Browsing by Author "Nguyen, Trang"
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Item Efficient Communication in Federated Learning(2020-12-18) Nguyen, Trang; El Mekkaoui, Khaoula; Perustieteiden korkeakoulu; Käpylä, MaaritItem The impact of board diversity on firm financial performance(2022) Nguyen, Trang; Joenväärä, Juha; Johtamisen laitos; Kauppakorkeakoulu; School of BusinessIn the past few years, board diversity has emerged as a critical issue in corporate governance, receiving attention from both industry practitioners and academics. This study investigates the relationship between board diversity and financial performance of a company. The focus is on gender diversity, age diversity, and education diversity. The data is drawn from 112 listed companies in Finland, excluding financial institutions, over the period 2015-2019. The dependent variable is financial performance, measured by Tobin’s q. Tobin’s q is computed as total market value divided by total assets and is the most commonly used measure in corporate governance literature. The independent variable are gender diversity, age diversity, and education diversity. They are measured by the Blau index. Control variables include firm size, firm age, and board size. To analyse the data, this study uses both fixed effects model and a more robust dynamic panel generalised method of moment (GMM) estimation. The results reveal a significant and positive correlation between the gender diversity of the board and the financial performance of a company. However, age diversity and education diversity show insignificant impacts. The main limitations of the study are data and data collection. The data collected during the research was small in size, as the study focuses on the Finnish market, where there are only over 100 publicly listed companies. The data collection process is partly manual, as board information is not always updated in financial databases. The study is expected to make practical contributions to companies and policymakers, as it strengthens the business case for board diversity. Companies will be able to recruit the right directors and form more effective boards, achieving “board-performance fit” that ensures better performance. Policymakers will be able to formulate recommendations and laws that direct the formation of boards with desirable characteristics such as gender, age, and education. Overall, the study encourages gender diversity in the boardroom, but a lot of tact and circumspection are required.Item Market Efficiency Hypothesis in Emerging Stock Markets: An Analysis of Vietnamese Stock Market over the Period of 2013-2021 and the Prominence of Herd Behavior in Inefficient Periods(2022) Nguyen, Trang; Inci, A. Can; Mikkelin kampus; Kauppakorkeakoulu; School of BusinessObjectives The main objectives of this study are to test the random walk hypothesis of the Vietnamese stock market and to identify herding behavior within the market. The sub-period chosen is from 2013 to 2021, after the formative years of the market and into the market growth stage. Thus, this study gives an insight into the performance of the market and its investors’ psychology. Moreover, it seeks to provide investors and managers with updated knowledge and implications to invest in the market most suitably. Summary To test for the behavior of the Vietnamese stock market, this research collects daily returns of the market index VN-Index over the period from 2 Jan 2013 to 31 December 2021 as well as the returns of individual stocks over the examined period. The portfolio used for individual stocks is adjusted according to the VN30 basket, which consists of the largest market capitalizing tickers in trading on the HOSE. The autocorrelation and runs tests are conducted to examine if the market follows a random walk hypothesis. The cross-sectional absolute deviation test by Chang et al. (2000) is employed to detect herding behavior in the market. The findings are discussed with regards to previous literature and acknowledged limitations of this paper. Conclusions This thesis rejects the presence of a random walk and the absence of herding in the Vietnamese stock market over the period from 2 Jan 2013 to 31 December 2021. This means that the market is weak-form inefficient and characterized by herding behavior of investors. However, this research also presents conflicting results that might suggest an improvement towards market efficiency.Item Norovirus infection and epidemiology during Nokia's waterborne outbrake in 2007(2008) Nguyen, Trang; Roivainen, Merja; Biotekniikan ja kemian tekniikan laitos; Teknillinen korkeakoulu; Helsinki University of Technology; Nordström, KatrinaNorovirusta on tutkittu vasta viime vuosikymmeninä ja viruksesta tiedetään vähän. Norovirus aiheuttaa kuitenkin eniten mahasuolitulehdusepidemioita maailmalla. Noroviruksen tutkiminen: esim. infektiotapojen ja evoluution ymmärtäminen voisi omalta osaltaan auttaa ehkäisemään näitä epidemioita ja toisi mm. huomattavaa kansantaloudellista säästöä. Näistä lähtökohdista tämän työn tarkoituksena oli tutkia noroviruksen esiintymistä ja epidemiologiaa Nokialla 2007. Nokian jätevesikriisi tapahtui vuoden 2007 marraskuun lopussa, kun venttiili, joka yhdisti puhdas ja jäteveden oli auki keskiviikosta perjantaihin (28.-30.11.2007). Vesikriisin oletettiin vaikuttavan noin 10 000 henkilöön. Kirjallisuusosiossa tarkastellaan kalikiviruksia ja tarkemmin noroviruksia. Perehdytään noroviruksen luokitteluun, patogeneesiin, infektioon, epidemiologiaan, diagnostiikkaan, hoitoon ja ennaltaehkäisyyn sekä hiiren noroviruksen solukasvatukseen. Tutkimusosassa analysoitiin ulostenäytteitä, jotka oli kerätty potilailta Nokian jätevesikriisin aikaan. Näytteet oli kerätty aikaväliltä 5.12.2007-9.1.2008 nokialaisilta, jotka hakeutuivat sairaalahoitoon. Näytteille suoritettiin aluksi ulostenäytteen esikäsittely, RNA-eristys ja reaaliaikainen RT-PCR noroviruksen genoryhmille GII ja GI. Reaaliaikaisen RT-PCR-ajojen perusteella valittiin voimakkaasti positiiviset norovirusnäytteet, joille suoritettiin RT-PCR-ajo polymeraasi- ja kuori-alueelta. RT-PCR-ajon jälkeen PCR-tuotteet puhdistettiin, jonka jälkeen ne sekvensoitiin ja geno-tyypitettiin. Tutkittavia näytteitä oli yhteensä 294 ja niistä noroviruspositiivisia oli yhteensä 115 eli noin 39,2 %. GII-positiivisia oli 70 (24 %) ja GI-positiivisia 45 (15 %). Näytteet, jotka olivat infektoituneet molemmilla genoryhmillä, löytyi kymmenen kappaletta. Vallitseva genotyyppi oli GII.4 2006b- kanta. Muita löydettyjä genotyyppejä oli GII.7, GII.b, GII.3, GII.6, GI.4, GI.3 ja GI.11. Rekombinaatiota oli tapahtunut kahdella näytteellä. Näillä näytteillä polymeraasi- ja kuorialueen sekvenssit olivat keskenään eri genotyyppiä. Tutkimustulokset auttavat ymmärtämään noroviruksen epidemiologiaa yksittäisen norovirusepidemian aikana. Tilanne on ollut Nokialla 2007 ainutlaatuinen, sillä potilaat ovat altistuneet suurelle määrälle patogeenejä, joista norovirus on ollut yleisin infektiota aiheuttava.Item Transforming corporate e-learning experiences(2022) Nguyen, Trang; Eloranta, Ville; Johtamisen laitos; Kauppakorkeakoulu; School of BusinessEmployee performance plays an important role in company operations. Therefore, providing employees with learning opportunities to advance their skills and knowledge has always been a top priority for companies. In recent times, with the growth of technology, e-learning was born out and has transformed learning and development in the corporate environment. However, not many companies have adapted e-learning in the right way, which often results in ineffective training sessions, low learning motivations and leads to low return on investment. Little academic research has been done on how to take advantage of e-learning and boost motivation among employees. Therefore, my thesis aims to explore the challenges with corporate e-learning and different approaches to make corporate e-learning experiences more enjoyable and effective. The study was done in collaboration with a case company. Mixed data collection methods were combined inside the case study, including a focus group, a survey, workshops and interviews. Qualitative was the main approach and the data were analyzed using thematic analysis. The findings suggest that the roadblocks to corporate e-learning come from employers, employees and the external environment. The dominant reason has been the misalignment and poor communication between the management team and their employees. At the same time, the takeaways from the learning design process provide the management team with ideas to improve the corporate e-learning experiences. The keys are to put learners at the center and to balance employers’ needs and employees’ interests. In summary, the study offers both theoretical and practical implications. It uses a qualitative approach to have a better understanding of the existing problems, at the same time provides a specific case company to apply and test different approaches to improve corporate e-learning.