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- Analyzing business process changes using influence analysis
A4 Artikkeli konferenssijulkaisussa(2018-01-01) Lehto, Teemu; Hinkka, Markku; Hollmén, JaakkoReal world business operations are continuously changing. Periodical business performance review sessions typically focus on monitoring changes in key performance indicator (KPI) measures. However, the detection and review of activity level changes in actual business processes is often based on subjective manual observations. This means that many changes are not detected in timely manner making the organization slower to adapt to changes. In this paper we present a systematic method for detecting business process changes for business review purposes based on transaction level data. Our method uses process mining principles and is based on our previously published influence analysis methodology. Unlike most process mining change detection algorithms which operate on case level our method analyzes changes in the individual event level. We show how case level data can be used to construct features to the event level. Our method detects changes in timely manner since there is no need to wait for the cases to be completed. We present two alternative ways, binary approach and continuous event-age approach, for dividing events into recent and old for business review purpose. We also demonstrate the method with data from a real-life case. - Applying the Principles of Process Mining to Finnish Healthcare
Informaatio- ja luonnontieteiden tiedekunta | Master's thesis(2010) Manninen, Antti IlariTerveydenhuollon järjestelmiin tallennettavat potilastietokannat sisältävät suuren määrän dataa, mutta tätä dataa ei useinkaan hyödynnetä systemaattisesti prosessien kehityksessä. Organisaatiorajat ylittävä tieto prosessien tilasta on usein epäselvä. Prosessilouhinta (process mining) on tekniikka, jolla prosessitietoa kerätään ohjelmallisesti tietokannoista. Tässä tutkimuksessa käsitellään Suomen terveydenhuoltojärjestelmistä poimittuja potilastietokantoja ja sovelletaan prosessilouhintaa näihin kantoihin. Data on kerätty Helsingissä sijaitsevista Meilahden ja Töölön sairaaloista. Tutkimuksessa kehitetään tuoteprototyyppi, jonka avulla prosessilouhinta-algoritmin toimintaa voidaan validoida. Tämä prototyyppi tuottaa prosessimallin tietokannasta löytyvistä aktiviteeteista ja niiden välisistä siirtymistä. Lisäksi se ryhmittelee datasta löytyvät prosessi-instanssit keskenään samankaltaisiin luokkiin. Tuloksena syntyvät prosessimallit esitetään graafisesti. Analyysimalleihin lasketaan myös erilaisia tunnuslukuja prosessianalyysin helpottamiseksi. Prosessilouhinnan tuottama prosessimalli perustuu puhtaasti tosiasioihin ja kuvaa prosessia potilaan kokeman episodin kautta. Tämä periaate prosessimallien piirtämiseen on huomattavan erilainen perinteiseen, asiantuntijalähtöiseen prosessimallinnukseen verrattuna. Tällä tavalla tehtyjä prosessimalleja voidaan käyttää esimerkiksi mallien validointiin tai prosessin nykytilan kartoitukseen. Tuoteprototyypin saama vastaanotto on ollut positiivista ja sen avulla piirretyt prosessimallit ovat herättäneet vilkasta keskustelua. Prototyypissä on toki edelleen joitakin haasteita, liittyen pääasiassa prosessimallien graafisiin ominaisuuksiin sekä algoritmin suorituskykyyn. Tuotteen kaupallinen potentiaali vaikuttaisi kuitenkin varsin suurelta ja hyödyt selkeiltä. - Business process improvements from RosettaNet
Helsinki University of Technology | Master's thesis(2004) Heikkilä, Jussi - Coating wet birch veneers with microcrystalline cellulose-based coatings, combined with effective drying technology
School of Chemical Engineering | Master's thesis(2024-09-27) Lehto, TeemuWood veneers are simple to produce and versatile material. The veneering process causes two sides of the veneer to be different from each other. The looser side of the veneer has veneering checks, that reach deep into the veneer lowering the tensile strength of the veneer. The veneer surface is too rough to be used as is and requires grinding and smoothing to be used in many applications. In this work the new Effective Drying (ED) technology developed to dry wood veneers is combined with coating the veneers with microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) based coatings. 1, 2 and 5 % MCC concentrations were used to coat birch veneers. To improve the adhesion of MCC particles to the veneer, mixing wax and colloidal lignin particles with the 2% MCC dispersion was tested. For reference, 2 % cellulose nanofibril (CNF) gel was also used to coat birch veneers. The MCC particles alone had some adhesion to the veneer and lignin and wax both improved the adhesion of the MCC particles. The MCC 1, 2 and 5 % MCC particle coatings were measured to lower the transversal tensile strength (TTS) by about 19.6 – 22.0 % on average, while CNF and MCC coatings containing lignin and wax increased TTS of birch veneer by 3.2 – 12.9 % compared to uncoated veneer. The wax containing coatings increased the hydrophobicity of the veneer surface and produced stable water contact angle (WCA) of about 138°. The 1 % MCC was also observed to increase the WCA while 2 and 5 % decreased it. Coating the veneers before drying them via ED drying method was showcased to work well. The coating did not interfere the drying and the process improved the smoothness of the veneer surface substantially over non-coated veneer. - Oliopohjaisen mallinnusjärjestelmän tietokantaratkaisu
Helsinki University of Technology | Master's thesis(1997) Rosendahl, SamiMUST on oliopohjaiseen mallinnukseen perustuva sovelluskehitin. MUST-sovelluksen ydin on MUST:in interaktiivisella käyttöliittymällä rakennettu oliomalli. MUST-malli on dynaaminen; mallin laskennalliset arvot päivittyvät välittömästi, kun syöttötiedot tai mallin rakenne muuttuvat. MUST on toteutettu C++-ohjelmointikielellä ja se toimii Microsoft Windows -käyttöjärjestelmällä varustetussa PC-tietokoneessa. MUST:in kehittäminen on aloitettu Nokian tutkimuskeskuksessa vuonna 1992. Tekijä on työskennellyt MUST:in tuotekehityksessä vuodesta 1993 lähtien. MUST:illa on rakennettu useita suunnittelu- ja raportointijärjestelmiä eri alojen yritysten ja viranomaisten käyttöön. MUST-sovellusten kysyntä ja niille asetetut vaatimukset ovat kasvaneet jatkuvasti. Halutuimmat uudet ominaisuudet ovat: mahdollisuus tehdä suurempia malleja, mallin vankempi käyttäytyminen virhetilanteissa ja mallin helpompi jakaminen usean käyttäjän kesken. Nykyinen MUST käsittelee oliomallia keskusmuistissa ja malli talletetaan peräkkäistiedostoon. Ratkaisu aiheuttaa seuraavia ongelmia: mallin koko on rajoittunut, suuren mallin lataus ja talletus kestävät kauan, malli tuhoutuu MUST-prosessin pysähtyessä virhetilanteeseen ja mallin jakaminen on hankalaa. Ongelmat pyritään ratkaisemaan siirtämällä MUST:in oliomalli tietokantaan. Työssä tarkastellaan erilaisia järjestelmäarkkitehtuureja ja tietokantateknologioita ja niiden soveltuvuutta MUST-käyttöön. Näiden osien lukeminen on hyödyllistä kenelle tahansa saman tyyppisiin ongelmiin törmänneelle. Parhaaksi ratkaisuksi todetaan mallin tallettaminen oliotietokantaan, johtuen MUST:in C++-toteutuksesta ja tiukoista suorituskykyvaatimuksista. Tarkemmin käsitellään ObjectStore-nimistä oliotietokantatuotetta. Jaetun tietokannan käyttö useasta MUST-prosessista yhtä aikaa todetaan suorituskyvyn kannalta ongelmalliseksi, koska MUST:in laskentamoottori kuormittaa jaettua tietokantaa raskaasti. Samoin tietokannan suora käyttö sovellusten tekemiseen todetaan hankalaksi, ja sen sijaan suositellaan MUST-oliomallin rajapinnan jakamista käyttämällä standardia hajautusteknologiaa, kuten DCOM tai CORBA. Koska tietokannan ei tarvitse olla jaettu, voidaan käyttää kevyttä, yhden käyttäjän oliotietokantaa. Tätä ratkaisua tietomäärien kasvuun ja sovelluksen jakamiseen on mahdollista soveltaa muidenkin vastaavan tyyppisten suunnitteluohjelmistojen kanssa. - Funktionaalisen oliopohjaisen sovelluskehittimen suunnittelu ja toteutus
Helsinki University of Technology | Master's thesis(1995) Lehto, Teemu - Focusing business process lead time improvements using influence analysis
A4 Artikkeli konferenssijulkaisussa(2017) Lehto, Teemu; Hinkka, Markku; Hollmén, JaakkoShortening lead times in a business process is important for meetings service level agreements, decreasing inventories and working capital, keeping customers satisfied and in short: staying in business. Process mining methods make it possible to generate a large amount of transaction event data and case attributes that are useful for analysing lead times. However, finding root causes for long lead times is not so straightforward with current process mining methods. In this paper we extend our prevously presented influence analysis methodology by providing alternative treatment for continuous target variables like lead times and making it possible to give weights for each process case. We extend our contribution measure by presenting the definitions for binary/continuous as well as weighted/non-weighted needs. Using a publicly available real-life case study from Rabobank’s service desk process we demonstrate the effect of using either continuous or binary approach combined with possible weighting. - Huokoiset metalli- ja hiilivaahdot häivemateriaaleina
Kemiantekniikan korkeakoulu | Bachelor's thesis(2020-05-28) Lehto, Teemu - Modulaarinen sovelluskehitys oliopohjaisessa kehitysympäristössä
Helsinki University of Technology | Master's thesis(2000) Hinkka, Markku - Process Mining Based Influence Analysis for Analyzing and Improving Business Processes
School of Science | Doctoral dissertation (article-based)(2020) Lehto, TeemuThe ability to improve processes is essential for every organization. Process mining provides a fact-based understanding of actual processes in the form of discovered process diagrams, bottlenecks, compliance issues, and other operational problems. Organizations need to carry out accurate root cause analysis and efficient resource allocation to improve the process and reduce problems. This work presents a novel influence analysis method to improve the allocation of development resources, detect process changes, and discover business areas that significantly affect process flow. The method combines the usage of process mining analysis with probability-based objective measures and analysis of deviations. The method is specially designed for business analysts, process owners, line managers, and auditors in large organizations, to be used as a set of interactive root cause analyses and benchmark reports. Methods and algorithms are presented for analyzing both binary problems where each case is either successful or non-successful, and continuous variables, including process lead times and costs. A method for using case-specific weights to consider the relative business importance of each case is also presented. This work also includes data preparation methods and best practices for acquiring relevant business operations data in the event log format. Concept drift in process mining is a research area that studies business process changes over time. This dissertation shows how process mining can be used to identify changes in business operations by using the influence analysis method to identify business process changes in the business review context. Typical business reviews consist of monitoring key performance indicator (KPI) measures against targets, while the detection of activity level process changes is often based on subjective manual observations alone. Many relevant changes are not detected promptly, making organizations slow to adapt to changes. Machine learning techniques such as clustering extend the coverage of process mining analyses. A method for clustering cases based on process flow characteristics and using influence analysis to explain the results with business attributes is presented. The method identifies business areas where the process execution differs significantly from the rest of the organization. Finally, the results of using our methods with publicly available industrial datasets, including service desk data from Rabobank, loan applications process data from a Dutch Financial Institute, and publicly available purchase to pay process data are presented. - RosettaNet ebusiness standard implementation process
Helsinki University of Technology | Master's thesis(2002) Laesvuori, Juha-PekkaThe goal of the research was to create a change management model that would fit especially for implementing RosettaNet business processes and would include critical success factors for a successful change management project that have been identified previously. A sub goal was to present background information for the model by explaining what RosettaNet is and what it does, in what kind of an environment the companies that use RosettaNet are working and what kinds of critical success factors are known for a successful business process change project. The research was started by getting familiar with how RosettaNet works and what kinds of standards it has by working for two months in a RosettaNet member company and by participating in RosettaNet user group meetings. The rest of the work has been done as a literature research. As a result, a new business process change management model was created, together with a review of all three essential background subjects. The change management model was built up from critical success factors that were identified by earlier studies, their logical grouping and labeling and from a model that builds them all together. The model is presented with intuitive illustrations and concrete steps. The description of each level and step includes a paragraph that describes RosettaNet specific points for implementation. The background information has been collected from many sources and should give a good picture about the topic. The change management model has not been tested in real life and thus it is impossible to say how well it would work. However, it is constructed from critical success factors that have been identified by other researchers and it could be expected that the model would work. The study contains a large amount of information that has not been collected together before in such a small space. This work has value especially for people who do not have time to study or read great amounts of literature but need knowledge about the area of this research. Further research could include testing the change management model and the RosettaNet specific points in an interview research and later testing the model in a real environment.