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- Analyzing biography collections historiographically as Linked Data: Case National Biography of Finland
A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä(2022-08-30) Tamper, Minna; Leskinen, Petri; Hyvönen, Eero; Valjus, Risto; Keravuori, KirsiBiographical collections are available on the Web for close reading. However, the underlying texts can also be used for data analysis and distant reading, if the documents are available as data. Such data is usable for creating intelligent user interfaces to biographical data, including Digital Humanities tooling for visualizations, data analysis, and knowledge discovery in biographical and prosopographical research. In this paper, we re-use biographical collection data from a historiographical perspective for analyzing the underlying collection. For example: What kind of people have been included in the collection? Does the language used for describing female biographees differ from that for men? As a case study, the Finnish National Biography, available as part of the Linked Open Data service and semantic portal BiographySampo – Finnish Biographies on the Semantic Web is used. The analyses show interesting results related to, e.g., how specific prosopographical groups, such as women or professional groups are represented and portrayed. Various novel statistics and network analyses of the biographees are presented. Our analyses give new insights to the editors of the National Biography as well as to researchers in biography, prosopography, and historiography. The presented approach can be applied also to similar biography collections in other countries. - Biografiasampo yhdistää ja rikastaa suomalaiset elämäkerrat linkitettynä datana semanttisessa webissä (Biographysampo links and enriches Finnish biographies as linked data on the Semantic Web
A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä(2021-06-01) Hyvönen, Eero; Leskinen, Petri; Tamper, Minna; Rantala, Heikki; Ikkala, Esko; Tuominen, Jouni; Keravuori, KirsiInformaatiotutkimuksen tavoitteena on kehittää uusia tapoja tuottaa, organisoida ja käyttää tietoa sekä yksilöiden että organisaatioiden näkökulmasta. Tässä katsauksessa esitellään kulttuurihistoriallisen tiedon tuottajia ja käyttäjiä palvelevan ns. Sampo-mallin sovellus Biografiasampo kansalaisille, digitaalisten ihmistieteiden tutkijoille ja uusien sovellusten kehittäjille. Biografiasammon kunnianhimoisena tavoitteena on käynnistää uusi aikakausi elämäkertakokoelmien julkaisemisessa ja käyttämisessä verkossa semanttisen webin teknologioita ja linkitetyn avoimen datan julkaisuperiaatteita hyödyntäen. Innovaationa on luoda kieliteknologian, tekoälyn ja semanttisen webin teknologioiden avulla elämäkertojen teksteistä ja niihin eri lähteissä liittyvistä tietokannoista tietämysverkko (knowledge graph) osana kansallista tietoinfrastruktuuria. Sovelluksen ydinaineistona ovat Kansallisbiografia ja muut Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seuran toimittamat ja julkaisemat pienoiselämäkerrat, yhteensä 13 100 elämäntarinaa, joita on kirjoittanut 980 suomalaista tutkijaa maamme suurimmaksi sanotussa historiantutkimuksen hankkeessa. Elämäkerroista louhittua dataa on rikastettu automaattisen loogisen päättelyn avulla ja linkittämällä sitä 16 muuhun tietolähteeseen. Tietämysverkko on julkaistu linkitetyn avoimen datan Linked Data Finland -palvelussa. Datapalvelun avulla on toteutettu seitsemästä sovellusnäkymästä koostuva älykäs, avoin ja maksuton verkkopalvelu, jolla on ollut noin 50 000 käyttäjää. Sekä järjestelmän elämäkerrat että niistä louhittu data ovat avoimesti käytettävissä datapalveluna Linked Data Finland -alustalla. - BiographySampo – Publishing and enriching biographies on the semantic web for digital humanities research
A4 Artikkeli konferenssijulkaisussa(2019-06-02) Hyvönen, Eero; Leskinen, Petri; Tamper, Minna; Rantala, Heikki; Ikkala, Esko; Tuominen, Jouni; Keravuori, KirsiThis paper argues for making a paradigm shift in publishing and using biographical dictionaries on the web, based on Linked Data. The idea is to provide the user with enhanced reading experience of biographies by enriching contents with data linking and reasoning. In addition, versatile tooling for (1) biographical research of individual persons as well as for (2) prosopographical research on groups of people are provided. To demonstrate and evaluate the new possibilities, we present the semantic portal “BiographySampo – Finnish Biographies on the Semantic Web”. The system is based on a knowledge graph extracted automatically from a collection of 13 100 textual biographies, enriched with data linking to 16 external data sources, and by harvesting external collection data from libraries, museums, and archives. The portal was released in September 2018 for free public use at - Linked Data – A Paradigm Change for Publishing and Using Biography Collections on the Semantic Web
A4 Artikkeli konferenssijulkaisussa(2022-06-12) Hyvönen, Eero; Leskinen, Petri; Tamper, Minna; Rantala, Heikki; Ikkala, Esko; Tuominen, Jouni; Keravuori, KirsiThis paper argues for making a paradigm shift in publishing and using biographical dictionaries on the Web, based on Linked Data. The idea is to represent biographical data in a harmonized, semantically interoperable form, which enables 1) data enrichment by aggregating linked content from complementary, distributed, and heterogeneous data sources, as well as by reasoning, and 2) development of intelligent services using machine “understandable” data. Based on the aggregated global knowledge graph, published in a SPARQL endpoint, tooling for 1) biographical research of individual persons as well as for 2) prosopographical research on groups of people can be provided. As a demonstration of these ideas, we discuss the new in-use linked data service and semantic portal BIOGRAPHY SAMPO – Finnish Biographies on the Semantic Web that quickly attracted thousands of end users on the Web. This semantic portal is based on a knowledge graph extracted automatically from a collection of 13 100 textual biographies, writtenby 980 scholars. The texts are enriched with data linking to 16 external data sources and by harvesting external collection data from libraries, museums, and archives. Reasoning is used for query expansion and for discovering serendipitous relations between entities, such as persons and places. - Linked Data - A Paradigm Shift for Publishing and Using Biography Collections on the Semantic Web
A4 Artikkeli konferenssijulkaisussa(2022) Hyvönen, Eero; Leskinen, Petri; Tamper, Minna; Rantala, Heikki; Ikkala, Esko; Tuominen, Jouni; Keravuori, Kirsi - Linked Data - A Paradigm Shift for Publishing and Using Biography Collections on the Semantic Web
A4 Artikkeli konferenssijulkaisussa(2022) Hyvönen, Eero; Leskinen, Petri; Tamper, Minna; Rantala, Heikki; Ikkala, Esko; Tuominen, Jouni; Keravuori, KirsiThis paper argues for making a paradigm shift in publishing and using biographical dictionaries on the Web, based on Linked Data. The idea is to represent biographical data in a harmonized, semantically interoperable form, which enables 1) data enrichment by aggregating linked content from complementary, distributed, and heterogeneous data sources, as well as by reasoning, and 2) development of intelligent services using machine “understandable” data. Based on the aggregated global knowledge graph, published in a SPARQL endpoint, tooling for 1) biographical research of individual persons as well as for 2) prosopographical research on groups of people can be provided. As a demonstration of these ideas, we discuss the new in-use linked data service and semantic portal BIOGRAPHYSAMPO - Finnish Biographies on the Semantic Web that quickly attracted thousands of end users on the Web. This semantic portal is based on a knowledge graph extracted automatically from a collection of 13 100 textual biographies, written by 980 scholars. The texts are enriched with data linking to 16 external data sources and by harvesting external collection data from libraries, museums, and archives. Reasoning is used for query expansion and for discovering serendipitous relations between entities, such as persons and places. - Semantic national biography of Finland
A4 Artikkeli konferenssijulkaisussa(2018-01-01) Hyvönen, Eero; Leskinen, Petri; Tamper, Minna; Tuominen, Jouni; Keravuori, KirsiThis paper presents the vision of publishing and utilizing textual biographies as Linked (Open) Data on the Semantic Web. As a case study, we publish the live stories of the National Biography of Finland, created by the Finnish Literature Society, as semantic, i.e., machine "understandable" metadata in a SPARQL endpoint using the Linked Data Finland ( service. On top of the data service various Digital Humanities applications are built. The applications include searching and studying individual personal histories as well as historical research of groups of persons using methods of prosopography. The biographical data is enriched by extracting events from unstructured and semi-structured texts, and by linking entities internally and to external data sources. A faceted semantic search engine is provided for filtering groups of people from the data for prosopographical research. An extension of the event-based CIDOC CRM ontology is used as the underlying data model, where lives are seen as chains of interlinked events populated from the data of the biographies and additional data sources, such as museum collections, library databases, and archives.