Browsing by Author "Hiekkanen, Kari"
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- Application of the ITIL Framework: Case study of a university IT service center
Helsinki University of Technology | Master's thesis(2009) Vanhanen, Anssi Olli OskariTutkimuksen lähtökohtana oli tarkastella, miten yliopiston sisäinen IT-palveluntarjoaja voisi hyödyntää IT-infrastruktuurikirjastoa (ITIL) parantaakseen tarjoamiensa palveluiden laatua ja kustannustehokkuutta. ITIL ei ole IT-järjestelmä, ohjelmisto tai teknologia, vaan IT-palvelunhallinnan parhaiden käytäntöjen viitekehys. Tutkimuksen päänsiallinen tavoite oli tarkastella, miten ITIL-viitekehystä tulisi soveltaa case-organisaatiossa. Tutkimus käsittelee ITIL:n käyttöönottoa yleisellä tasolla. Lisäksi tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan ITIL:n soveltamista yksittäisen prosessin (tapahtumanhallinta) tasolla. Tutkimus koostuu kirjallisuuskatsauksesta ja case-osasta. Kirjallisuuskatsauksessa käsitellään ITIL:n käyttöönoton periaatteita ja kriittisiä menestystekijöitä. Lisäksi kirjallisuuskatsauksessa tarkastellaan ITIL:n käyttöönoton hyötyjä, haittoja ja haasteita. Case-osassa tarkastellaan ITIL:n käyttöönottoa yleisellä tasolla sekä sitä, miten tapahtumanhallinnan prosessia ja siihen liittyviä toiminnan osa-alueita tulisi kehittää case-organisaatiossa. Organisaation kokenut työntekijä vahvisti ITIL:n ohjeistukseen pohjautuvien prosessi- ja käytännön tason kehitysehdotusten olevan toteutuskelpoisia. Kehitysehdotusten vahvistaminen myös osoitti, että ITIL-viitekehys soveltuu case-organisaatiolle siltä osin kuin prosesseja ja käytäntöjä käsiteltiin haastattelussa. Tutkimustuloksista on ollut huomattavia hyötyjä case-organisaatiolle, sillä se aloitti ITIL:n käyttöönoton sen ja kahden muun yliopiston keskitettyjen IT-toimintojen fuusiossa. Tutkimustuloksilla on ollut merkittävä vaikutus ITIL:n käyttöönottoon Aalto-yliopiston muodostavien kolmen yliopiston yhteisessä IT-palvelukeskuksessa. - Applying the Information Technology Infrastructure Library in a Multi-Vendor Environment
Perustieteiden korkeakoulu | Master's thesis(2015-06-10) Karanko, KarriIT service management (ITSM) is a core topic in the industry. The Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL), as a related best practice framework, aims to assist in standardizing the industry processes. From a sourcing model point of view, multi-vendor setups gain popularity and are further optimized. Hence is it important to understand how ITIL should be applied in multi-vendor environments (MVEs). Currently there are a limited number of academic publications available on this topic and this study serves an important purpose. The research problem of this study is: “How should ITIL be applied in an MVE?” The main research questions are: - What are the key benefits of applying ITIL in an MVE? - What are the critical success factors when applying ITIL problem management in an MVE? - Do stakeholders recognize these key benefits and critical success factors? The research confirms five viewpoints under which the findings can be categorized. A total of nineteen key benefits and nineteen key success factors were identified for the first two research questions. Further, these results were used to answer the third research question. ITIL consultants seem to have the widest understanding of ITIL best practices compared to clients and suppliers. On the practical process delivery level, suppliers seem to outperform the two other groups. The results of the study are extensively discussed in the research report and specific recommendations are given to three stakeholders groups in a typical MVE. The research report also contains known limitations of the study and a list of intriguing opportunities for further research. As a whole the study met the objectives set for it. The categorization model confirmed for the first two research questions can be reused in future studies. - Batch and data integrations combined with service oriented architecture
School of Science | Master's thesis(2010) Luokkamäki, SamiThe general purpose of integration is to share data, services, and business processes between connected applications and data sources, both inside one enterprise and between two or more separate enterprises. Several different kinds of integration approaches have been used in the course of time and during last decade, Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), together with Business Process Integration (BPI), has become the most discussed architectural approach. Even though we have seen lot of superlatives and hype around SOA approach, it is still admittedly offering some great features for integration purposes, for example reusability and platform independency. Traditionally, enterprises have been integrating data between applications through batch and data type of integrations. These integration approaches are usually used to integrate large junks of data in non-real time mode. Both of these approaches also resemble each other, but whereas the batch integration can be defined as more like a way of executing integrations, the data integration refers more to a way of integrate application and data sources together. This thesis concentrates on how these integration approaches can be combined and used together with SOA, and additionally together with BPI. Combining batch and data integrations with SOA in practise will often require data masses to be divided into smaller and easier manageable messages, because SOA and BPJ architectures are both based on messaging. Dividing data masses into messages forces us to consider non-functional requirements more accurately and more carefully. To ease processing of an individual message the data has to be divided, however, this will generate some new requirements when it comes to data integrity and monitoring data deliverance across an application infrastructure. In the case study, the findings of the literature review will be reflected to the case in concern and these findings are considered from the viewpoint of Case Company. In addition, business area specific requirements and standards will be discussed, as well as how they contribute to Case Company's integration environment. This thesis reveals that there is no common and single truth for combining batch and data integrations with SOA. On a higher level, there is still a need for the data integration alongside with point-to-point, SOA and BPI integrations, which will be highlighted on Case Company's integration architecture related case study. Equally, on a lower level, there is still a need for the batch integration to exist alongside with real-time, near real-time and long-term process integrations. - Bidirectional LSTM-Based Soft Sensor for Rotor Displacement Trajectory Estimation
A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä(2021-12-16) Miettinen, Jesse; Tiainen, Tuomas; Viitala, Risto; Hiekkanen, Kari; Viitala, RaineConstant rotor system monitoring enables timely control and maintenance actions that decrease the likelihood of severe malfunctions and end product quality deficits. Soft sensors represent a promising branch of solutions enhancing rotor system monitoring. A soft sensor can substitute a malfunctioning physical sensor and provide estimates of a quantity that is difficult to measure. This research demonstrates a soft sensor based on bidirectional long short-term memory (LSTM), and a training procedure for rotor system monitoring at high sampling frequency and varied operating conditions. This study adopts a large rotor and bearing vibration dataset. The soft sensor accurately estimates lateral displacement trajectories of the rotor from the bearing reaction forces over a large range of constant rotating speeds and constant support stiffnesses. The mean absolute error (MAE) of the LSTM-based soft sensor is 0.0063 mm over the test trajectories in the complete operating condition space. The soft sensor performance is shown to decrease significantly to a MAE of 0.0442 mm, if the training dataset is limited in the rotating speed range. - Business Process Governance - Liiketoimintaprosessien hallintotapa
Perustieteiden korkeakoulu | Bachelor's thesis(2010-10-15) Larinkari, Risto - Challenges of Designing Persuasive Systems Free of Ethical Issues
Perustieteiden korkeakoulu | Bachelor's thesis(2019-12-14) Laitinen, Minna - Cloud-based Enterprise Software
Perustieteiden korkeakoulu | Bachelor's thesis(2017-12-15) Heijari, Niklas - COBIT-, ITIL- ja TOGAF-mallien yhteensovittaminen
Perustieteiden korkeakoulu | Bachelor's thesis(2012-04-29) Rahiala, Harri - Pienen ohjelmistoyrityksen kilpailustrategia
Helsinki University of Technology | Master's thesis(1992) Hiekkanen, Kari - Data analytics as a service
Perustieteiden korkeakoulu | Bachelor's thesis(2019-12-18) Hurri, Antti - Datakeskusten energiatehokkuus
Perustieteiden korkeakoulu | Bachelor's thesis(2021-04-16) Nieminen, Heta - Design of Enterprise Application Integration Architecture in an Energy Company
Perustieteiden korkeakoulu | Master's thesis(2019-06-17) Vartiainen, AleksiEnterprise architecture comprises multiple distinct systems and applications. Such modularization allows each business area to advance independently and to adopt new technologies rapidly. However, it forms undesirable information silos unless business applications are interlinked and their data is shared properly. Enterprise application integration provides interoperability between applications, helping companies enhance competitiveness, achieve their business goals, and improve cooperation between business units. Integration architecture is one of the five layers of enterprise architecture. The objective of this thesis is to review enterprise application integration, survey integration requirements in case study company Alpha, and utilize the gained knowledge by producing an integration architecture proposal for the company. These objectives aim to understand application integration models and technologies, identify Alpha's integration requirements per field and organization, and finally drive the company towards the implementation phase of the integration project. The former part of the thesis is conducted as a literature review, while the latter part conforms to Hevner's information systems research framework. Alpha is characterized by strict security requirements, forming the architectural basis. Additionally, the architecture emphasizes a balance between field-specific constraints, surveyed organizational requirements, the target drivers of the company, and the latest best practices in integration technologies. It covers an intra-organizational hybrid deployment model with a changing application portfolio, the full integration domain, and requirements regarding security levels, safety classification, and contingency. The architecture is divided into three design proposals to best support Alpha in its business goals in different phases of company life cycle. In the end, this thesis observes common risks in integration projects. Additionally, it remarks some limitations of the thesis and discusses gaps in application integration research. Finally, practical advice is provided to assist Alpha in the implementation phase, which is left beyond the scope of the thesis. - Development of the Patient Experience Questionnaire for Parents of Pediatric Patients (PEQP)
A3 Kirjan tai muun kokoomateoksen osa(2019-01-01) Kaipio, Johanna; Karisalmi, Nina; Hiekkanen, Kari; Stenhammar, Hanna; Lahdenne, PekkaPatient experience (PX) is an important evaluation criterion for quality in healthcare. Compared to patient satisfaction, however less research has focused on the development of instruments to measure experiences of patients and their families. In the article, we describe the process of developing a PX questionnaire for the parents of pediatric patients in the context of children's hospital and illustrate the questionnaire items for measuring PX. The phases of the development process included retrospective interviews, description of the themes influencing PX and the metrics for measuring PX, as well as iterative development of three versions of questionnaires including data gathering and factor analysis. The final versions of the surveys suggested for implementation at the hospitals include eight PX statements for the outpatient clinic and five statements for the ward. Compared to satisfaction surveys, the developed surveys emphasize the aspects of parent's attitude towards the illness, support for families, and daily arrangements with a child patient. - Digital Ethics - Importance and Teaching in Tertiary Computer Science Education in Finland
Perustieteiden korkeakoulu | Bachelor's thesis(2020-09-01) Vuorinen, Anni - Energy Efficiency of Modern Datacenter
Perustieteiden korkeakoulu | Master's thesis(2018-06-18) Korhonen, SanteriDigitalization is here and everyday more and more data are being stored or transferred over the internet. That means that more datacenters are needed and with their growing number the question is if this development is sustainable for energy efficiency. That is why this thesis studies what are the essential factors contributing to the energy efficiency, so the datacenter owners can maximize their energy efficiency and keep the outlook for future sustainable. Through studying 3 datacenters here in Finland and holding interviews this thesis has gathered the following essential factors that contribute to the energy efficiency: business model, datacenter size, reuse of waste heat energy, location, renewability, transparency and open innovation. Concentrating on these factors and making sure that they align with their own business case, datacenter owners can make sure that they can also retain sustainability with their datacenters in future. - Ethical Guidelines for Solving Ethical Issues and Developing AI Systems
A4 Artikkeli konferenssijulkaisussa(2020-11-21) Balasubramaniam, Nagadivya; Kauppinen, Marjo; Kujala, Sari; Hiekkanen, KariArtificial intelligence (AI) has become a fast-growing trend. Increasingly, organizations are interested in developing AI systems, but many of them have realized that the use of AI technologies can raise ethical questions. The goal of this study was to analyze what kind of ethical guidelines companies have for solving potential ethical issues of AI and developing AI systems. This paper presents the results of the case study conducted in three companies. The ethical guidelines defined by the case companies focused on solving potential ethical issues, such as accountability, explainability, fairness, privacy, and transparency. To analyze different viewpoints on critical ethical issues, two of the companies recommended using multi-disciplinary development teams. The companies also considered defining the purposes of their AI systems and analyzing their impacts to be important practices. Based on the results of the study, we suggest that organizations develop and use ethical guidelines to prioritize critical quality requirements of AI. The results also indicate that transparency, explainability, fairness, and privacy can be critical quality requirements of AI systems. - Exploring the relationship between IT Governance and Strategic Alignment
School of Science | Doctoral dissertation (article-based)(2016) Hiekkanen, KariThe relationship between business and information technology (IT) has been a persistent topic of discussion both in academia and among practitioners in the past decades. The alignment of business and IT, or strategic alignment, is viewed as an important factor and driver of business value of IT. While the importance of alignment is acknowledged, organizations continue to struggle in achieving it. IT governance has been identified as one of the key factors in achieving strategic alignment. In order to effectively apply IT governance practices, it is important to understand the relationship and impact of IT governance on strategic alignment. This dissertation explores the extent to which strategic alignment is impacted by IT governance practices. The dissertation is composed of an introduction and five individual studies addressing the different aspects of the problem. The studies apply a mixed research approach, using conceptual, qualitative and quantitative research methods. The empirical part of the dissertation consists of an in-depth case study conducted in a large multi-national service and manufacturing company and a quantitative study based on two surveys conducted among both private and public sector participants. First two papers explore the evolution of strategic alignment and its nature from various perspectives based on extensive literature reviews. The third paper elaborates business value of IT and its link with IT governance practices in the extant literature. The fourth paper describes an in-depth case study on IT governance best practices and their impact on strategic alignment. And finally, a quantitative study explores the relationship between IT governance and strategic alignment, discusses the underlying factors affecting the alignment, and offers a set of key IT governance practices for further scrutiny. The key contribution of this dissertation is on providing empirical evidence on the complex relationship between IT governance and strategic alignment. The research findings suggest that IT governance practices have a significant contribution to strategic alignment on operational and tactical levels. On strategic level, however, the findings suggest that the implementation of IT governance practices is dependent on how strategic IT is seen in the organization. Finally, the dissertation puts forth a new construct, a set of eight key IT governance practices found to have a positive impact on strategic alignment, refining previous research on the topic. - Good Practices of Data Governance for a Small Organization
Perustieteiden korkeakoulu | Master's thesis(2020-06-16) Lindroos, MiraData governance practices can bring significant business implications for organizations, for example through reduced costs and risks. This is not limited by organization’s size, instead it concerns both large and small organizations. Data governance has been studied before. However, only a few of those studies focused on small organizations. Furthermore, there seems to be no common data governance framework targeted specifically for small organizations. Therefore, this thesis aims to answer to the following research problem: “how to apply the good practices of data governance to a small organization?”. The research was conducted as a qualitative single case study. The case organization was a small research-based strategy advisory. The data was collected through seven semi-structured interviews and analyzed by applying deductive approach. First, five good practices of data governance were identified (RQ1). Those practices concerned, for example, defining the value of data and starting small with the implementation. Then the most important business requirements for the case organization was identified (RQ2). The main business requirements related to ensuring the compliance of different regulations, improving efficiency, and increasing competitivity. Finally, this thesis suggested six steps of how the case organization should apply data governance practices (RQ3). These steps included, for example, starting with a smaller project and monitoring practices in a positive way. The findings of this thesis are not exclusive for only the case organization. The findings can be applied with other small organizations, whose business relies heavily on their data. Based on the results of this thesis, it can be suggested that small organizations should first identify the specific competitive advantages that data governance practices could provide for them. Then they should apply mainly data governance practices that fit their current or desired organizational culture well. - How players across gender and age experience Pokémon Go?
School of Science | A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä(2019) Malik, Aqdas; Hiekkanen, Kari; Hussain, Zaheer; Hamari, Juho; Johri, AdityaThe purpose of this study is to provide insights into player experiences and motivations in Pokémon Go, a relatively new phenomenon of location-based augmented reality games. With the increasing usage and adoption of various forms of digital games worldwide, investigating the motivations for playing games has become crucial not only for researchers but for game developers, designers, and policy makers. Using an online survey (N = 1190), the study explores the motivational, usage, and privacy concerns variations among age and gender groups of Pokémon Go players. Most of the players, who are likely to be casual gamers, are persuaded toward the game due to nostalgic association and word of mouth. Females play Pokémon Go to fulfill physical exploration and enjoyment gratifications. On the other hand, males seek to accomplish social interactivity, achievement, coolness, and nostalgia gratifications. Compared to females, males are more concerned about the privacy aspects associated with the game. With regard to age, younger players display strong connotation with most of the studied gratifications and the intensity drops significantly with an increase in age. With the increasing use of online and mobile games worldwide among all cohorts of society, the study sets the way for a deeper analysis of motivation factors with respect to age and gender. Understanding motivations for play can provide researchers with the analytic tools to gain insight into the preferences for and effects of game play for different kinds of users. - ICT energy efficiency and sustainability - Electricity intensity of the Internet data transmission
Sähkötekniikan korkeakoulu | Bachelor's thesis(2019-12-15) Tuomaala, Henri-Matias
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