Browsing by Author "Lindstedt, Tuomo"
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Insinööritieteiden ja arkkitehtuurin tiedekunta | Bachelor's thesis(2009) Rantala, Tuomo - Teollisten korjausrakentamismenetelmien konseptointi
School of Engineering | Master's thesis(2011) Kärki, AnniIn this Master's Thesis fixed methods that enable renovation with prefabricated elements were formed along with three renovation concepts. The concepts were a concept for renovating one type of components, renovating an entire building and many of its components and renovating several buildings that form a residential area. For forming the concepts, two pilot buildings and a pilot residential area that were built during the 1960's and 70's were researched. In this Master's Thesis different ways to renovate with prefabricated elements, their characteristics and ways to procurement them were researched. The term concept generation was defined along with product concept generation and service concept generation. A way to choose a concept was introduced and the prerequisites, threats and possibilities of concept generation were researched. The pilot buildings and residential area were introduced and selection matrixes were formed for finding the best method of renovation for the customer. The selection matrix needs to be formed for making the choosing of a renovation method as systematic and objective as possible. For the procurement of one type of components design build contract of a single building part was chosen, for an entire building's renovation a fixed cost design and build contract was chosen and for renovation of the residential area design and build cooperation contract was chosen. In all these, the contracts are tendered with preliminary plans so that possible solutions are not delimited too early. Along with the procurement method and contract form, there are many matters that have impact on the final choice of the renovation method. Those are the previous experiences of the parties of the contract, their willingness to try new ways to renovate, the expenses of the contract, the time it takes to renovate in situ with different methods, the time the whole contract takes time, the availability of suppliers, insurances and if the building is listed or if other reasons limit the changes in the appearance of the building that renovation with prefabricated modules usually requires. - Esivalmistuksen hyödyt ja haitat 1960-1970-lukujen asuinkerrostalojen korjaushankkeissa
Insinööritieteiden ja arkkitehtuurin tiedekunta | Bachelor's thesis(2010) Raukomaa, Theo - Neuvottelu-urakat asuntorakentamisessa
Helsinki University of Technology | Master's thesis(2008) Lindstedt, TuomoAsuntotuotanto on vapaarahoitteista tai yleishyödyllistä rakentamista. Molemmissa tapauksissa, vapaarahoitteisessa ja yleishyödyllisessä rakentamisessa rakentamispalveluiden hankintaa tehdään kahdella eri tavalla: urakkakilpailulla tai neuvottelemalla. Tutkimuksen päätavoitteena oli kuvata asuntotuotannon neuvottelu-urakan prosessi urakoitsijan näkökulmasta ja laatia prosessiin liittyvät toimintaohjeet ja mallit. Päätavoitteen lisäksi tutkimuksessa selvitettiin neuvottelu-urakan prosessia tukevia toimintoja, kuten mahdollisuudet neuvottelu-urakkaan, neuvottelu-urakan kipupisteet sekä kilpailukyvyn parantaminen neuvottelu-urakoissa. Työn keskeisenä tuloksena on neuvottelu-urakan prosessikaavio toimintaohjeineen. Laaditun prosessikaavion johtavat ajatukset korostivat asiakaslähtöistä palveluliiketoimintaa, molempien osapuolten tavoitteiden huomioon ottamista ja prosessin helppoa hallintaa. Lisäksi haastatteluiden tuloksena saatiin neuvottelu-urakan kannalta tärkeitä asioita, kuten tilanteet, milloin neuvottelu-urakkaa voidaan käyttää, osapuolten mahdollisuudet neuvottelu-urakkaan, osapuolten neuvotteluvaiheessa tärkeäksi kokemat asiat sekä osapuolten sopimuksilta edellyttämät asiat. Prosessikuvauksia laadittiin kaksi ja niiden eroavaisuudet perustuvat siihen, sisältääkö hanke suunnittelua tai suunnittelun konsultointia. Suunnittelua tai suunnittelun konsultointia sisältävä prosessi jaettiin viiteen vaiheeseen: markkinointivaiheeseen, lähtötilanteeseen, luonnossuunnitteluvaiheeseen, tarjous- ja urakkasopimusvaiheeseen sekä asiakaspalautevaiheeseen. Suunnittelua tai suunnittelun konsultointia sisältämätön hanke jaettiin neljään vaiheeseen: lähtötilanteeseen, suunnitelmien kehittämisvaiheeseen, tarjous- ja urakkasopimusvaiheeseen sekä asiakaspalautevaiheeseen. - Rakennusten ympäristösertifioinnin standardoitu työsisältö
School of Engineering | Master's thesis(2013) Mirtti, MarkkuThis master's thesis was made for Rakennuttajatoimisto HTJ Oy main objective to develop a standardized content of work for environmental assessment consultant. The most crucial content of the assessment process was examined in the study by searching the most important decision making points and phases were different parties are required to act. From process the largest problems and challenges were search so they can be identified and prevented. In addition the process was reviewed phase by phase and from the viewpoint of different parties. In order to ease the development of the content of work, scope of work documents used in Finland and experiences from them were studied. Additionally was studied how foreign scope of work documents consider environmental assessment tools and what kind of positive and negative sides they have. The study was limited to LEED and BREEAM environmental rating systems and to those versions considering new construction and major renovation. When considering environmental rating systems, the study focused on the problems and challenges of the process itself. General problems and financial impacts were not considered. To support the theoretical context, experts working with construction projects seeking environmental assessment were interviewed to gain experimental knowledge of assessment process and its challenges. By combining the knowledge from process and scopes of work to interviewing material the scope of assessment consultant was achieved. Theme interview was used as an interview method. The interviewees represented different parties in the process, in other words designers, owners, contractors and consultants. Green Building Council Finland also gave comments to the scope of assessment consultant. The study showed that the most important duties in a project are to guide other parties in their work regarding assessment process, so they are informed of the requirements regarding for example designing. Additionally the consultant is required to clarify everyone what kind of documents they are required to produce in order to meet the requirements. The consultant is supposed to check the documents other parties are producing, not to produce them himself. As an important part of achieving set aims, the study showed that the owner's role is crucial in decision making and ensuring cooperation. The interviewees raised as an important aspect the importance of a clear person in charge of the assessment and the commitment of the owner to set aims of the and to them. - Teollisten korjausrakentamismenetelmien konseptointi
Insinööritieteiden korkeakoulu | D4 Julkaistu kehittämis- tai tutkimusraportti tai -selvitys(2011) Lindstedt, Tuomo; Kärki, Anni; Palmu, Tuomo; Junnonen, Juha-Matti