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- 35. Rakennuttajakoulutuksen tutkielmat
Services | D4 Julkaistu kehittämis- tai tutkimusraportti tai -selvitys(2014) Aalto, Erno; Asikainen, Jukka; Henttonen, Pasi; Kangas, Kimmo; Karjalainen, Pekka; Kerminen, Kari; Keskinen, Harri; Koskela, Jouni; Lindberg, Jouni; Louhi, Ismo; Lukkala, Saku; Nukka, Priit; Rinta-Jaskari, Anja; Rovamo, Marita; Schwartz, Kyösti; Siirto, Tapio; Silvan, Katriina; Sopanen, Heikki; Visunen, Kari; Väistö, NinaJulkaisu koostuu kahdestakymmenestä 35. rakennuttajakoulutuksen tutkielmasta: (1) Erno Aalto: Asuinkerrostalon suunnitteluratkaisujen optimointi kokonaisenergiatarkastelussa (2) Jukka Asikainen: Vaihtoehtoisten urakkamallien vertailu urakkapäätöstä varten - Case Ampumaurheilukeskus Napakymppi Oy (3) Pasi Henttonen: Urakkamuodon valinta energiatehokas palvelutalo (4) Kimma Kangas: Projektit kaaoksessa vai kaaoksen reunalla? Teoria rakennushankkeen riskienhallinnasta (5) Pekka Karjalainen: Sisäilmaongelmien huomioon ottaminen korjausrakentamisessa (6) Kari Kerminen: Lisä – ja muutostyöt - YSE 1998 (7) Harri Keskinen: Infrahankkeen toimintaohjeet tapaturma-, onnettomuus- ja kriisitilanteissa - Työturvallisuus, riskienhallinta (8) Jouni Koskela: Uudisrakentaminen peruskorjauksen vaihtoehtona taloyhtiöissä - Peruskorjaus ja täydennysrakentaminen (9) Jouni Lindberg: Espoon kaupungin opettaja-asunnot, omaisuusmassan straterinen kehittäminen ja toimenpide ehdotukset (10) Ismo Louhi: Kiinteistöinvestoinnin hankekuvaus ja rakennuttaminen. Suur-Seudun Osuuskauppa SSO (11) Saku Lukkala: Sisäilmaongelmien haltuunotto - Asiakasprojekteihin liittyvä toimintaohjeisto (12) Priit Nukka: Turvallisuuskoordinaattorin tehtävät Tampereen työväenteatterin toisen vaiheen laajennuskohteessa (13) Anja Rinta-Jaskari: Jaetun urakan ja projektinjohtourakan soveltuvuuden tarkastelu korjausrakennuskohteessa (14) Marita Rovamo: Puhtaudenhallinta rakennushankkeessa (15) Kyösti Schwartz: LEAN-ajattelun periaatteiden hyödyntäminen hankkeen projektinjohtopalvelumallissa rakennuskonsultin tehtävien osalta (16) Tapio Siirto: Katujen kuntoluokkakartat (17) Katriina Silvan: Rakennuttajan turvallisuuskoordinaattorin tehtävät käytännössä - Perustajaurakointi, asuinrakentaminen, uudisrakentaminen (18) Heikki Sopanen: Kaatron koulu rakennuttaminen - Peruskorjauksesta uudisrakennukseksi (19) Kari Visunen: Rakennuttajakonsultin suunnittelun ohjaus teollisuusprojektissa (20) Nina Väistö: Strategialähtöisen toimitila-analyysin hyödyistä kiinteistökehittämisessä - A Case Study of Line-of-Balance based Schedule Planning and Control System
A4 Artikkeli konferenssijulkaisussa(2005) Seppänen, Olli; Aalto, ErnoLine-of-Balance is a graphical technique which can be used to plan and manage work flow. It is suit-able for construction projects because of their large degree of repetition. Despite its strengths Line-of-Balance has not gained widespread use in construction industry internationally. However, it has been used as the principal scheduling tool in Finland since 1980s. As a result of two decades of research and use in industry, a comprehensive schedule planning and control system has been developed around lo-cation-based techniques. A computer software has facilitated implementation in construction companies. This paper describes a case study of 15,000 m2 office building project using location-based methods for schedule planning and control. Master schedule is based on Bill of Quantities where quantities have been calculated based on the project's Location Breakdown Structure. Before implementation, different schedule alternatives were evaluated based on risk of interference, total duration and cost. During construction, the master schedule sets constraints on lower level task schedules, which were used to ensure the continuity of work for crews on a more detailed level. The master schedule was not updated even when there were deviations from the original plan. Instead the task plans were updated to catch up with the original schedule. This prevented the problems from accumulating in downstream production. In this case study the combination of PPC measurement (calculating the percentage of weekly assignments complete) and task planning was piloted. Weekly plans were made by combining assignments from all the task schedules. If the starting constraints had not been removed the task plan was updated to assess the effect on total production and to plan control actions. PPC measurement was found to improve task plan reliability. Benefits of the approach included better schedule control and possibility to examine how deviations from weekly plans affected the total schedule. Task planning provides information about how long a master schedule task actually reserves a location. This information can be used in planning master schedules of similar projects in future. - Asiakkaan odotusten ja tavoitteiden viestintä rakennusprojektissa
Helsinki University of Technology | Master's thesis(2005) Aalto, ErnoIn order to thrive in business premises construction the general contractor should stand out from the rest in the service process where the success culminates in client communication. The aim of this master's thesis was to determine how client communication could be effective before the production phase. The summary report was created as a tool in design phase. The report was tested partly in the common building project, because the study was limited to concern only office and retail projects. The client's most important expectation for building project is to keep the schedule and costs in the decided limits. Depending on the contract form, the relevant matters to be collected in the summary report involve the schedule and costs, functionality of the premises, quality, health and safety. The summary report must be as up-to-date as possible. The client will still be able to influence the reported matters before production phase. For the users requirements there has to be own summary report, because there are so many changes to be expected in requirements in the production phase. The main issue considering the requirements communication is to determine them in the basics of expectations and goals. The summary can work as a memory list, so that design goals can be assured. While the testing there was found main benefits for the client communication in design phase. The knowledge was transferring more easily to all parts of the project organisation. Now the users' needs were without interference in one document. Also the report brought up decisions, that client not yet had made. It is recommendable to use the summary report in design phase.