Browsing by Author "Ihasalo, Heikki"
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Sähkötekniikan korkeakoulu | Bachelor's thesis(2020-12-01) Karvinen, Samuli - Älykäs neuvotteluhuone
Sähkötekniikan korkeakoulu | Bachelor's thesis(2021-03-10) Hirvelä, Helmi - Älykkään asuinrakennuksen hyödyt
Sähkötekniikan korkeakoulu | Bachelor's thesis(2018-12-30) Tiira, Timi - Älykkään neuvotteluhuoneen käyttäjäystävällisyys
Sähkötekniikan korkeakoulu | Bachelor's thesis(2019-12-20) Pellja, Carl - Älykkään sähköverkon vaikutus rakennuksen sähkönjakeluun
Sähkötekniikan korkeakoulu | Master's thesis(2014-12-15) Lempinen, TuomasÄlykäs sähköverkko kannustaa kuluttajaa entistä aktiivisempaan toimintaan. Kuluttaja voi sähköverkon myötä optimoida omaa kuormitustaan helpottaakseen sähköverkon kuormitusta. Kuluttajan aktiivista kuormituksen mukauttamista kutsutaan kysyntäjoustoksi, ja sen avulla voidaan optimoida koko sähkönjakeluverkon toimintaa energian tuotannosta kulutukseen asti. Älykäs sähköverkko helpottaa myös rakennuksen tuottaman energian myymistä. Työssä käsiteltiin kaikki talotekniset järjestelmät ja niiden kysyntäjoustopotentiaalit. Parhaiksi kysyntäpotentiaalin lähteeksi osoittautui lämmitys- ja jäähdytysjärjestelmät, sähköautojen lataus ja varavoimajärjestelmät. Nykyaikaiset järjestelmät soveltuvat suoraan kysyntäjoustoon, mutta ohjaustapaan täytyy lisätä tieto sähkön hinnasta ja erillisistä kysyntäjoustopyynnöistä. Erilaisilla energiavarastoilla voidaan tulevaisuudessa lisätä kiinteistön kysyntäjoustopotentiaalia, oman energian pientuotannon tehokkuutta sekä sähkönlaatua. Tällä hetkellä käytännön kokemusta energiavarastoiden hyödyntämisestä on kuitenkin liian vähän laajamittaiseen käyttöönottoon. - Älykkäiden rakennusten ominaisuudet ja niiden esiintyminen toimistorakennuksissa
Sähkötekniikan korkeakoulu | Bachelor's thesis(2022-12-11) Haltia, Liisa - Älyrakennusten kehitysaste
Sähkötekniikan korkeakoulu | Bachelor's thesis(2019-05-12) Penttilä, Tommi - Älyrakennustoiminnallisuudet BREEAM-ympäristösertifikaatissa
Sähkötekniikan korkeakoulu | Bachelor's thesis(2024-05-05) Jauhola, IidaViime vuosikymmeninä on havahduttu siihen, kuinka yhteiskuntien energiantarve ja -kulutus ovat kasvaneet samaan aikaan kuin maapallon ekologinen kantokyky on pysynyt muuttumattomana. Rakennusten ollessa yksi suurimmista energiankuluttajista ja ympäristön kuormittajista, on tärkeää etsiä ratkaisuja rakennusten ympäristövaikutusten minimoimiseksi. Työn tavoitteena on selvittää, miten BREEAM-sertifiointijärjestelmässä huomioidaan älyrakennustoiminnallisuudet ja kuinka paljon pisteitä toiminnallisuuksilla on mahdollista ansaita. Tässä työssä perehdytään tarkemmin vain BREEAM In-Use International -sertifikaattiin. Työn toisena tavoitteena on lisätä yleisesti tietoisuutta älyrakennuksista ja ympäristösertifikaateista sekä siitä, miten ne voidaan yhdistää ympäristötehokkaiden rakennusten saavuttamiseksi. Työn alussa perehdytään älyrakennuksen määritelmään, toiminnallisuuksiin ja järjestelmiin, jotka tekevät rakennuksesta älykkään. Tämän jälkeen käsitellään ympäristösertifikaatteja, joiden avulla voidaan arvioida rakennuksen suorituskykyä ja ympäristövaikutuksia. Työn lopussa tutkitaan tarkemmin BREEAM-ympäristösertifikaattia ja selvitetään, miten sertifikaatissa huomioidaan älyrakennustoiminnallisuudet. Kirjallisuustutkimuksen perusteella voidaan todeta, että älyrakennustoiminnallisuuksien avulla ansaittavien pisteiden osuus kokonaispistemäärästä on erittäin pieni. Pistemäärä on oletettua pienempi, mutta on tärkeää havaita, että BREEAM In-Use International -sertifikaatissa arvioidaan monia rakennuksen toiminnasta riippumattomia asioita. - Älyrakentamisen hyödyt suurissa rakennuksissa
Sähkötekniikan korkeakoulu | Bachelor's thesis(2019-09-15) Reinikainen, Anssi - Application For Office Building Indoor Environment Control
Sähkötekniikan korkeakoulu | Master's thesis(2022-06-13) Huang, XudongModern buildings use a variety of devices, sensors and actuators to manage daily building activity data in order to improve energy efficiency and user comfort. Smart buildings connect disparate systems together using Internet of Things technology, enabling administrators to access, control and monitor these connected systems in the building in a centralized manner. Corresponding systems for human building interactions are in high demand to stay up to the increasing standards of building users. The thesis works on designing and developing a software control application for personalizing the office building indoor environment that integrates with different kinds of HVAC (heating, ventilation, air-conditioning) devices. The pilot environment is built in TUAS building, Aalto campus. Indoor environment control equipment and building automation systems are integrated with the environment. Moreover, various sensors are utilized to collect data about various environmental measurements. Data between building systems and information technology systems is shared with open communication interfaces. The main outcome of this thesis includes a software system architecture for office building indoor environment control that follows the Microservice architecture, and a demo application which implements core features of the designs based on the pilot environment. The application implemented basically consists of cloud Microservices as back-end and mobile clients as user interfaces. Testing results shows the application finally improves interaction between users and buildings and strengthens the user’s ability to control the office building indoor environment. - Applications of 3D City Models for Buildings
Sähkötekniikan korkeakoulu | Bachelor's thesis(2022-05-08) Niskanen, Henrik - Applications of facial recognition for buildings
Sähkötekniikan korkeakoulu | Bachelor's thesis(2022-09-09) Le, Minh - Applying Machine Learning to Develop Black-box Control Model of Active Double-Skin Facade
Sähkötekniikan korkeakoulu | Master's thesis(2021-01-25) Nguyen, ThaoThe efficient energy performance of an active double-skin facade (DSF) has raised more attention to study and apply for developing the building control strategies and systems. Although DSFs can be actively operated in dynamic modes with controllable components such as shading slat angle, airflow path, and airflow rate, no autonomous control model has been deployed to utilize their maximum potential for building energy efficiency. This thesis aims to apply Machine Learning (ML) to train predictive models for developing a black-box control model that estimates the deliverable operational modes of DSF for the desired energy performance parameters under the related environmental conditions. An autonomous control system of DSF to be developed based on applied ML algorithms as an advanced building control strategy is challenging to carry out for the first time. Data acquisition (DAQ) is also to be planned for future works. The steady-state and dynamic simulations of a specific configuration of DSF were set up in EnergyPlus and used as training data processed in Python scripts. The simulations conducted thermal and visual performance against the possible variations of realistic boundary conditions and operational modes of DSF. After data analysis and identifying the ML problems, ANN, RF/ET, XGB predictive models were to learn for visual metric, airflow mode, and thermal metric in different airflow modes. Eventually, the black-box models were compared and selected according to several defined criteria of reliability. The DSF controller was designed by combining the selected models to control DSF operational modes and predict corresponding visual and thermal metrics. Python-programmed ML software libraries used are Scikit-learn, Keras based Tensorflow backend, and XGBoost. In conclusion, the ML black-box models probably suffer from overfitting and instability due to noises in the real world. The proposed solution to reduce variance is to enlarge training data and retrain the black-box models by online transfer learning. Otherwise, it is still highly recommended to proceed with the reinforcement learning approach or hybrid models promising to overcome the limitations of the black-box models. - The automation and energy information systems of a building and demand based use
School of Electrical Engineering | Master's thesis(2012) Kautto, JaniThis study has three major goals: first, to investigate the possibilities to affect the energy usage behaviour of the end-users of a building through a literature study and surveys; second, to contribute the development of meter used in automation systems in a building; third, to examine the currently available dashboard software by means of market research. The literature study first focuses on the basic principles of energy efficiency and building service technology: ventilation, building automation and the current energy efficiency regulations. To provide a basis for developing a new meter, the present meters are described, as well as the factors that define the indoor climate and possible need for ventilation. The second part of the literature study covers recent research on the methods to influence the occupants' use of electricity. Furthermore, this paper analyses the manner in which information should be presented to ensure that it is correctly understood and effectively applied. The surveys confirm the conclusions drawn from the literature study. As a result, this thesis presents the principles behind successful methods to motivate people to change their electricity consumption behaviour. The market survey analyses the present dashboard software according to criteria defined on the basis of the literature study. The last section introduces the new meter: demand-based use. The new meter responds to the tightened demands of energy efficiency and, similarly to the other meters, it describes the state of the technical systems in a building in one simple figure. It shows whether the ventilation corresponds to the real need or whether the fans spin unnecessarily fast. Combined with the environment meter, the new meter describes the operation of the controls more accurately. - Automation of indoor air quality and lighting measurements with drones
Sähkötekniikan korkeakoulu | Master's thesis(2024-01-26) Tarvo, NooraDrones can be used in a wide variety of tasks, most commonly these tasks involve visual sensors or moving objects between two points. There are benefits to using drones in more tasks than just merely visual checkups however, such as measuring the air quality and lighting level of a room. Poor air quality can affect a person’s health negatively and insufficient lighting can lead to mistakes and accidents. A drone could take accurate measurements of a room with ease and determine what locations in the room are lacking in light or have poor air quality. While a drone could be created for measuring air quality and lighting levels, the question remains of whether there is any demand for such a drone. It is worth investigating if there are any companies or individuals interested in investing before developing a drone for a specific task. This investigation can simply be done by conducting interviews with various representatives from different companies that provide products and solutions regarding air quality or intelligent lighting. The companies and representatives do not even necessarily need to have any actual experience with using drones. The aim of this thesis is to determine the current technologies and practices of indoor AQI and lighting measurements and to discern customer demand for the automation of these tasks with drones. Four interviews were conducted, during these interviews the interviewees were shown an example design of an air quality and lighting level measuring drone. The interviewees were asked questions regarding whether their company currently uses drones and if they would be interested in using a drone in any way. It was concluded that there is some degree of demand for a drone capable of air quality and lighting level measurements. Due to the small sample size however, the accurate amount of demand could not be defined. - Benefits and cost-effectiveness of smart services in apartment and office buildings in Finland
Insinööritieteiden korkeakoulu | Master's thesis(2021-12-13) Piiroinen, PetriThe building stock accounts for significant energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. Existing building stock's renovative measures to limit the impact is crucial in climate neutrality goals in European Union. The latest interest turned towards smart technologies, which promise a cost-effective potential to reduce consumption, and took the form of a smart readiness indicator (SRI) to boost the uptake. This study utilised the SRI service catalogue, and the objective was to find the benefits and cost-effectiveness of smart services in Finnish building stock in selected building types. The study utilised a simulation-based research method. No preliminary restriction was done for the services, and therefore secondary evaluations, such as literature, was used together with the primary method. The studied buildings were residential and office buildings from 2000 in the capital region. Both buildings describe common Finnish building stock from that time, without any advanced and unique features. Residential building results promise up to 29 % heating energy reduction potential, of which 19 % was found cost-effective. The cost-effective part improves the SRI score from 17 % to 60 %. Mainly potential originates from the heating category, where the main findings were improved control accuracy, constant correct operation of the heating system, and DSM for peak consumption. These utilise smart wireless and ICT-based cost-effective measures with scalability and modern payment options and are already available from service providers. Office building results found 17 % and 14 % energy consumption reductions in heat and electricity, respectively. No cost-effective measures were found. The upgrades require common and heavy BACS solutions, which are costly upgrades. More value generation must be found, other than energy savings to realise the potential or investment costs must be extensively allocated to mandatory BACS renovation for effective uptake of smart technologies. - Comissioning building systems in low-energy buildings
Helsinki University of Technology | Master's thesis(2009) Rostila, HeikkiThe objective of this thesis was to develop commissioning tools and guidelines to assist the construction process of low-energy buildings. The purpose of the tools is to contribute positively on the building performance, so that the desired targets for energy efficiency and indoor climate are met. This study confines itself to dealing with residential block houses that are equipped with district heating, although the results can be applied to other building types as well. The literary review discusses topics that were relevant for the thesis, such as buildings and environment, indoor climate and building systems. The concept of building commissioning is introduced as well as the potential benefits that are associated with it. In addition to the literary review, research material was gathered by conducting interviews and employing software used in energy calculations. The interviews provided a quantitative outlook on the subject, whereas sensitivity analyses performed with the software produced useful quantitative data. Considering the scope of the study, the research material provided ample amounts of reliable data to form the basis of this study. The tools and guidelines were developed primarily for the start-up, functional testing and operating phases of a building, because it is not possible to analyse the design principles of various building systems in detail within the scope of this study. Results of the study contain a functional testing procedure and templates for recording measurements. In addition, this thesis gives guidelines for the buildings' design phase as well as for the selection and responsibilities of the maintenance organisation. The tools developed will be introduced in the clients' actual building process. The study also discovered some potential improvements in the current process, which can assist overall process development in the future. Using the results of the study it's possible to improve the implementation of specific construction phases. This is a prerequisite for the development of the process as a whole and in achieving continuous commissioning. By utilising the commissioning methodology more extensively both the owner and the developer can achieve significant monetary as well as non-financial benefits. - Condition-based maintenance of air handling units
Sähkötekniikan korkeakoulu | Master's thesis(2018-06-18) Kukkonen, VilleFaults in air handling units are detrimental to both indoor conditions and a building's energy use. Many types of faults may go unnoticed for extended periods of time, accumulating adverse effects. This thesis examines methods of condition-based maintenance in the case of air handling units — specifically, methods for automated fault detection. After surveying available methods, two are implemented and evaluated qualitatively using data from real air handling units: fuzzy expert rules and recursive density estimation. Both show promising results for fault detection. Based on the insights of this study, this thesis provides suggestions for further data collection, which may ultimately lead to the adoption of more improved methods. - Control methods of building service systems with energy storage during demand response events
Sähkötekniikan korkeakoulu | Bachelor's thesis(2022-05-15) Reijola, Aaro - Data Mapping from Building Information Model into Brick Ontology
Sähkötekniikan korkeakoulu | Master's thesis(2024-05-29) Vo, BinhThis thesis addresses the imminent challenges and opportunities presented by the new Finnish Building Act of 2025, focusing on the possibility of integrating Building Information Modelling (BIM) data into Brick Smart Ontologies. This integration is crucial for advancing facility maintenance practices. Therefore, this thesis emphasises the importance of utilising BIM data more effectively, as well as meeting the requirements of the upcoming legislation. By exploring the potential of Natural Language Processing (NLP) for automating the data mapping processes, the study aims to bridge the gap between current BIM usage and facility management protocols. The research methodology adopted in this thesis involves a throughout literature review to establish the theoretical foundation, followed by case study analyses to understand the practical implications and challenges of BIM-Brick integration. An experimental design employing the Universal Sentence Encoder (USE) NLP model to automate the data mapping process between the YTV2020 BIM datasets and the Brick Class ontology dataset comprises the core of the thesis's practical application. This approach not only aims to enhance the accessibility of BIM data for various smart building applications but also to demonstrate the feasibility and efficiency of such integration in real-world scenarios. The study's results reveal challenges in the accuracy and practical utility of using NLP models for BIM data and Brick Smart Ontologies integration. Although the NLP model demonstrated capability in matching BIM data to Brick classes, the matches were not consistently accurate, missing more suitable classifications that were not detected by the model. This necessitates human intervention for verification and highlighting limitations in the current approach. Furthermore, the matched data proved less beneficial for facility maintenance purposes than anticipated. These findings underscore the need for further refinement in the application of NLP models within this context, suggesting that future research should focus on improving model accuracy and the utility of matched data for building maintenance. Despite these challenges, the research provides a foundation for an automated data matching system for the BIM-Brick integration process.