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- LEAN-tuotantomallin soveltaminen kokoonpanotuotantoon
School of Engineering | Master's thesis(2011) Salmio, IlmariIn this study, the LEAN production model, and adapting of its possibilities, is studied especially from the point of view of the assembly production. The target company is specialised on ventilation machines and belongs to the Ensto Group. The study is part of Ensto's operative development program Ensto Operational Excellence, which aims to standardize all production units according to the best practice. The study has been limited to the most important -in terms of revenues -production family, its processes and related inbound logistics. The purpose of the study is to start the implementation process of best practice, which is based on current state analysis that has been done in the study, on the internal standard of Ensto and on the test arrangements performed within the study, to which the experiment of the phased work station, the application of Kanban pull system and the kitting of insulation parts belonged. In the literature part of this study production planning and control, the LEAN production model's contents and design of the assembly production are gone through. Based on current state analysis, which describe production's performance and operations, an implementation plan and layout proposals are presented. A video analysis and spread sheet calculations were used as main research methods. Information that was received from the ERP system was used as a source of the charting of the current state. Also, interviews of the staff involved in the project were used. The goal of this study was to improve throughput time by 30% for the chosen production family. Due to time restraints of this research, the set goal of a 30% improvement wasn't achieved. Despite this, improvement potential was realized and plans to implement such improvement were outlined. Furthermore, the phased work station experiment was proven to be over 15 % more productive than an earlier method. Also, the application of Kanban pull system between production processes was found to be better solution and the negotiations of isolation kits deliveries were begun. Based on obtained results it is recommended that the development project is continued to include the whole factory. The outlined proposal for the implementation plan was divided into easy, medium length and long-term phases of development. Finishing the 5S project, developing the inbound logistics and measuring the production performance were listed as easy development targets. The developing of production control, assembly process and supplier co-operation were listed as medium length targets. Finally, layout changes and simplification of product construction were listed as long term development targets. For the long-term development process, it is important to take into account that the direction is greatly influenced by the chosen future state and operative performance indicators, both of which are dependent on the Ensto's development program and standard. - Ajankäyttötutkimuksen tulosten käyttäminen tuotannon kehityksessä ja standardoinnissa
Insinööritieteiden korkeakoulu | Master's thesis(2014-02-24) Hännikäinen, Mikko - Analysis and development of packing and outfitting process for frequency converters
Insinööritieteiden korkeakoulu | Master's thesis(2021-08-23) Ranta, ChristianFactory layout changes are common in manufacturing industry and must be implemented in order to react to changed requirements set for it, or in an effort to gain competitive advantages by adopting new production technologies or philosophies. In short, the layout is the arrangement of resources, equipment and machinery on the factory floor facilitating the production processes. For this reason, the layout and process changes influence each other and must be considered simultaneously. This thesis has been commissioned by the Drives Manufacturing Unit of ABB Ltd to develop a new optimal layout for frequency converter outfitting and packing operations. Complete re-design is needed to adapt to the planned factory layout modifications and to take advantage of the opportunity for improvement. The work presented in this thesis familiarises to the current packing department and identifies the improvement potential of it by conducting extensive analyses on material, process, and capacity requirements. The requirements for the new process and layout are defined by using systematic layout planning methods and proven production development principles reviewed through literature. The proposed layout is iteratively developed based on the overall objective, which is formed by priority of sub-objectives using analytical hierarchy process. Furthermore, the functionality and efficiency of the process is validated and evaluated by simulating it with maximum production volumes. The layout also includes technical solutions to achieve good ergonomics by increasing the degree of automation in material handling. However, Proof of Concept tests are needed to validate the feasibility of the proposed technical solutions and action list is proposed to suggest future work required for further planning. In conclusion, at its best, the proposed layout is implemented as being the optimal solution in achieving good ergonomics and efficient flow in the process, which are the most important requirements set for it. - Analysis and development of shipyard machinery module manufacturing
Insinööritieteiden korkeakoulu | Master's thesis(2015-08-24) Niemi, Oskari - Analysis of the effects of group size and learning on manual assembly performance
A4 Artikkeli konferenssijulkaisussa(2019) Peltokorpi, Jaakko; Niemi, EskoOn the basis of a prior experimental study, this paper performs a further analysis of the effects of group size (one to four workers) and learning (up to four repetitions per group) on manual assembly performance. More specifically, this paper aims to investigate the factors and the extent to which they affect reduced assembly time as a function of repetitions and reduced productivity per worker as a function of increasing group size. The ultimate aim of this study is to increase the understanding of how working in groups of different sizes develops through repetitions when workers are free to organize their work themselves. The results from the video-based analysis show that with a new, relatively complex product, instructions play a crucial role in learning and the losses caused by the inexperience of workers decrease rapidly through repetitions. Unequal temporal workloads between workers in larger groups increase idleness and cause a significant loss of productivity. The findings presented in this paper give insights for industrial managers when assigning workers to products in variable assembly production of highly customized products. - Anisotropy of additively manufactured 18Ni-300 maraging steel: Threads and surface characteristics
A4 Artikkeli konferenssijulkaisussa(2020-09-22) Ullah, Rizwan; Akmal, Jan Sher; Laakso, Sampsa; Niemi, EskoThe purpose was to evaluate part properties of the additively manufactured 18-Ni-300-maraging steel in a unified set-up when the printing orientation and the heat treatment were independently changed. Though hardness, shrinkage, and drilling thrust force showed isotropic behavior to a certain extent, anisotropy was observed in flatness, surface roughness, dross, and thread profiles. Solution-treatment increases surface roughness and decreases flatness, surface hardness, drilling thrust force, and thread quality to some extent. Aging treatment significantly increases surface hardness and yet, still allows for cutting of good quality threads. The study aids designers establish and corroborate design for additive manufacturing. - Anisotropy of additively manufactured AlSi10Mg: threads and surface integrity
A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä(2020-04-01) Ullah, Rizwan; Akmal, Jan Sher; Laakso, Sampsa; Niemi, EskoImplementing additive manufacturing in an industry, particularly for critical applications of lightweight aluminum (AlSi10Mg), requires part properties that are both accurate and precise to conform to the intent of a robust design. In this experimental study, the objective was to evaluate anisotropy in part properties (i.e., flatness, surface roughness, surface porosity, surface hardness, pre-hole shrinkage, drilling thrust force, and thread-stripping force) when the part orientation (i.e., print inclination and recoater angle) was independently changed. This study developed and investigated an innovative procedure for determining anisotropy in part properties. The part properties were evaluated by designing specific features on a tailor-made flat plate. The replicas of the aluminum plate were additively manufactured at varying orientations using two commercial EOS parameter sets for the laserbased powder bed fusion technique. Conventional measurement equipment was used to analyze all the part properties, except the thread-stripping force, which was measured using a custom-made setup. All the part properties indicated a considerable degree of anisotropy, excluding the drilling thrust force. The printing parameters dictate the significance of the anisotropy. The anisotropy in flatness and pre-hole shrinkage decreases with an increased substrate temperature and a decrease in energy input and thermal gradient. The presence of surface overlapping contours in the scan strategy and an increased energy input can reduce anisotropy in surface roughness and hardness. No significant anisotropy was detected when the recoater angle was changed. This study helps designers establish and substantiate design for additive manufacturing that is within the limits of appropriate anisotropy for a robust design - Lean-periaatteiden soveltaminen tuuliturbiinivaihteiden sarjakokoonpanoon
Helsinki University of Technology | Master's thesis(2007) Ylönen, JukkaLean- periaatteiden soveltamisella tähdätään tilaus-toimitusprosessin lyhentämiseen poistamalla siitä hukka eli turha tekeminen. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää mitä hyötyä voidaan saavuttaa periaatteiden soveltamisella tuuliturbiinivaihteiden sarjakokoonpanoon ja mitä vaiheita soveltaminen edellyttää. Työ jakaantuu kahteen osaan: Kirjallisuustutkimuksessa selvitetään sarjatuotannon perusteet ja kokoonpanon erityispiirteet. Lean-periaatteista esitellään perusteet ja työkalut, joita käytetään periaatteiden soveltamiseen. Muutosjohtamista tarkastellaan selvittäen mitä on otettava huomioon, että tuotannon toimintatapoja voidaan muuttaa onnistuneesti. Kirjallisuustutkimuksen lopuksi tarkastellaan mitkä ovat Lean-periaatteiden soveltamisen onnistumisen edellytykset. Käytännön tutkimuksen aluksi selvitetään mikä on tuotannon nykytila. Sen perusteella etsitään kehityspotentiaalit ja niiden hyödyntämiseen kehitysideoita. Lopuksi kartoitetaan mitä tuloksia hankkeella saavutetaan, kun löydetyt kehitysideat jalkautetaan. Lähtötilanneselvityksen pohjalta voidaan todeta, että tuuliturbiinivaihteiden kokoonpanossa on paljon arvoa lisäämätöntä toimintaa. Hankkeen kehityspotentiaaleiksi on valittu työpisteiden järjestäminen, resurssien saaminen tehokkaaseen käyttöön ja toimittajaverkoston kehittäminen. Työpisteet saadaan järjestettyä, kun niistä poistetaan turhat materiaalit, ja merkataan kaikille oma paikka. Resurssit saadaan tehokkaaseen käyttöön, kun otetaan oikea määrä työvoimaa ja otetaan käyttöön visuaalinen imuohjaus. Toimittajaverkostoa voidaan kehittää lisäämällä yhteistyötä toimittajien kanssa ja etsimällä uusia toimittajia. Hyvien tulosten saavuttamiseksi aloitettu kehityshanke on saatettava loppuun toteuttamalla vielä toteuttamatta olevat kehitysideat. Tulevaisuuden kehityshankkeita ajatellen on pilottihankkeesta opittava ja panostettava kehitystyöhön enemmän. Hankkeelle on luotava selkeä visio, johtajien on sitouduttava muutoksen tukemiseen ja muutoksesta on tiedotettava tarpeeksi. - Approach to supplier management in Russian supply markets: A case study of purchasing strategic items from Russia
Insinööritieteiden korkeakoulu | Master's thesis(2020-08-17) Skogström, JoonasCompanies perceive Russia as a vast market area. However, purchasing produced goods from Russia is relatively rare. After Geopolitical conflict in Ukraine in 2014, multiple countries placed sanctions on Russia. The sanctions highlighted Russia’s dependency on import. As a response, Russia began utilizing import substitution and localisation programs. This study is conducted for ABB Marine & Ports, whose product is defined in import substitution directive. According to the directive all propulsion systems delivered for Russian vessels must include propellers manufactured in Russia. Literature review on supplier management and Russian business environment was performed to form a framework for the study. Current state at the case company was analysed with interview. Many issues in cooperation with the current selected supplier were identified. The supplier itself was evaluated as highly potential. To solve the recurring issues, experts and Finnish companies purchasing from Russia were interviewed. Experiences of the interviewees were rather similar to the case company’s experiences and same issues were faced. Most attempts with Russian suppliers had turned sour but multiple development areas and successful practices were found. The objective of the study was to form an approach for cooperation with a Russian supplier. The recurring issues faced in the interviews were mitigated. Key factors to succeed were identified. These factors and the solutions to mitigate recurring issues were combined into four phased approach providing clear framework for cooperation with a Russian supplier. The recommended approach defines suitable supplier management activities as well as provides reference duration for each phase. The key findings to succeed with Russian supplier were found to be continuous control physically at suppliers’ production sites and personal approach to business relationship. - Assembly lines for customized control cabinets
School of Engineering | Master's thesis(2011) Kallio, NikoThe objective of this thesis is to design an assembly line specification for highly customized products in production of the case company. The new assembly line must be more efficient than the current assembly process. A sub-objective of the thesis is to create an assembly line method" library" for the case company. First, a literature review is made. The aim of the literature review is to find out different assembly line methods. The main references for the literature review are scientific articles. Then, an evaluation study is made for the different assembly line methods. The evaluation study has two phases. Modified House of Quality matrix and Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) methods are used in the first evaluation phase. The first evaluation phase evaluates different assembly line methods against criterions. The AHP method is used to get weight factors for the criterions, then the evaluation of the assembly line methods in made in the modified House of Quality matrix. The first evaluation phase is mainly based on the professional skills of the author and the instructor of the thesis, and its results are applicable to the production environment of the case company and the corresponding production environments. In the second evaluation phase, a simulation study is made for the four most suitable assembly line methods which scored best in the first evaluation phase. With the simulation study, performance metrics (e.g. throughput and throughput-time) can be got for the assembly line methods. Results of the simulation study are not 100 % accurate, because the simulation cannot take into consideration all the real-life elements. But still, the results are indicative. As a result of the literature review, nine different assembly line methods are introduced. Mainly these assembly line methods differ from each other in the line balancing. The results of the first evaluation study show that the flexibility and the reliability of the production system are considered to be the most important criterions for the case company's production. In the second evaluation phase, one of the assembly line methods is proven to be significantly better than the others. Based on the simulation study, this assembly line method is proven to outperform also the current assembly process. In this study it is shown that dynamically changing line balance and cross-trained workers are important elements of a flexible and reliable assembly line. The simulation study also shows that the line balance has a significant effect on the throughput of an assembly line. In the thesis, it is recommended that the case company starts to use the assembly line method which performed best in the simulation study. The same assembly line method has also the above-mentioned elements. Based on the results, conclusions and recommendations of the thesis, this study fulfilled its objectives. - Automated workpiece loading for flexible manufacturing system
Insinööritieteiden korkeakoulu | Master's thesis(2018-09-24) Vuollo, KonradAutomation and industrial robots are used more and more in the manufacturing industry to increase productivity. Automated workpiece loading to machine tools is one of the most commonly used industrial robot applications. Automated workpiece loading enables unmanned utilization of machine tools. Unmanned production has several benefits such as increase in productivity and production output. Despite the popularity of automated workpiece loading to machine tools, automated workpiece loading for flexible manufacturing systems (FMS) is a rare application. The objective of this thesis was to examine if the implementation of automated workpiece loading for the FMS of the case company is reasonable and cost-effective. The thesis includes two parts. In literature review, basic information about flexible manufacturing systems and industrial robots are discussed. After literature review, the practical part of the thesis is presented. The practical part was started by analysing the current loading process and workpieces manufactured in the FMS. The workpieces, loading of which would be reasonable to be automated, were found during the workpiece analysis. After that, the predesigning of the automated loading system was executed. The predesigning included the examination of methods and equipment, which could be utilized in the automated loading and the modelling of concept-level layouts. Finally, different equipment and methods used in the automated workpiece loading were evaluated. The thesis presents matters, which need to be taken into consideration when company is planning to invest in automated workpiece loading for FMS. The SWOT-analysis revealed that several benefits can be obtained via automated workpiece loading. On the other hand, the possible weaknesses of the application need to be handled so that the implementation project will succeed. As a result of the thesis, the proposal of the automated loading system and future actions in the implementation project are provided. - Automation development in industrial distribution centre operations
Insinööritieteiden korkeakoulu | Master's thesis(2023-01-23) Sutinen, Miko - Best practices for creating engineer-to-order manufacturing bill of materials
Insinööritieteiden korkeakoulu | Master's thesis(2021-12-13) Sihvola, Mikko - Suorituskyvyn hallinta järjestelmien järjestelmä -ympäristössä
School of Engineering | Master's thesis(2010) Päiväläinen, AleksiModern battlefield is characterised by strong net-centricity. Independent military systems operating on a battlefield can form a unified System of Systems by networking. It requires identification and management of complex interdependencies, thus creating many challenges for capability development and systems' acquisition. The aim of this study was to analyse and improve concepts and methods related to capability of Finnish Defence Forces in a System of Systems environment. Related frameworks of United States, Great Britain and NATO and major policies of Finnish Defence Forces, guiding development and acquisition, were examined. High-level concepts of a generic Defence Forces' system were developed and tested with organisation's internal stakeholders. Suitability of the above mentioned foreign frameworks for Finnish context was discussed. Furthermore, coherency and adequacy of Finnish Defence Forces' major policies were discussed from a network-enabled defence viewpoint. The United States and Great Britain armed forces' capability development and system acquisition were found to heavily rely on architecture-based guidance and standardised multi-staged processes. NATO has adopted quite similar means and ways to guide its member nations. Policies of Finnish Defence forces were found to be inadequate from the viewpoint of network-enabled defence, as they are optimized for single programs or single branches of business. High-level concepts are at least partially inconsistent and therefore cannot support the development of network-enabled capability in the best way as possible. Discussions with internal stakeholders further confirmed that there is a need for high-level uniform concepts. The frameworks and policies used in the United States, Great Britain and NATO are in principle applicable for Finland as well. However, they need to be tailored for Finnish defence system and society and implemented in top-down manner. Architectures, requirements management and uniform concepts should play central role. Concepts developed in this thesis may form a basis for common, uniform system concepts. The biggest challenge will be implementation into the organisation. - Case project: Production line improvement for electric chain hoists
Insinööritieteiden korkeakoulu | Master's thesis(2018-10-29) Jaatinen, Ville - Circular economy initiatives in food manufacturing industry
Insinööritieteiden korkeakoulu | Master's thesis(2024-08-19) Dip, Hasnat ShishirFounded in 2021 and headquartered in Finland, the case company is a pioneering company in the global plant-based diet movement that specializes in developing ready-to-eat plant-based foods. With sustainability as a guiding concept, the company uses cutting-edge tactics to minimize its environmental impact and satisfy the growing demand for environmentally friendly eating options. The case company introduces an internship program with an emphasis on sustainability and environmental impact assessment to achieve more sustainability targets. To assess the company's carbon footprint, pinpoint opportunities for improvement, and carry out significant environmental projects, this effort seeks to leverage the experience of aspiring environmentalists. The company aims to foster an inventive and enduring corporate culture by working together with both internal and external stakeholders and promoting constructive transformation within the food industry. Performing thorough life cycle assessments (LCAs) of the company’s product line, with an emphasis on particular goods, is a top priority for the internship program. This allows participants to learn important information about the environmental impact of each stage of the product life cycle - manufacturing, distribution, usage, and disposal. The company will also be positioned as a pioneer in sustainable product creation, providing benchmarks and best practices, through industry reviews and comparative studies. A dashboard that will visualize key results and data in an understandable way is being worked on. Decision-makers in the organization will find this dashboard to be a useful tool as it will help them monitor developments, pinpoint areas for development, and effectively convey sustainability accomplishments. Moreover, sentiment analysis is essential for understanding customer perspective. Through the examination of reviews, social media comments, and other digital feedback, the organization can obtain profound insights into the opinions and emotional responses of its customers through sentiment analysis. With this knowledge, the company is better able to improve customer happiness overall, customize marketing techniques to better connect with their audience, and improve their products based on consumer preferences and problem issues. In the end, the company’s data-driven strategy helps it maintain its competitiveness in the market, strengthening client loyalty and accelerating long-term company growth. - Työkappaleiden kiinnittäminen FM-järjestelmässä ja kiinnittimien dokumentointi
Helsinki University of Technology | Master's thesis(2009) Räty, HarriTämän diplomityön tavoitteena on luoda kokonaiskuva keskikokoisen kotimaisen konepajayrityksen FM-järjestelmän kiinnitinjärjestelmästä ja dokumentoida käytössä olevat kiinnittimet. Dokumentoinnin tarkoituksena on helpottaa kiinnittimien kehitystyötä ja turvata niiden olemassaolo mahdollisten rikkoontumisten varalta. Työn toisena tavoitteena on saada aikaan kattava ohjeistus käytössä oleville kiinnitysmenetelmille. Käytännössä tämä tarkoitti käytettävien kiinnitystapojen dokumentointia ja kiinnitysohjeiden laadintaa. Kiinnitysohjeiden avulla kappaleiden kiinnittäminen helpottuu oleellisesti ja koneistajien hallussa oleva tieto saadaan talteen. Kiinnitysohjeiden avulla myös kokemattomampi koneistaja pystyy rakentamaan luotettavan ja oikeaoppisen kiinnityksen. Työn teoriaosa käsittelee työkappaleiden kiinnittämistä jyrsittäessä. Teoriaosuudessa on käyty läpi työkappaleiden kiinnittämisen keskeiset lainalaisuudet sekä käyty läpi erilaisia ennen kaikkea koneistuskeskuksilla jyrsittäessä käyttäviä kiinnitysmenetelmiä. Teoriaosuudessa on myös pohdittu eri kiinnitysratkaisuiden soveltuvuutta erilaisissa tilanteissa. Käytännön osuudessa laadittiin yrityksen FM-järjestelmän käytössä olevista kiinnittimistä tarkat piirustukset, joiden avulla kiinnitin pystyttäisiin tarvittaessa rakentamaan uudestaan. Kiinnitysohjeiden laadinnassa pyrittiin saamaan aikaan yksinkertaiset ja toimivat ohjeet kiinnitystapahtuman helpottamiseksi ja tehostamiseksi sekä mahdollisten virheellisten kiinnitystapojen karsimiseksi. - Comparative analysis of laser cutting efficiency and edge quality in high-speed printed circuit board depaneling of flame retardant 4 using CO2, fiber and diode-pumped solid state lasers with multi-axis gantry systems
School of Engineering | Master's thesis(2024-11-15) Batham, AdarshRapid development in the areas of artificial intelligence, telecommunications, and other new technologies placed a demanding call for innovative and highly effective methods of manufacturing in printed circuit board (PCB) production. Laser-based depaneling of PCBs has now become the way to achieve precision without mechanical forces, along with substantial other benefits such as low mechanical stress on materials, no tool wear, and high repeatability in achieving complex geometries. This thesis investigates the comparative efficiency and edge quality of different lasers, such as DPSS (532 nm), Fiber (1060 nm), and CO2 (10600 nm) in treating FR4 printed circuit boards (PCBs) of different thicknesses of 0.4, 0.6, 0.9, 1, and 1.6 mm. Utilizing a 5-axis Gantry Laser System with a 2-axis galvo scanner in integration with speedLAS®️ (is the trademark of the consortium of Dr. Bohrer Lasertec GmbH and SCHUNK Electronic Solutions GmbH) CAM Processing Interface, the goal is to optimize cutting speed (in mm/s) while minimizing carbonization and thermal degradation on the cut edges. This study seeks to identify the optimal parameters for cutting FR4 materials with various laser types. Such applications are needed to keep electrical integrity and appearance. The research developed experimental results, such as scanning electronic microscopy tests, to explain microstructural consequences resulting from the interaction between various lasers and FR4 composites. Additionally, two-path programming techniques have been used, and their precision is likely to increase significantly. The current research aims to define the optimal laser and related processing parameters for various PCB thicknesses, which are capable of providing meaningful information for enhancing accuracy, efficiency, and quality in PCB depaneling amid rising demands within the electronics sector. - Comparing Worker Coordination Policies in Parallel Station Systems with Different Worker Skill Level Distributions
A4 Artikkeli konferenssijulkaisussa(2015) Peltokorpi, Jaakko; Niemi, Esko; Tokola, Henri - Comparison of Balancing Policies in Multi-Item Assembly
A4 Artikkeli konferenssijulkaisussa(2012) Peltokorpi, Jaakko; Tokola, Henri; Niemi, Esko