan, Chebyshev and Mahalanobis distance. To achieve the research objective, K-medoid method with different distance measures was applied to a spatial dataset to explore relative information revealed by each distance measure. The effect of each distance measure on output is documented and the output was further compared with each other to reveal the differences between each distance measure. The study starts with literature review of cluster analysis process where necessary steps for performing cluster analysis are explained. In literature section, different clustering methods with particular characteristics of each method are described that would serve as basis for choice of clustering method. Data description and data analysis is included thereafter which is followed by interpretation of clustering result and its use for Terrain analysis. Terrain analysis has its significance in forest industry, military as well as crisis management and is usually concerned with off-road mobility of a vehicle or a group of vehicles between given locations. In case of terrain analysis, clustering could be used to group the similar areas and determine the off-road mobility of a particular vehicle. This result could be further categorized according to suitability of the item in the cluster and interpreted using expert evaluation in order to reveal useful information about mobility in a terrain. Cluster Validation measures were applied to output of clustering to determine the differences between different distance measures. The findings of this study indicate that in the study area, there exists some level of differences in the result of clustering when different distance measures are used. This difference is then interpreted with the help of input dataset and expert opinion to understand the effect of different distance measures in the dataset. Finally, the study provides basis for mobility analysis with help of clustering output. - Fotogrammetrinen mittaus ja mallinnus älypuhelimella
Insinööritieteiden korkeakoulu | Bachelor's thesis(2022-12-01) Waldén, Eino - Sovelluskehitystyökalun valinta mobiilin paikkatietosovelluksen toteuttamiseen yritysympäristössä
School of Engineering | Master's thesis(2013) Jokinen, KimmoThis thesis examines the selection of a mobile software framework for the development of enterprise geographic information applications. The aim of the study is to describe the most important quality characteristics with which frameworks can be compared with each other. The purpose of the comparison is to find the most suitable framework for use in SAP environment. Analysed frameworks are: SAP UI Development Toolkit for HTMLS (SAP UIS), Adobe PhoneGap, Appcelerator: Titanium Development Platform (Appcelerator), Sencha Touch, and Sybase Mobile SDK. Evaluation criteria for the comparison are based on the ISO/IEC 9126 software quality model. ISO/IEC 9126 is divided into 6 quality characteristics and their sub-characteristics. Evaluation criteria are presented for the most important and statically measurable sub-characteristics. Based on this study, no framework is clearly better than the others. Many factors, such as the mobile platforms supported and the features provided, affect the quality of a framework. For example, common enterprise application features are best provided by Sybase Mobile SDK, whereas Adobe PhoneGap allows development for the highest number of different mobile platforms. One downside of Sybase Mobile SDK is that the same source code cannot be used on different platforms. In that respect, Appcelerator and Sencha Touch, among others, are better. However, one framework, SAP UI5, is not suited for mobile development. It cannot be recommended because it does not provide support for mobile development. However, support for mobile development has been promised for it. In summary, finding the most suitable software framework is not easy. However, the evaluation criteria defined in this work can be used to compare different alternatives. The criteria enable assessing the important advantages and disadvantages of the frameworks in a structured way. Evaluations can then be compared to current and future application needs. This way the most applicable framework or frameworks can be selected. - Geometrical and topological defects in infrastructure corridor design models and automatic model repair
Insinööritieteiden korkeakoulu | Master's thesis(2019-12-16) Haaraniemi, NikoFinnish infrastructure corridor design models are modelled as 2,5D Triangulated Irregular Network (TINs) and its source data: breaklines and random points. Often these models contain various kinds of geometrical and topological deficiencies that violate the Finnish Common InfraBIM Requirements (YIV). The flaws cause difficulties during infrastructure building process. Repair of the errors is manual and time-consuming work. Previous studies have identified the errors being such as holes, gaps, overlapping and intersecting elements. Yet the studies have been performed mainly by interviews and questionnaires. This thesis intends to identify the errors with quantitative analysis and find automatic repair methods from literature that could be used in fixing those issues. The quantitative analysis is performed for 573 corridor design models provided by Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency, Väylä. The analysis is done with model defect reporting tools of 3D-Win a Finnish land surveying software developed by 3D-system Oy. Since this software is developed for inspecting single models with user interaction, some processes have been automated with Python scripts. As a result, the analysis revealed that corridor models have vast number of various types of flaws. Approximately 96% of the study material contained some flaw that is to be corrected in order to fulfil YIV’s final design phase handover requirements. The analysis was not able to inspect all model properties that is demanded by YIV. The study also found many features that were not possible to be identified as errors without visual inspection. Previous studies have identified similar flaws. The literature review of automatic mesh repair offered various approaches that could be utilized for corridor models. These techniques were related to defect detection, feature detection and preserving and the actual defect repair. It is suggested that the defect check tools should be developed to recognise all the properties YIV requires that were missed in this analysis. Including source data’s type coding in error identification process would be another improvement. This work also noticed that some YIV model requirements and definitions are ambiguous and they should be determined more precisely. Additional requirements for YIV were speculated. For future research this work suggests practical testing of the techniques found from literature and proposals of automatic repair algorithms aimed for corridor models. - Henkilökohtaisen mobiililaitteen sijainnin jakamisen haittavaikutukset
Insinööritieteiden korkeakoulu | Bachelor's thesis(2021-05-02) Jääskeläinen, Aukusti - Huonot ja hyvät kartat - mikä tekee karttaesityksestä tehokkaan?
Insinööritieteiden korkeakoulu | Bachelor's thesis(2022-04-29) Andstén, Sinna - Hyvä suunnistuskartta
Insinööritieteiden korkeakoulu | Bachelor's thesis(2020-05-03) Suominen, Eemeli - Ilmalaserkeilauksella tuotetun pistepilven prosessointi korkeusmalliksi
Insinööritieteiden korkeakoulu | Bachelor's thesis(2021-12-05) Niskanen, Janne - Improving the architecture of agricultural Knowledge Processing systems using design patterns
A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä(2019) Nikander, Jussi; Nadschläger, Stefan; Auer, DagmarUse of Knowledge Processing in agriculture has continuously increased, since the first era of knowledge-based systems. Such software systems are used for support in detailed tasks, such as determining the amount of fertilizer in precision farming, as well as on high-level decision support, such as 'what to plant in the next growing season'. Unfortunately, these software systems often have shortcomings in software quality. Applying design patterns is a recognized means to achieve better systems in terms of efficiency, flexibility, and quality. In this paper, several software design patterns are mapped to the context of knowledge processing systems in agriculture. Furthermore, additional patterns are identified and described. The need for patterns with focus on particular aspects of knowledge processing in agriculture is addressed, and an implementation is introduced as a proof of concept. - Inlandsisens framtid på Antarktis
Insinööritieteiden korkeakoulu | Bachelor's thesis(2021-04-19) Söderström, Emilia - INSPIRE-direktiivin merkitys vesistöjen kestävässä kehityksessä EU:n alueella
Insinööritieteiden korkeakoulu | Bachelor's thesis(2021-04-27) Ryhänen, Emma - Interaction and visualization methods in teaching spatial algorithms and analyzing spatial data
School of Science | Doctoral dissertation (article-based)(2012) Nikander, JussiThis thesis investigates the benefits of using interactive techniques and visualization in GIS. The thesis consists of two studies: in the first study the topic is teaching spatial data algorithms, and in the second performing spatial analysis. In the first study, the main research question was how software visualization can be used to help geoinformatics students learn spatial data structures and algorithms. In order to test this question, the TRAKLA2 learning environment for data structures and algorithms was expanded to include spatial data algorithms. Using the system, the students practice how spatial algorithms and data structures work by simulating the modifications an algorithm does to a data structure. The system has been used in an actual spatial data algorithms course, and its effect on the students' learning results has been evaluated using both quantitative and qualitative methods. Quantitative methods were used to compare the students' learning results in the system to their results in exams; qualitative methods were used for content analysis and analyzing student interviews using semi-structured interview method. The results gained indicate that visual learning environments can be used to help teaching spatial data algorithms. The topic of the second study is exploratory methods, their use in solving suitability problems, and the new information that can be gained by using them. In a suitability problem the goal is to categorize locations based on how well they fit the criteria for some activity. To test these questions a prototype for a flexible spatial analysis was implemented. The prototype is based on the ideas of exploratory analysis and visual analytics, and contains simple analysis tools. The developed system has been used to analyse the off-road mobility of vehicles using an armored personnel carrier as the example vehicle. The results have been evaluated by comparing them to an existing mobility model created by Finnish Defense Forces, and by expert evaluation of the analysis results. The results indicate that exploratory methods work just as well as traditional model-based approaches. - Karttapohjainen käyttöliittymä osaksi Apros- mallinnus- ja simulointiohjelmistoa
Insinööritieteiden korkeakoulu | Bachelor's thesis(2013-12-16) Simomaa, Jani