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- Achievement goal orientation profiles and mobile learning - Studies on motivation and mobile learning in the Degree Programmes on Information Technology and Media Technology at Lahti University of Applied Sciences in 2011 - 2012
Perustieteiden korkeakoulu | Licentiate thesis(2014) Asplund, MinnaThis thesis analyses achievement goal orientation profiles and mobile learning at Lahti University of Applied Sciences in 2011 - 2012. The research questions are handled from the viewpoint of stu-dents in the Information Technology and Media Technology Degree Programmes, and from the viewpoint of the software engineering lecturers. The purpose of this thesis was to investigate what kinds of achievement goal orientation profiles can be identified among students. Another aim was to find out the factors that influence on students' studying motivation according to their own opinion. One research question concerns how the software engineering students' motivational profiles differ from the view lecturers have on their profiles. These three research questions deal with motivation. Additionally, the purpose was to examine how mobile assignments correlate with course grades. The next research question was how students in different goal orientation profiles manage with mobile assignments. Finally, it was also examined how students experience these mobile assignments. The last three research questions deal with mobile learning. The research was carried out by applying statistical methods, qualitative interviews and the applied Delphi -method. A questionnaire instrument was used to find out the students' achievement goal orientation profiles. The main results were as follows: students were classified into mastery-oriented, success-oriented, indifferent and avoidance-oriented profiles. The software engineering lecturers seemed not to agree with the profiles that software engineering students had. The students themselves felt that projects done for real customers motivated them the most and that the lecturer's preparations, attitude and commitment to the course played a significant role. The results from the mobile assignments suggest that they were beneficial to all students regardless from the orientation profile. Because indifferent and avoidance-oriented students seemed to get better course results when using different learning spaces they should be taken into use. Students experienced mobile assignments mainly positively, and thought that mobile learning will be part of normal studying in the next five years - Vaatimusmäärittelyprosessi ja ongelmakenttä
Helsinki University of Technology | Master's thesis(2005) Asplund, MinnaTässä diplomityössä perehdytään vaatimusmäärittelyprosessiin ja sen osa-alueisiin näkökulmana ongelmakenttä. Tavoitteena on myös selvittää mitä tietoja vaatimusmäärittelydokumenttiin tulisi kirjata ja millaista tukea suunnitteluohjelmisto voi tarjota prosessin hallintaan. Työssä pyritään erottamaan ongelmakentän vaatimusmäärittely sekä ratkaisujärjestelmän toiminnallinen määrittely toisistaan. Työssä käydään läpi vaatimusmäärittelyn luonne ja vaatimusten jaottelu erilaisiin ryhmiin. Lisäksi tarkistellaan vaatimusmäärittelyprosessia tiedonkeruun, analysoinnin ja validoinnin kannalta. Lisäksi tarkastellaan myös millaisia ominaisuuksia vaatimuksilla on, mitä tietoja vaatimuksille tulisi kirjata sekä millainen olisi vaatimusmäärittelydokumentti. Lopuksi tutustutaan kolmen eri toimittajan vaatimustenhallintaohjelmistoon.