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Item Asukaspalveluiden tarjontamallien yrityslähtöinen kehittäminen(2014-03-24) Henttonen, Anu; Puhto, Jukka; Insinööritieteiden korkeakoulu; Junnila, SeppoAsukaspalvelut ovat asunnoissa tai asuinrakennuksessa asukkaille tuotettavia palveluita, jotka tukevat asumista ja kotitöiden suorittamista. Vaikka asukaspalveluille on havaittavissa kysyntää, nykyiset asukaspalveluiden tarjontamallit ovat vielä kehittymättömät ja niihin liittyy monenlaisia haasteita. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli lisätä ymmärrystä asukaspalveluiden tarjontamallien kehittämisen toimintaympäristöstä asuinliiketoiminnan yritysten näkökulmasta. Kirjallisuustutkimuksella selvitettiin asukaspalveluiden nykyistä kysyntää ja tarjontaa. Haastattelututkimuksessa toteutettiin 21 teemahaastattelua, joissa haastateltiin kiinteistönomistajia, isännöintiyrityksiä, kiinteistöhuoltoliikkeitä sekä kotipalveluyrityksiä. Haastattelututkimuksella selvitettiin nykyisiä asukaspalveluiden tarjontamalleja sekä tarjonnan kehittämisen haasteita ja keinoja. Työpajat tukivat haastattelututkimuksen tulosten ja johtopäätösten muodostamista. Suosituimmat asukaspalvelut aiempien tutkimusten perusteella vastasivat pitkälti haastateltujen toimijoiden näkemyksiä tärkeimmistä asukaspalveluista. Lähes kaikkien palveluiden käyttö oli yleisempää vanhemmissa ikäluokissa, joita myös toimijat pitivät tärkeimpänä asiakasryhmänä. Asukaspalveluiden tarjonta on hyvin hajautunutta, sillä asukaspalveluita tuottavat nykyisin niin isännöintiyritykset, kiinteistöhuoltoliikkeet, kotipalvelu- ja hoivapalveluyritykset, kunnat, asukkaat ja yhteisöt kuin kolmas sektori. Nykyisissä tarjontamalleissa vastuu asukaspalveluiden hankinnasta tai tuottamisesta on pääosin asukkaalla. Vaikka valtaosa haastateltavista uskoi asukaspalveluiden kysynnän kasvavan merkittävästi seuraavan viiden vuoden sisällä, harvassa organisaatiossa oli vielä ryhdytty konkreettisiin toimiin tarjontamallien kehittämiseksi. Kotitalousvähennystä pidettiin kriittisenä koko asukaspalveluiden markkinoiden olemassaololle. Kysyntälähtöisinä haasteina nähtiin kilpailu pimeiden markkinoiden sekä naapuri- ja tuttava-avun kanssa. Tarjontamallien kehittämisen haasteina pidettiin asiakkaiden suurta määrää, tilausten hajanaisuutta, kuluttajaliiketoiminnan vastuukysymyksiä, palveluiden vaikeaa standardisointia sekä kannattavuuden saavuttamista asukkaiden maksuhalukkuutta vastaavilla palveluiden hinnoilla. Esillä nousivat myös toimijoiden nykyiseen liiketoimintaan liittyvät haasteet, jotka hidastavat asukaspalveluiden tarjontamallien kehittämistä. Menestystekijöinä nähtiin toimijoiden välinen yhteistyö ja kokeilujaksot, joilla saataisiin kokemusta tarjontamallien jatkokehittämistä varten. Kannattavuuden saavuttamiseksi tarjontamalli tulisi organisoida kevyesti ja suunnata riittävälle asukasmassalle. Muita mainittuja kehityskeinoja ovat asuinrakennusten oikeanlaisia suunnitteluratkaisut, sähköisten alustojen hyödyntäminen sekä aktiivinrn alueellinen markkinointi. Menestyksekkäänä asukaspalvelutuotteena nähtiin ihmisläheinen, joustava ja monipuolinen yhden luukun palvelu. Empiirisen aineiston synteesinä muodostettiin kuusi asukaspalveluiden potentiaalista tarjontamallia: kiinteistönomistajan sisäinen johtamismalli, isännöinnin johtamisvastuu- ja kokonaispalvelumalli, huoltoyhtiömalli, aluehuoltoyhtiön kokonaisvastuumalli sekä asukaspalveluyritysmalli.Item Asukaspalvelujen uudet yrityslähtöiset organisointimallit(Aalto University, 2014) Henttonen, Anu; Puhto, Jukka; Junnonen, Juha-Matti; Rakennustekniikan laitos; Department of Civil and Structural Engineering; BES; Insinööritieteiden korkeakoulu; School of EngineeringResident services are provided to residents either in the apartments or in the residential building to support the housing and performing housework. Even though the demand for resident services has been recognized, the current supply and organization models for providing resident services are still undeveloped, and there are various challenges related to the supply. The target of the research was to create a better understanding of operational environment related to the organization models of resident services, which was considered from the housing business players' point of view. The study comprised a literature review. Current supply models as well as challenges and success factor of developing new organization models were investigated in a qualitative interview study, in which 21 interviewees including real estate owners, property managers, property maintenance companies, and domestic services companies were interviewed. The most used services according to the literature view were similar to the most important ones according to the interviewees. Almost all the services are more used in older age groups, which were also regarded as the most important client segment for resident services in the interview study. The supply of resident services is very scattered since there are property managers, property maintenance companies, resident services and nursing services companies, municipalities, residents, communities, and third sector providing resident services. In the current organization models, residents have the main responsibility for procurement of resident services. Even though most of the interviewees predicted a significant increase in demand for resident services in next five years, rare companies had started any actions in order to develop supply models. Tax credit for domestic costs was regarded as a critical factor for the whole resident services market. Competition with the black market and help from relatives and neighbors were considered as demand-driven challenges. The substantial amounts of clients with small and scattered orders, responsibility issues related to consumer business, difficulty of standardization and issues to pro-vide services with reasonable prices profitably were highlighted as challenges related to the developing organization models. In order to establish profitable models, the organization model needs to be lightly organized and directed to a sufficient amount of residents. Other success factors are suitable design solutions of residential building, exploitation of web-based tools and active areal marketing. Based on the empirical data, following six potential models for supply of resident services were composed.Item Myymäläesimiesten transformatiivinen johtaminen(Aalto University, 2013) Henttonen, Anu; Tuotantotalouden laitos; Department of Industrial Engineering and Management; Perustieteiden korkeakoulu; School of Science; Lipponen, Jukka, Prof., Aalto University, FinlandTransformative leadership is maybe the most popular trend in current leadership research. Based on previous research, it seems that transformative leadership affects positively on employee satisfaction, commitment and well-being among other things. The aim of the research is to investigate if shop managers implement transformative leadership in the teams with high or medium level of employee satisfaction. Teams have been chosen on the basis of the employee commitment survey. Transformative leadership is compared in two groups and the functioning of LPI-measurement is evaluated in the context of qualitative transformative leadership research. Research material has been collected by interviewing shop managers (7 interviews) and by observing their leadership in team meetings (5 meetings). There is a “hypothesis” set that managers of teams with high satisfaction implement transformative leadership. Research material has been analysed by using Kouzes and Posner’s LPI-measurement that measures transformative leadership according to dimensions and related statements of transformative leadership. Research results confirm the “hypothesis”: managers of teams with high satisfaction implement active, diverse and high quality transformative leadership. Also managers of teams with medium level satisfaction implement some transformative leadership, but there are clear differences in quality and quantity of transformative leadership among two groups. Difference in two groups might be explained by criticism within team members in the teams with medium level satisfaction. Regarding to the dimensions of transformative leadership, enabling others to act was most actively and inspiring a shared vision least actively implemented dimension by the managers, that might be explained by managers’ highly operative role. Challenging the process was emphasized in team meetings and modeling the way in interviews that offer a possibility to reflect own leadership. Regarding to dimensions of transformative leadership, profiles of leadership activity were similar in two groups, which refers to functionality of LPI-measurement. Finnish version of LPI-measurement produced by Vuorinen in her doctoral thesis, functioned well in qualitative research: research material corresponded the measurement and statements well covered leadership activity. It seems that managers of teams with high satisfaction have been able to create learning culture within their teams by shared transformative leadership by, for example, delegating work, engaging employees in development and decision-making concerning work, developing competence and encouraging good performance possibly corresponding to the basic needs of closeness, independency and competence of employees. It might be that transformative leadership style creates a ‘feedbackloop’ with satisfied employee, but not with unsatisfied employees. Leadership, quality of customer service and employee satisfaction indexes of managers of teams with high satisfaction support the assumption that there is positive correlation between transformative leadership style and various positive work results. This was not, though, researched in this study. Reader of this research benefits of the tips how to develop leadership and well-being at work in similar service oriented businesses. Rewarding and thanksgiving for reaching goals should be actively executed in the teams with medium or low level of satisfaction. Also tailored interventions might raise employee well-being. I’ve tried to better the validity of the research by describing the phases of analysis process and by offering comprehensive examples of data in the result section. The level of reliability could be raised though by collecting data of other companies or contexts as well. In the future, interviews should be done from the viewpoint of research problems. Now there were initially made from the viewpoint of leading employee well-being. Qualitative triangulation of research methods, comparing two different groups and deductive abductive analysis of research data pointed out to be a good research composition that revealed the phenomenon of transformative leadership and the context dependency of leadership that might have been missed by quantitative research approach.Item Yrityspuistoon sijoittumiseen vaikuttavat tekijät(2011) Henttonen, Anu; Laitala, Ari; Insinööritieteiden korkeakoulu; Vitikainen, Arvo